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Heterogeneity among violence-exposed women: applying person-oriented research methods.. J Interpers Violence. 23(3):389-415.
2008. How valid are standard self-assessment scales for international medical graduates? Acad Med. 85(4):570-1;authorreply571.
2010. Health across the life span in the United States and England.. Am J Epidemiol. 173(8):858-65.
2011. How do families matter? Age and gender differences in family influences on delinquency and drug use Youth Violence Juv Justice. 9(2):150-170.
2011. HPV vaccination among a community sample of young adult women.. Vaccine. 29(32):5238-44.
2011. HIV disclosure and subsequent sexual behaviors among men who have sex with men who meet online.. J Homosex. 59(4):592-609.
2012. Health disparities among childrearing women with disabilities.. Matern Child Health J. 17(7):1260-8.
2013. Health disparities among lesbian, gay, and bisexual older adults: results from a population-based study.. Am J Public Health. 103(10):1802-9.
2013. Health risks, race, and adolescents' use of school-based health centers: policy and service recommendations.. J Behav Health Serv Res. 40(4):457-68.
2013. Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids: a randomized trial of a pediatric primary care-based obesity prevention intervention for at-risk 5-10 year olds.. Contemp Clin Trials. 36(1):228-43.
2013. How Do Alcohol and Relationship Type Affect Women's Risk Judgment of Partners with Differing Risk Histories? Psychol Women Q. 37(2):209-223.
2013. How has the economic downturn affected communities and implementation of science-based prevention in the randomized trial of Communities That Care? Am J Community Psychol. 51(3-4):370-84.
2013. The highs and lows of caregiving for chronically ill lesbian, gay, and bisexual elders.. J Gerontol Soc Work. 57(2-4):251-72.
2014. HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention Messaging: Targeting Root Causes of Sexual Risk Behavior.. Sex Transm Dis. 43(2):71-7.
2016. How can Hong Kong utilize the research base for prevention and promotion science to improve the well-being of its adolescents? (Commentary) Journal of Adolescent Health. 64(6 Suppl.):S10-S13.
2019. Homelessness among young people: Advancing prevention approaches. Parity. 33(3):39-40.
2020. Helping individuals with firearm injuries: A cluster randomized trial. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 90:722-730.
2021. Health and social vulnerabilities among unstably housed and homeless young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Promotion Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/15248399231217447
2023. Health of young adults experiencing social marginalization and vulnerability: A cross-national longitudinal study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20(3):1711.