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Racial/ethnic identity and subjective physical and mental health of Latino Americans: an asset within? Am J Community Psychol. 53(1-2):173-84.
2014. Reassessing the effects of early adolescent alcohol use on later antisocial behavior: A longitudinal study of students in Victoria, Australia, and Washington State, United States. J Early Adolesc. 34(3):360-386.
2014. Reassessing the effects of early adolescent alcohol use on later antisocial behavior: A longitudinal study of students in Victoria, Australia, and Washington State, United States. J Early Adolesc. 34(3):360-386.
2014. Sex risk behavior among adolescent and young adult children of opiate addicts: outcomes from the focus on families prevention trial and an examination of childhood and concurrent predictors of sex risk behavior.. Prev Sci. 15 Suppl 1:S70-7.
2014. Sexually explicit online media and sexual risk among men who have sex with men in the United States.. Arch Sex Behav. 43(4):833-43.
2014. Situational determinants of use and treatment outcomes in marijuana dependent adults.. Addict Behav. 39(3):546-52.
2014. Women's unprotected sex intentions: roles of sexual victimization, intoxication, and partner perception.. J Sex Res. 51(5):586-98.
2014. Computer-assisted behavioral therapy and contingency management for cannabis use disorder.. Psychol Addict Behav. 29(3):501-11.
2015. Computer-assisted behavioral therapy and contingency management for cannabis use disorder.. Psychol Addict Behav. 29(3):501-11.
2015. Long-term effects of staying connected with your teen® on drug use frequency at age 20.. Prev Sci. 16(4):538-49.
2015. Maintenance Check-ups Following Treatment for Cannabis Dependence.. J Subst Abuse Treat. 56:11-5.
2015. Reducing risks for problem behaviors during the high school transition: Proximal outcomes in the Common Sense Parenting trial. J Child Fam Stud. 24(9):2568-2578.
2015. Adult binge drinking: Childhood sexual abuse, gender, and the role of adolescent alcohol-related experiences. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 51:136-141.
2016. Association of comorbid psychopathology with the duration of cannabis use disorders.. Psychol Addict Behav. 30(1):82-92.
2016. Associations between parental and grandparental marijuana use and child substance use norms in a prospective, three-generation study. Journal of Adolescent Health. 59:262-268.
2016. Associations between parental and grandparental marijuana use and child substance use norms in a prospective, three-generation study. Journal of Adolescent Health. 59:262-268.
2016. The dimensions of successful young adult development: A conceptual and measurement framework. Applied Developmental Science. 20:150-174.
2016. The dynamic epigenome and its implications for behavioral interventions: A role for epigenetics to inform disorder prevention and health promotion. Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy and Research. 6:55-62.
2016. Feasibility of Connecting, a substance-abuse prevention program for foster teens and their caregivers. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 7:639-659.
2016. Fostering Higher Education: A postsecondary access and retention intervention for youth with foster care experience. Children and Youth Services Review. 70:49-56.
2016. Longitudinal effects of early childhood maltreatment on co-occurring substance misuse and mental health problems in adulthood: The role of adolescent alcohol use and depression. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 77:464-472.
2016. Motives for marijuana use among heavy-using high school students: An analysis of structure and utility of the Comprehensive Marijuana Motives Questionnaire.. Addict Behav. 57:42-7.
2016. Parent training to reduce problem behaviors over the transition to high school: Tests of indirect effects through improved emotion regulation skills. Child Youth Serv Rev. 61:176-183.
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