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Espelage DL, Low S, Polanin JR, Brown EC.  2013.  The impact of a middle school program to reduce aggression, victimization, and sexual violence.. J Adolesc Health. 53(2):180-6.
Evans-Whipp TJ, Plenty SM, Catalano RF, Herrenkohl TI, Toumbourou JW.  2013.  The impact of school alcohol policy on student drinking.. Health Educ Res. 28(4):651-62.
Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Emlet CA, Kim H-J, Muraco A, Erosheva EA, Goldsen J, Hoy-Ellis CP.  2013.  The physical and mental health of lesbian, gay male, and bisexual (LGB) older adults: the role of key health indicators and risk and protective factors.. Gerontologist. 53(4):664-75.
Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Emlet CA, Kim H-J, Muraco A, Erosheva EA, Goldsen J, Hoy-Ellis CP.  2013.  The physical and mental health of lesbian, gay male, and bisexual (LGB) older adults: the role of key health indicators and risk and protective factors.. Gerontologist. 53(4):664-75.
Poehlmann J, J Eddy M, Dallaire DH, Zeman JL, Myers BJ, Mackintosh V, Kuznetsova MI, Lotze GM, Best AM, Ravindran N et al..  2013.  Relationship processes and resilience in children with incarcerated parents.. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev. 78(3):vii-viii,1-129.
Emlet CA, Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Kim H-J.  2013.  Risk and protective factors associated with health-related quality of life among older gay and bisexual men living with HIV disease.. Gerontologist. 53(6):963-72.
Kerr DCR, Reinke WM, J Eddy M.  2013.  Trajectories of depressive symptoms and externalizing behaviors across adolescence: associations with histories of suicide attempt and ideation in early adulthood.. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 43(1):50-66.
Fleming CB, Marchesini G, Elgin J, Haggerty KP, Woodward D, Abbott RD, Catalano RF.  2013.  Use of Web and Phone Survey Modes to Gather Data From Adults About Their Young Adult Children: An Evaluation Based on a Randomized Design.. Field methods. 25(4):388-404.
White TA, Erosheva EA.  2013.  Using group-based latent class transition models to analyze chronic disability data from the National Long-Term Care Survey 1984-2004.. Stat Med. 32(20):3569-89.
Barkan SE, Salazar AM, Estep K, Mattos LM, Eichenlaub C, Haggerty KP.  2014.  Adapting an evidence based parenting program for child welfare involved teens and their caregivers.. Child Youth Serv Rev. 41:53-61.
Barkan SE, Salazar AM, Estep K, Mattos LM, Eichenlaub C, Haggerty KP.  2014.  Adapting an evidence based parenting program for child welfare involved teens and their caregivers.. Child Youth Serv Rev. 41:53-61.
Toumbourou JW, Evans-Whipp TJ, Smith R, Hemphill SA, Herrenkohl TI, Catalano RF.  2014.  Adolescent predictors and environmental correlates of young adult alcohol use problems.. Addiction. 109(3):417-24.
Davis KCue, N Masters T, Eakins D, Danube CL, George WH, Norris J, Heiman JR.  2014.  Alcohol intoxication and condom use self-efficacy effects on women's condom use intentions.. Addict Behav. 39(1):153-8.
Bailey JA, Samek DR, Keyes MA, Hill KG, Hicks BM, McGue M, Iacono WG, Epstein M, Catalano RF, Haggerty KP et al..  2014.  General and substance-specific predictors of young adult nicotine dependence, alcohol use disorder, and problem behavior: replication in two samples.. Drug Alcohol Depend. 138:161-8.
Storer HL, Barkan SE, Stenhouse LL, Eichenlaub C, Mallillin A, Haggerty KP.  2014.  In search of connection: The foster youth and caregiver relationship.. Child Youth Serv Rev. 42:110-117.
Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Cook-Daniels L, Kim H-J, Erosheva EA, Emlet CA, Hoy-Ellis CP, Goldsen J, Muraco A.  2014.  Physical and mental health of transgender older adults: an at-risk and underserved population.. Gerontologist. 54(3):488-500.
Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Cook-Daniels L, Kim H-J, Erosheva EA, Emlet CA, Hoy-Ellis CP, Goldsen J, Muraco A.  2014.  Physical and mental health of transgender older adults: an at-risk and underserved population.. Gerontologist. 54(3):488-500.
Epstein M, Bailey JA, Manhart LE, Hill KG, Hawkins JD.  2014.  Sexual risk behavior in young adulthood: broadening the scope beyond early sexual initiation.. J Sex Res. 51(7):721-30.
Epstein M, Bailey JA, Manhart LE, Hill KG, Hawkins JD, Haggerty KP, Catalano RF.  2014.  Understanding the link between early sexual initiation and later sexually transmitted infection: test and replication in two longitudinal studies.. J Adolesc Health. 54(4):435-441.e2.