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Patterns of alcohol use and expectancies predict sexual risk taking among non-problem drinking women.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 74(2):223-32.
2013. Sexual victimization, alcohol intoxication, sexual-emotional responding, and sexual risk in heavy episodic drinking women.. Arch Sex Behav. 43(4):645-58.
2014. Nonresponse to a question on self-identified sexual orientation in a public health survey and its relationship to race and ethnicity.. Am J Public Health. 103(1):67-9.
2013. A qualitative examination of men's condom use attitudes and resistance: "it's just part of the game".. Arch Sex Behav. 43(3):631-43.
2014. Risky sex: interactions among ethnicity, sexual sensation seeking, sexual inhibition, and sexual excitation.. Arch Sex Behav. 41(5):1231-9.
2012. The effects of acute alcohol intoxication, partner risk level, and general intention to have unprotected sex on women's sexual decision making with a new partner.. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 19(5):378-88.
2011. Change in sexual activity 12 months after ART initiation among HIV-positive Mozambicans.. AIDS Behav. 15(4):778-87.
2011. Why the wait? Delayed HIV diagnosis among men who have sex with men. J Urban Health. 87(4):642-55.
2010. Sexual abuse history, alcohol intoxication, and women's sexual risk behavior.. Arch Sex Behav. 39(4):898-906.
2010. .
2010. Women's unprotected sex intentions: roles of sexual victimization, intoxication, and partner perception.. J Sex Res. 51(5):586-98.
2014. Men's alcohol intoxication and condom use during sexual assault perpetration.. J Interpers Violence. 27(14):2790-806.
2012. Men's alcohol intoxication and condom use during sexual assault perpetration.. J Interpers Violence. 27(14):2790-806.
2012. Sexual abuse history, alcohol intoxication, and women's sexual risk behavior.. Arch Sex Behav. 39(4):898-906.
2010. Tests of the mitigating effects of caring and supportive relationships in the study of abusive disciplining over two generations.. J Adolesc Health. 53(4 Suppl):S18-24.
2013. The role of gender in the association between child maltreatment and substance use behavior: a systematic review of longitudinal research from 1995 to 2011.. Subst Use Misuse. 48(8):645-60.
2013. Trajectories of depressive symptoms and externalizing behaviors across adolescence: associations with histories of suicide attempt and ideation in early adulthood.. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 43(1):50-66.
2013. Can patterns of alcohol use disorder in young adulthood help explain gender differences in depression? Compr Psychiatry. 53(8):1071-7.
2012. Gender differences in the impact of families on alcohol use: a lagged longitudinal study of early adolescents.. Addiction. 106(8):1427-36.
2011. .
Predicting steep escalations in alcohol use over the teenage years: Age-related variations in key social influences.. Addiction. 108(11):1924-32.
2013. Nonresponse to a question on self-identified sexual orientation in a public health survey and its relationship to race and ethnicity.. Am J Public Health. 103(1):67-9.
2013. Doctors' attentiveness to the spirituality/religion of their patients in pediatric and oncology settings in the Northwest USA.. J Health Care Chaplain. 19(4):140-64.
2013. A prospective investigation of the relationship between child maltreatment and indicators of adult psychological well-being.. Violence Vict. 27(5):764-76.
2012. Changes in self-control problems and attention problems during middle school predict alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use during high school.. Psychol Addict Behav. 25(1):69-79.