Examining palliative care team involvement in automatic consultations for children on extracorporeal life support in the pediatric intensive care unit.. J Palliat Med. 16(5):492-5.
2013. Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.
2012. .
Examining palliative care team involvement in automatic consultations for children on extracorporeal life support in the pediatric intensive care unit.. J Palliat Med. 16(5):492-5.
2013. Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.
2012. .
Examining palliative care team involvement in automatic consultations for children on extracorporeal life support in the pediatric intensive care unit.. J Palliat Med. 16(5):492-5.
2013. Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.
2012. .
Examining palliative care team involvement in automatic consultations for children on extracorporeal life support in the pediatric intensive care unit.. J Palliat Med. 16(5):492-5.
2013. Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.
2012. Examining palliative care team involvement in automatic consultations for children on extracorporeal life support in the pediatric intensive care unit.. J Palliat Med. 16(5):492-5.
2013. Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.
2012. Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.
2012. Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.
2012. Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.
2012. Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.
2012. Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.
2012. .
Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.
2012. Palliative care in the pediatric ICU: challenges and opportunities for family-centered practice.. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 8(4):297-315.