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Gavin AR, Simon GE, Ludman EJ.  2010.  The association between obesity, depression, and educational attainment in women: the mediating role of body image dissatisfaction.. J Psychosom Res. 69(6):573-81.
Lewis JP.  2010.  Successful aging through the eyes of Alaska Natives: exploring generational differences among Alaska Natives.. J Cross Cult Gerontol. 25(4):385-96.
Cassels S, Pearson CR, Walters K, Simoni JM, Morris M.  2010.  Sexual partner concurrency and sexual risk among gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender American Indian/Alaska natives.. Sex Transm Dis. 37(4):272-8.
Bhatkar VV, Skufca JD, Pilkar RB, Storey CM, Robinson CJ.  2010.  Categorizing and comparing psychophysical detection strategies based on biomechanical responses to short postural perturbations.. Biomed Eng Online. 9:58.
Ai AL, Aisenberg E, Weiss SI, Salazar D.  2014.  Racial/ethnic identity and subjective physical and mental health of Latino Americans: an asset within? Am J Community Psychol. 53(1-2):173-84.
Williams EC, McFarland LV, Nelson KM.  2012.  Alcohol consumption among urban, suburban, and rural Veterans Affairs outpatients.. J Rural Health. 28(2):202-10.
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Logan-Greene P, Green S, Nurius PS, Longhi D.  2014.  Distinct contributions of adverse childhood experiences and resilience resources: a cohort analysis of adult physical and mental health.. Soc Work Health Care. 53(8):776-97.
Aged, 80 and over
White TA, Erosheva EA.  2013.  Using group-based latent class transition models to analyze chronic disability data from the National Long-Term Care Survey 1984-2004.. Stat Med. 32(20):3569-89.
Lewis JP.  2013.  The importance of optimism in maintaining healthy aging in rural Alaska.. Qual Health Res. 23(11):1521-7.
Emlet CA, Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Kim H-J.  2013.  Risk and protective factors associated with health-related quality of life among older gay and bisexual men living with HIV disease.. Gerontologist. 53(6):963-72.
Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Emlet CA, Kim H-J, Muraco A, Erosheva EA, Goldsen J, Hoy-Ellis CP.  2013.  The physical and mental health of lesbian, gay male, and bisexual (LGB) older adults: the role of key health indicators and risk and protective factors.. Gerontologist. 53(4):664-75.
King SDW, Dimmers MA, Langer S, Murphy PE.  2013.  Doctors' attentiveness to the spirituality/religion of their patients in pediatric and oncology settings in the Northwest USA.. J Health Care Chaplain. 19(4):140-64.
Park J, Hirz CE, Manotas K, Hooyman N.  2013.  Nonpharmacological pain management by ethnically diverse older adults with chronic pain: barriers and facilitators.. J Gerontol Soc Work. 56(6):487-508.
Lewis J, Thibedeau D.  2012.  Culture and familiarity matter to elders.. Provider. 38(9):45-6,48.
Zhang W, Hong S, Takeuchi DT, Mossakowski KN.  2012.  Limited English proficiency and psychological distress among Latinos and Asian Americans.. Soc Sci Med. 75(6):1006-14.
Martinson ML.  2012.  Income inequality in health at all ages: a comparison of the United States and England.. Am J Public Health. 102(11):2049-56.
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Gong F, Xu J, Takeuchi DT.  2012.  Beyond conventional socioeconomic status: examining subjective and objective social status with self-reported health among Asian immigrants.. J Behav Med. 35(4):407-19.
Gong F, Xu J, Fujishiro K, Takeuchi DT.  2011.  A life course perspective on migration and mental health among Asian immigrants: the role of human agency.. Soc Sci Med. 73(11):1618-26.
Lewis JP.  2011.  Successful aging through the eyes of Alaska Native elders. What it means to be an elder in Bristol Bay, AK.. Gerontologist. 51(4):540-9.
Martinson ML, Teitler JO, Reichman NE.  2011.  Health across the life span in the United States and England.. Am J Epidemiol. 173(8):858-65.
Conner KO, Copeland VCarr, Grote NK, Rosen D, Albert S, McMurray ML, Reynolds CF, Brown C, Koeske G.  2010.  Barriers to treatment and culturally endorsed coping strategies among depressed African-American older adults.. Aging Ment Health. 14(8):971-83.
Crane PK, Gruhl JC, Erosheva EA, Gibbons LE, McCurry SM, Rhoads K, Nguyen V, Arani K, Masaki K, White L.  2010.  Use of spoken and written Japanese did not protect Japanese-American men from cognitive decline in late life.. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 65(6):654-66.
Conner KO, Copeland VCarr, Grote NK, Koeske G, Rosen D, Reynolds CF, Brown C.  2010.  Mental health treatment seeking among older adults with depression: the impact of stigma and race.. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 18(6):531-43.