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Unsafe Sex
Bailey JA, Samek DR, Keyes MA, Hill KG, Hicks BM, McGue M, Iacono WG, Epstein M, Catalano RF, Haggerty KP et al..  2014.  General and substance-specific predictors of young adult nicotine dependence, alcohol use disorder, and problem behavior: replication in two samples.. Drug Alcohol Depend. 138:161-8.
Nelson KM, Simoni JM, Morrison DM, George WH, Leickly E, Lengua LJ, Hawes SE.  2014.  Sexually explicit online media and sexual risk among men who have sex with men in the United States.. Arch Sex Behav. 43(4):833-43.
Pantalone DW, Huh D, Nelson KM, Pearson CR, Simoni JM.  2014.  Prospective predictors of unprotected anal intercourse among HIV-seropositive men who have sex with men initiating antiretroviral therapy.. AIDS Behav. 18(1):78-87.
N Masters T, George WH, Davis KCue, Norris J, Heiman JR, Jacques-Tiura AJ, Gilmore AK, Nguyen HV, Kajumulo KF, Otto JM et al..  2014.  Women's unprotected sex intentions: roles of sexual victimization, intoxication, and partner perception.. J Sex Res. 51(5):586-98.
Calsyn DA, Peavy M, Wells EA, Campbell ANC, Hatch-Maillette MA, Greenfield SF, Tross S.  2013.  Differences between men and women in condom use, attitudes, and skills in substance abuse treatment seekers.. Am J Addict. 22(2):150-7.
George WH, Davis KCue, N Masters T, Jacques-Tiura AJ, Heiman JR, Norris J, Gilmore AK, Nguyen HV, Kajumulo KF, Otto JM et al..  2014.  Sexual victimization, alcohol intoxication, sexual-emotional responding, and sexual risk in heavy episodic drinking women.. Arch Sex Behav. 43(4):645-58.
Skinner ML, Fleming CB, Haggerty KP, Catalano RF.  2014.  Sex risk behavior among adolescent and young adult children of opiate addicts: outcomes from the focus on families prevention trial and an examination of childhood and concurrent predictors of sex risk behavior.. Prev Sci. 15 Suppl 1:S70-7.
Pearson CR, Walters KL, Simoni JM, Beltran R, Nelson KM.  2013.  A cautionary tale: risk reduction strategies among urban American Indian/Alaska Native men who have sex with men.. AIDS Educ Prev. 25(1):25-37.
Davis KCue, Schraufnagel TJ, Kajumulo KF, Gilmore AK, Norris J, George WH.  2014.  A qualitative examination of men's condom use attitudes and resistance: "it's just part of the game".. Arch Sex Behav. 43(3):631-43.
Gilmore AK, George WH, Nguyen HV, Heiman JR, Davis KCue, Norris J.  2013.  Influences of situational factors and alcohol expectancies on sexual desire and arousal among heavy-episodic drinking women: acute alcohol intoxication and condom availability.. Arch Sex Behav. 42(6):949-59.
Nguyen HV, Koo KH, Davis KCue, Otto JM, Hendershot CS, Schacht RL, George WH, Heiman JR, Norris J.  2012.  Risky sex: interactions among ethnicity, sexual sensation seeking, sexual inhibition, and sexual excitation.. Arch Sex Behav. 41(5):1231-9.
King KM, Nguyen HV, Kosterman R, Bailey JA, Hawkins JD.  2012.  Co-occurrence of sexual risk behaviors and substance use across emerging adulthood: evidence for state- and trait-level associations.. Addiction. 107(7):1288-96.
St De Lore J, Thiede H, Cheadle A, Goldbaum G, Carey JW, Hutcheson RE, Jenkins RA, Golden MR.  2012.  HIV disclosure and subsequent sexual behaviors among men who have sex with men who meet online.. J Homosex. 59(4):592-609.
Bailey JA, Haggerty KP, White HR, Catalano RF.  2011.  Associations between changing developmental contexts and risky sexual behavior in the two years following high school.. Arch Sex Behav. 40(5):951-60.
Purdie MParkhill, Norris J, Davis KCue, Zawacki T, Morrison DM, George WH, Kiekel PA.  2011.  The effects of acute alcohol intoxication, partner risk level, and general intention to have unprotected sex on women's sexual decision making with a new partner.. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 19(5):378-88.
Nelson KM, Simoni JM, Pearson CR, Walters KL.  2011.  'I've had unsafe sex so many times why bother being safe now?': the role of cognitions in sexual risk among American Indian/Alaska Native men who have sex with men. Ann Behav Med. 42(3):370-80.
Schraufnagel TJ, Davis KCue, George WH, Norris J.  2010.  Childhood sexual abuse in males and subsequent risky sexual behavior: a potential alcohol-use pathway.. Child Abuse Negl. 34(5):369-78.
Davis KCue, Norris J, Hessler DM, Zawacki T, Morrison DM, George WH.  2010.  College women's sexual decision making: cognitive mediation of alcohol expectancy effects.. J Am Coll Health. 58(5):481-9.
Mason WA, Hitch JE, Kosterman R, McCarty CA, Herrenkohl TI, Hawkins JD.  2010.  Growth in adolescent delinquency and alcohol use in relation to young adult crime, alcohol use disorders, and risky sex: A comparison of youth from low- versus middle-income backgrounds.. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 51(12):1377-85.
Hien DA, Campbell ANC, Killeen T, Hu M-C, Hansen C, Jiang H, Hatch-Maillette M, Miele GM, Cohen LR, Gan W et al..  2010.  The impact of trauma-focused group therapy upon HIV sexual risk behaviors in the NIDA Clinical Trials Network "Women and trauma" multi-site study.. AIDS Behav. 14(2):421-30.
Hill KG, Bailey JA, Hawkins JD, Catalano RF, Kosterman R, Oesterle S, Abbott RD.  2014.  The onset of STI diagnosis through age 30: results from the Seattle Social Development Project Intervention.. Prev Sci. 15 Suppl 1:S19-32.