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Social norms and self-efficacy among heavy using adolescent marijuana smokers.. Psychol Addict Behav. 25(4):727-32.
2011. Racial/ethnic identity and subjective physical and mental health of Latino Americans: an asset within? Am J Community Psychol. 53(1-2):173-84.
2014. Who, and what, causes health inequities? Reflections on emerging debates from an exploratory Latin American/North American workshop. J Epidemiol Community Health. 64(9):747-9.
2010. Women's unprotected sex intentions: roles of sexual victimization, intoxication, and partner perception.. J Sex Res. 51(5):586-98.
2014. Positive childhood experiences and positive adult functioning: Prosocial continuity and the role of adolescent substance use.. J Adolesc Health. 49(2):180-6.
2011. .
2012. .
Prevalence, risk, and correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder across ethnic and racial minority groups in the United States.. Med Care. 51(12):1114-23.
2013. Preparing social workers with person-centered and participant-directed services for the changing aging and disability network.. J Gerontol Soc Work. 56(7):573-9.
2013. Social support mediates the relationship between HIV stigma and depression/quality of life among people living with HIV in Beijing, China.. Int J STD AIDS. 23(7):481-4.
2012. Buffering effects of general and medication-specific social support on the association between substance use and HIV medication adherence.. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 25(3):181-9.
2011. Racial/ethnic identity and subjective physical and mental health of Latino Americans: an asset within? Am J Community Psychol. 53(1-2):173-84.
2014. Prevention system mediation of Communities That Care effects on youth outcomes. Prev Sci. 15(5):623-32.
2014. Prevention system mediation of Communities That Care effects on youth outcomes. Prev Sci. 15(5):623-32.
2014. Extent and nature of child maltreatment-related fatalities: implications for policy and practice.. Child Welfare. 92(2):41-58.
2013. Extent and nature of child maltreatment-related fatalities: implications for policy and practice.. Child Welfare. 92(2):41-58.
2013. Preparing social workers with person-centered and participant-directed services for the changing aging and disability network.. J Gerontol Soc Work. 56(7):573-9.
2013. Science-based prevention through Communities That Care: A model of social work practice for public health.. Soc Work Public Health. 28(3-4):349-65.
2013. Understanding the critical role of social work in safety net medical settings: framework for research and practice in the emergency department.. Soc Work Health Care. 51(2):140-8.
2012. Sexually explicit online media and sexual risk among men who have sex with men in the United States.. Arch Sex Behav. 43(4):833-43.
2014. Prospective predictors of unprotected anal intercourse among HIV-seropositive men who have sex with men initiating antiretroviral therapy.. AIDS Behav. 18(1):78-87.
2014. Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids: a randomized trial of a pediatric primary care-based obesity prevention intervention for at-risk 5-10 year olds.. Contemp Clin Trials. 36(1):228-43.
2013. Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids: a randomized trial of a pediatric primary care-based obesity prevention intervention for at-risk 5-10 year olds.. Contemp Clin Trials. 36(1):228-43.
2013. Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids: a randomized trial of a pediatric primary care-based obesity prevention intervention for at-risk 5-10 year olds.. Contemp Clin Trials. 36(1):228-43.
2013. A cautionary tale: risk reduction strategies among urban American Indian/Alaska Native men who have sex with men.. AIDS Educ Prev. 25(1):25-37.