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Review of risk and protective factors of substance use and problem use in emerging adulthood.. Addict Behav. 37(7):747-75.
2012. Risk versus direct protective factors and youth violence: Seattle Social Development Project.. Am J Prev Med. 43(2 Suppl 1):S41-56.
2012. Rural adolescent alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use: a comparison of students in Victoria, Australia, and Washington State, United States.. J Rural Health. 27(4):409-15.
2011. Randomized controlled trial of motivational enhancement therapy with nontreatment-seeking adolescent cannabis users: a further test of the teen marijuana check-up.. Psychol Addict Behav. 25(3):474-84.
2011. Risk and protective factors for adolescent substance use in Washington State, the United States and Victoria, Australia: A longitudinal study. J Adolesc Health. 49(3):312-20.
2011. The role of maternal early-life and later-life risk factors on offspring low birth weight: Findings from a three-generational study.. J Adolesc Health. 49(2):166-71.
2011. Romantic relationship status changes and substance use among 18- to 20-year-olds.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 71(6):847-56.
2010. A review of positive youth development programs that promote adolescent sexual and reproductive health.. J Adolesc Health. 46(3 Suppl):S75-91.
2010. Relationships between level and change in family, school, and peer factors during two periods of adolescence and problem behavior at age 19.. J Youth Adolesc. 39(6):670-82.
2010. Romantic relationships and substance use in early adulthood: an examination of the influences of relationship type, partner substance use, and relationship quality.. J Health Soc Behav. 51(2):153-67.
2010. Racial/ethnic identity and subjective physical and mental health of Latino Americans: an asset within? Am J Community Psychol. 53(1-2):173-84.
2014. A review of developmental research on resilience in maltreated children.. Trauma Violence Abuse. 14(3):222-34.
2013. Racial/ethnic identity and subjective physical and mental health of Latino Americans: an asset within? Am J Community Psychol. 53(1-2):173-84.