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Lewis JP.  2013.  The importance of optimism in maintaining healthy aging in rural Alaska.. Qual Health Res. 23(11):1521-7.
Emlet CA, Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Kim H-J.  2013.  Risk and protective factors associated with health-related quality of life among older gay and bisexual men living with HIV disease.. Gerontologist. 53(6):963-72.
Vasunilashorn S, Martinson ML.  2013.  Weight status in adolescence is associated with later life functional limitations.. J Aging Health. 25(5):758-75.
Lewis J.  2013.  The future of successful aging in Alaska.. Int J Circumpolar Health. 72
Hooyman NR, Mahoney K, Sciegaj M.  2013.  Preparing social workers with person-centered and participant-directed services for the changing aging and disability network.. J Gerontol Soc Work. 56(7):573-9.
Lewis JP.  2011.  Successful aging through the eyes of Alaska Native elders. What it means to be an elder in Bristol Bay, AK.. Gerontologist. 51(4):540-9.
Conner KO, Copeland VCarr, Grote NK, Rosen D, Albert S, McMurray ML, Reynolds CF, Brown C, Koeske G.  2010.  Barriers to treatment and culturally endorsed coping strategies among depressed African-American older adults.. Aging Ment Health. 14(8):971-83.
Lewis JP.  2010.  Successful aging through the eyes of Alaska Natives: exploring generational differences among Alaska Natives.. J Cross Cult Gerontol. 25(4):385-96.
Christakis DA, Garrison MM, Herrenkohl T, Haggerty K, Rivara FP, Zhou C, Liekweg K.  2013.  Modifying media content for preschool children: a randomized controlled trial.. Pediatrics. 131(3):431-8.
Espelage DL, Low S, Polanin JR, Brown EC.  2013.  The impact of a middle school program to reduce aggression, victimization, and sexual violence.. J Adolesc Health. 53(2):180-6.
Hemphill SA, Kotevski A, Tollit M, Smith R, Herrenkohl TI, Toumbourou JW, Catalano RF.  2012.  Longitudinal predictors of cyber and traditional bullying perpetration in Australian secondary school students.. J Adolesc Health. 51(1):59-65.
Sousa C, Herrenkohl TI, Moylan CA, Tajima EA, Klika JB, Herrenkohl RC, Russo MJ.  2011.  Longitudinal study on the effects of child abuse and children's exposure to domestic violence, parent-child attachments, and antisocial behavior in adolescence.. J Interpers Violence. 26(1):111-36.
Balsam KF, Molina Y, Beadnell B, Simoni J, Walters K.  2011.  Measuring multiple minority stress: the LGBT People of Color Microaggressions Scale.. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 17(2):163-74.
Walker DD, Neighbors C, Mbilinyi LF, O'Rourke A, Zegree J, Roffman RA, Edleson JL.  2010.  Evaluating the impact of intimate partner violence on the perpetrator: the Perceived Consequences of Domestic Violence Questionnaire.. J Interpers Violence. 25(9):1684-98.
Davis KCue.  2010.  The influence of alcohol expectancies and intoxication on men's aggressive unprotected sexual intentions.. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 18(5):418-28.
Nurius PS, Macy RJ.  2010.  Person-oriented methods in partner violence research: distinct biopsychosocial profiles among battered women.. J Interpers Violence. 25(6):1064-93.
Hemphill SA, Kotevski A, Herrenkohl TI, Toumbourou JW, Carlin JB, Catalano RF, Patton GC.  2010.  Pubertal stage and the prevalence of violence and social/relational aggression.. Pediatrics. 126(2):e298-305.