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Effects of cannabis legalization on adolescent cannabis use across 3 studies. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 64(3):361-367.
2023. An examination of alcohol use disorder symptoms and neighborhood disorganization from age 21 to 39. American Journal of Community Psychology. 60:267-278.
2017. Examining alternative measures of social disadvantage among Asian Americans: the relevance of economic opportunity, subjective social status, and financial strain for health.. J Immigr Minor Health. 12(5):659-71.
2010. Examining palliative care team involvement in automatic consultations for children on extracorporeal life support in the pediatric intensive care unit.. J Palliat Med. 16(5):492-5.
2013. Economic evaluation design within the HEAL Prevention Cooperative. Prevention Science. 24(Suppl. 1):S50-S60.
2023. Evidence-based juvenile justice programs and practices: A critical review. Criminology and Public Policy. 19:1305-1328.
2020. Evaluating the effect of retail marijuana legalization on parent marijuana use frequency and norms in U.S. states with retail marijuana legalization. Addictive Behaviors. 111:106564.
2020. The effect of general and drug-specific family environments on comorbid and drug-specific problem behavior: A longitudinal examination.. Dev Psychol. 49(6):1151-64.
2013. Effectiveness of Facebook groups to boost participation in a parenting intervention. Prevention Science. 20:894-903.
2019. .
2021. Effects of Communities That Care on the adoption and implementation fidelity of evidence-based prevention programs in communities: Results from a randomized controlled trial.. Prev Sci. 12(3):223-34.
2011. Engaging communities to prevent underage drinking.. Alcohol Res Health. 34(2):167-74.
2011. Educational Paths and Substance Use from Adolescence into Early Adulthood.. J Drug Issues. 42(2)
2012. Examination of the divergence in trends for adolescent marijuana use and marijuana-specific risk factors in Washington State. Journal of Adolescent Health. 59:269-275.
2016. English proficiency and language preference: testing the equivalence of two measures.. Am J Public Health. 100(3):563-9.
2010. Examining explanatory mechanisms of the effects of early alcohol use on young adult alcohol dependence.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 73(3):379-90.
2012. Evidence-based prevention for adolescent substance use. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 25:387-410.
2016. Effects of child abuse, adolescent violence, peer approval, and pro-violence attitudes on intimate partner violence in adulthood. Criminal Behavior and Mental Health. 26:304-314.
2016. Effects of childhood conduct problems and family adversity on health, health behaviors, and service use in early adulthood: tests of developmental pathways involving adolescent risk taking and depression.. Dev Psychopathol. 22(3):655-65.
2010. Evaluating community-based participatory research to improve community-partnered science and community health.. Prog Community Health Partnersh. 6(3):289-99.
2012. Ensure healthy development for all youth. Grand challenges for social work and society. :18-35.
2018. Ethnic and gender variation in religious involvement: Patterns of expression in young adulthood. Rev Relig Res. 53(2):207-225.
2011. Effects of timing of adversity on adolescent and young adult adjustment. J Res Adolesc. 22(2):284-300.
2012. Examining protective factors against violence among high-risk youth: Findings from the Seattle Social Development Project. Journal of Criminal Justice. 45:19-25.
2016. Exploring heavy drinking patterns among black and white young adults.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 75(5):839-49.