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2010. Depressive disorders during pregnancy: prevalence and risk factors in a large urban sample.. Obstet Gynecol. 116(5):1064-70.
2010. Discrimination and mental health-related service use in a national study of Asian Americans.. Am J Public Health. 100(12):2410-7.
2010. Disparities in health-related quality of life: a comparison of lesbians and bisexual women.. Am J Public Health. 100(11):2255-61.
2010. Diabetes and depression in pregnancy: is there an association? J Womens Health (Larchmt). 20(7):983-9.
2011. Drug use and risk among youth in different rural contexts.. Health & Place. 17(3):775-83.
2011. Depression in pregnancy is associated with preexisting but not pregnancy-induced hypertension.. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 34(1):9-16.
2012. Disseminating child maltreatment interventions: research on implementing evidence-based programs.. Child Maltreat. 17(1):5-10.
2012. Distinct Stress and Resource Profiles Among At-Risk Adolescents: Implications for Violence and Other Problem Behaviors.. Child Adolesc Social Work J. 29(5):373-390.
2012. .
2012. Developmental impacts of child abuse and neglect related to adult mental health, substance use, and physical health. J Fam Violence. 28(2)
2013. Differences between men and women in condom use, attitudes, and skills in substance abuse treatment seekers.. Am J Addict. 22(2):150-7.
2013. Doctors' attentiveness to the spirituality/religion of their patients in pediatric and oncology settings in the Northwest USA.. J Health Care Chaplain. 19(4):140-64.
2013. .
2013. Disseminating contingency management: impacts of staff training and implementation at an opiate treatment program.. J Subst Abuse Treat. 46(4):429-38.
2014. Distinct contributions of adverse childhood experiences and resilience resources: a cohort analysis of adult physical and mental health.. Soc Work Health Care. 53(8):776-97.
2014. Depressed mood during early to middle adolescence: A bi-national longitudinal study of the unique impact of family conflict. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 45:1604-1613.
2016. The dimensions of successful young adult development: A conceptual and measurement framework. Applied Developmental Science. 20:150-174.
2016. The dynamic epigenome and its implications for behavioral interventions: A role for epigenetics to inform disorder prevention and health promotion. Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy and Research. 6:55-62.
2016. Developmental pathways of youth gang membership: A structural test of the social development model. Journal of Crime and Justice. 40:275-296.
2017. Defining and achieving permanency among older youth in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review. 87:9-16.
2018. Developing relationship-building tools for foster families caring for teens who are LGBTQ2S. Child Welfare. 96:75-97.
2018. Direct and indirect effects of child abuse and environmental stress: A lifecourse perspective on adversity and depressive symptoms. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 88:180-188.
2018. Demographic and socioeconomic predictors of school suspension: A longitudinal study in Victoria, Australia and Washington State, United States. Safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environments for young people in crisis and trauma: Plaiting the rope. :27-39.
2020. Does adolescent alcohol harm minimization policy exposure reduce adult alcohol problems? A cross-national comparison Journal of Adolescent Health. 66:713-718.