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de Castro AB, Garcia G, Gee GC, Tsai JHsin-Chun, Rue T, Takeuchi DT.  2010.  Smoking and the Asian American workforce in the National Latino and Asian American Study.. Am J Ind Med. 53(2):171-8.
de Castro AB, Rue T, Takeuchi DT.  2010.  Associations of employment frustration with self-rated physical and mental health among Asian American immigrants in the U.S. Labor force.. Public Health Nurs. 27(6):492-503.
de Castro AB, Gee GC, Takeuchi DT.  2010.  Examining alternative measures of social disadvantage among Asian Americans: the relevance of economic opportunity, subjective social status, and financial strain for health.. J Immigr Minor Health. 12(5):659-71.
de Castro AB, Rue T, Takeuchi DT.  2010.  Associations of employment frustration with self-rated physical and mental health among Asian American immigrants in the U.S. Labor force.. Public Health Nurs. 27(6):492-503.
de Castro AB, Garcia G, Gee GC, Tsai JHsin-Chun, Rue T, Takeuchi DT.  2010.  Smoking and the Asian American workforce in the National Latino and Asian American Study.. Am J Ind Med. 53(2):171-8.
de Castro AB, Rue T, Takeuchi DT.  2010.  Associations of employment frustration with self-rated physical and mental health among Asian American immigrants in the U.S. Labor force.. Public Health Nurs. 27(6):492-503.
de Castro AB, Gee GC, Takeuchi DT.  2010.  Examining alternative measures of social disadvantage among Asian Americans: the relevance of economic opportunity, subjective social status, and financial strain for health.. J Immigr Minor Health. 12(5):659-71.
Dicker RA, Mah J, Lopez D, Tran C, Reidy R, Moore M, Kreniske P, Crane I, M Knudson M, Li M et al..  2011.  Screening for mental illness in a trauma center: rooting out a risk factor for unintentional injury.. J Trauma. 70(6):1337-44.
Dicker RA, Mah J, Lopez D, Tran C, Reidy R, Moore M, Kreniske P, Crane I, M Knudson M, Li M et al..  2011.  Screening for mental illness in a trauma center: rooting out a risk factor for unintentional injury.. J Trauma. 70(6):1337-44.
Donovan DM, Bigelow GE, Brigham GS, Carroll KM, Cohen AJ, Gardin JG, Hamilton JA, Huestis MA, Hughes JR, Lindblad R et al..  2012.  Primary outcome indices in illicit drug dependence treatment research: systematic approach to selection and measurement of drug use end-points in clinical trials.. Addiction. 107(4):694-708.
Doorenbos AZ, Gordon DB, Tauben D, Palisoc J, Drangsholt M, Lindhorst T, Danielson J, Spector J, Ballweg R, Vorvick L et al..  2013.  A blueprint of pain curriculum across prelicensure health sciences programs: one NIH Pain Consortium Center of Excellence in Pain Education (CoEPE) experience.. J Pain. 14(12):1533-8.
Doorenbos A, Lindhorst T, Starks H, Aisenberg E, J Curtis R, Hays R.  2012.  Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.
Doorenbos AZ, Starks H, Bourget E, D McMullan M, Lewis-Newby M, Rue TC, Lindhorst T, Aisenberg E, Oman N, J Curtis R et al..  2013.  Examining palliative care team involvement in automatic consultations for children on extracorporeal life support in the pediatric intensive care unit.. J Palliat Med. 16(5):492-5.
Dorsey S, Kerns SEU, Trupin EW, Conover KL, Berliner L.  2012.  Child welfare caseworkers as service brokers for youth in foster care: findings from project focus.. Child Maltreat. 17(1):22-31.
Dorsey S, Pullmann MD, Deblinger E, Berliner L, Kerns SE, Thompson K, Unützer J, Weisz JR, Garland AF.  2013.  Improving practice in community-based settings: a randomized trial of supervision - study protocol.. Implement Sci. 8:89.
Emlet CA, Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Kim H-J.  2013.  Risk and protective factors associated with health-related quality of life among older gay and bisexual men living with HIV disease.. Gerontologist. 53(6):963-72.
Emlet CA, Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Kim H-J.  2013.  Risk and protective factors associated with health-related quality of life among older gay and bisexual men living with HIV disease.. Gerontologist. 53(6):963-72.
Emlet CA, Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Kim H-J.  2013.  Risk and protective factors associated with health-related quality of life among older gay and bisexual men living with HIV disease.. Gerontologist. 53(6):963-72.
Emlet CA, Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Kim H-J.  2013.  Risk and protective factors associated with health-related quality of life among older gay and bisexual men living with HIV disease.. Gerontologist. 53(6):963-72.
Epstein M, Hill KG, Bailey JA, Hawkins JD.  2013.  The effect of general and drug-specific family environments on comorbid and drug-specific problem behavior: A longitudinal examination.. Dev Psychol. 49(6):1151-64.
Epstein M, Bailey JA, Manhart LE, Hill KG, Hawkins JD.  2014.  Sexual risk behavior in young adulthood: broadening the scope beyond early sexual initiation.. J Sex Res. 51(7):721-30.
Epstein M, Bailey JA, Manhart LE, Hill KG, Hawkins JD, Haggerty KP, Catalano RF.  2014.  Understanding the link between early sexual initiation and later sexually transmitted infection: test and replication in two longitudinal studies.. J Adolesc Health. 54(4):435-441.e2.
Espelage DL, Low S, Polanin JR, Brown EC.  2013.  The impact of a middle school program to reduce aggression, victimization, and sexual violence.. J Adolesc Health. 53(2):180-6.
Evans-Campbell T, Walters KL, Pearson CR, Campbell CD.  2012.  Indian boarding school experience, substance use, and mental health among urban two-spirit American Indian/Alaska natives.. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 38(5):421-7.
Evans-Campbell T, Walters KL, Pearson CR, Campbell CD.  2012.  Indian boarding school experience, substance use, and mental health among urban two-spirit American Indian/Alaska natives.. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 38(5):421-7.