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Preparing Emerging Doctoral Scholars for Transdisciplinary Research: A Developmental Approach.. J Teach Soc Work. 35(1-2):131-150.
2015. Positive childhood experiences and positive adult functioning: Prosocial continuity and the role of adolescent substance use.. J Adolesc Health. 49(2):180-6.
2011. Prevention: The missing link in our efforts to support families impacted by the opioid epidemic. Health Affairs Forefront. February 9
2024. Primary health care: Potential home for family-focused preventive interventions. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 51:S106-S118.
2016. Peer group patterns of alcohol-using behaviors among early adolescents in Victoria, Australia, and Washington State, United States. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 26:902-917.
2016. Parent and peer pathways linking childhood experiences of abuse with marijuana use in adolescence and adulthood. Addictive Behaviors. 66:70-75.
2017. Prevalence of marijuana and other substance use before and after Washington State's change from legal medical marijuana to legal medical and nonmedical marijuana: Cohort comparisons in a sample of adolescents.. Subst Abus. 37(2):330-5.
2016. Prevention of marijuana misuse: School-, family-, and community-based approaches. Marijuana and mental health. :199-225.
2016. Parent training to reduce problem behaviors over the transition to high school: Tests of indirect effects through improved emotion regulation skills. Child Youth Serv Rev. 61:176-183.
2016. Predicting future depression in adolescents using the Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire: a two-nation study.. J Affect Disord. 134(1-3):151-9.
2011. Person-oriented methods in partner violence research: distinct biopsychosocial profiles among battered women.. J Interpers Violence. 25(6):1064-93.
2010. Prospective predictors of unprotected anal intercourse among HIV-seropositive men who have sex with men initiating antiretroviral therapy.. AIDS Behav. 18(1):78-87.
2014. Place and sexual partnership transition among young American Indian and Alaska native women.. AIDS Behav. 18(8):1443-53.
2014. Psychometric properties of the Transitions From Foster Care Key Leader Survey. Evaluation and Program Planning. 55:91-102.
2016. Professional and youth perspectives on higher education-focused interventions for youth transitioning from foster care.. Child Youth Serv Rev. 64:23-34.
2016. Process and outcome constructs for evaluating community-based participatory research projects: a matrix of existing measures.. Health Educ Res. 27(4):680-90.
2012. Prevention of substance use and substance use disorders. Clinical manual of youth addictive disorders, 2nd Ed.. :25-50.
2020. Parent-focused prevention of adolescent health risk behavior: Study protocol for a multisite cluster-randomized trial implemented in pediatric primary care. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 112:106621.
2022. Positive parenting predicts cortisol functioning six years later in young adults. Developmental Science. 20:e12461.
2017. A preliminary randomized controlled trial of a nurse-delivered medication adherence intervention among HIV-positive outpatients initiating antiretroviral therapy in Beijing, China.. AIDS Behav. 15(5):919-29.
2011. Patterns of alcohol use and expectancies predict sexual risk taking among non-problem drinking women.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 74(2):223-32.
2013. Promoting relationship building and connection: Adapting an evidence-based parenting program for families involved in the child welfare system. Child Youth Serv Rev. 34(9)
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2011. Promoting SBIRT training for social work students across field settings. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. 19:108-123.