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Extent and nature of child maltreatment-related fatalities: implications for policy and practice.. Child Welfare. 92(2):41-58.
2013. The future of successful aging in Alaska.. Int J Circumpolar Health. 72
2013. The future of successful aging in Alaska.. Int J Circumpolar Health. 72
2013. The impact of a middle school program to reduce aggression, victimization, and sexual violence.. J Adolesc Health. 53(2):180-6.
2013. The importance of optimism in maintaining healthy aging in rural Alaska.. Qual Health Res. 23(11):1521-7.
2013. The importance of optimism in maintaining healthy aging in rural Alaska.. Qual Health Res. 23(11):1521-7.
2013. The importance of optimism in maintaining healthy aging in rural Alaska.. Qual Health Res. 23(11):1521-7.
2013. Improving practice in community-based settings: a randomized trial of supervision - study protocol.. Implement Sci. 8:89.
2013. Mild traumatic brain injury: implications for social work research and practice with civilian and military populations.. Soc Work Health Care. 52(5):498-518.
2013. Nonpharmacological pain management by ethnically diverse older adults with chronic pain: barriers and facilitators.. J Gerontol Soc Work. 56(6):487-508.
2013. Reaching soldiers with untreated substance use disorder: lessons learned in the development of a marketing campaign for the Warrior Check-Up study.. Subst Use Misuse. 48(10):908-21.
2013. Relationship processes and resilience in children with incarcerated parents.. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev. 78(3):vii-viii,1-129.
2013. School factors as moderators of the relationship between physical child abuse and pathways of antisocial behavior.. J Interpers Violence. 28(4):852-67.
2013. School factors as moderators of the relationship between physical child abuse and pathways of antisocial behavior.. J Interpers Violence. 28(4):852-67.
2013. Sexual scripts among young heterosexually active men and women: continuity and change.. J Sex Res. 50(5):409-20.
2013. Tests of the mitigating effects of caring and supportive relationships in the study of abusive disciplining over two generations.. J Adolesc Health. 53(4 Suppl):S18-24.
2013. Tests of the mitigating effects of caring and supportive relationships in the study of abusive disciplining over two generations.. J Adolesc Health. 53(4 Suppl):S18-24.
2013. Twelve-month follow-up of cognitive behavioral therapy for children with functional abdominal pain.. JAMA Pediatr. 167(2):178-84.
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2013. Brief motivational feedback and cognitive behavioral interventions for prevention of disordered gambling: a randomized clinical trial.. Addiction. 107(6):1148-58.
2012. Community-responsive interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk in American Indians.. J Prim Prev. 33(4):153-9.
2012. Community-responsive interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk in American Indians.. J Prim Prev. 33(4):153-9.
2012. Culture and familiarity matter to elders.. Provider. 38(9):45-6,48.
2012. Evaluating community-based participatory research to improve community-partnered science and community health.. Prog Community Health Partnersh. 6(3):289-99.
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