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Effects of moral outrage on child welfare reform.. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 165(11):977-8.
2011. Extent and nature of child maltreatment-related fatalities: implications for policy and practice.. Child Welfare. 92(2):41-58.
2013. Exploring the intergenerational transmission of illness behavior: from observations to experimental intervention.. Ann Behav Med. 41(2):174-82.
2011. The effect of family processes on school achievement as moderated by socioeconomic context.. J Sch Psychol. 49(5):597-612.
2011. .
2010. .
2013. .
Extent and nature of child maltreatment-related fatalities: implications for policy and practice.. Child Welfare. 92(2):41-58.
2013. Effects of moral outrage on child welfare reform.. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 165(11):977-8.
2011. Examining palliative care team involvement in automatic consultations for children on extracorporeal life support in the pediatric intensive care unit.. J Palliat Med. 16(5):492-5.
2013. The effect of general and drug-specific family environments on comorbid and drug-specific problem behavior: A longitudinal examination.. Dev Psychol. 49(6):1151-64.
2013. Extent and nature of child maltreatment-related fatalities: implications for policy and practice.. Child Welfare. 92(2):41-58.
2013. Examining explanatory mechanisms of the effects of early alcohol use on young adult alcohol dependence.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 73(3):379-90.
2012. The effect of family processes on school achievement as moderated by socioeconomic context.. J Sch Psychol. 49(5):597-612.
2011. An examination of the validity of retrospective measures of suicide attempts in youth.. J Adolesc Health. 49(5):532-7.
2011. Exploring the intergenerational transmission of illness behavior: from observations to experimental intervention.. Ann Behav Med. 41(2):174-82.
2011. .
2010. The effects of acute alcohol intoxication, partner risk level, and general intention to have unprotected sex on women's sexual decision making with a new partner.. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 19(5):378-88.
2011. Extent and nature of child maltreatment-related fatalities: implications for policy and practice.. Child Welfare. 92(2):41-58.
2013. .
2012. .
The effects of acute alcohol intoxication, partner risk level, and general intention to have unprotected sex on women's sexual decision making with a new partner.. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 19(5):378-88.
2011. .
An examination of the validity of retrospective measures of suicide attempts in youth.. J Adolesc Health. 49(5):532-7.