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Simultaneous use of marijuana and alcohol: Potential prevention targets among young adults who use alcohol. Addictive Behaviors. 124:107118.
2022. Situational determinants of use and treatment outcomes in marijuana dependent adults.. Addict Behav. 39(3):546-52.
2014. Social capital, acculturation, mental health, and perceived access to services among Mexican American women.. J Consult Clin Psychol. 80(2):177-85.
2012. Social norms and self-efficacy among heavy using adolescent marijuana smokers.. Psychol Addict Behav. 25(4):727-32.
2011. Social support mediates the relationship between HIV stigma and depression/quality of life among people living with HIV in Beijing, China.. Int J STD AIDS. 23(7):481-4.
2012. Special issue call for papers: disseminating child maltreatment interventions: research on implementing evidence-based programs.. Child Maltreat. 15(4):336.
2010. State-of-the-art in substance use prevention and early intervention: Applications to pediatric primary care settings. Prevention Science. 23:204-211.
2022. Staying Connected with Your Teen® and the promise of self-directed prevention programs. Family-based prevention programs for children and adolescents: Theory, research, and large-scale dissemination. :209-228.
2016. Strategies for recruiting adolescents in rural areas in firearm injury research. Injury Prevention. 30:246-250.
2024. Stress pathways to health inequalities: Embedding ACEs within social and behavioral contexts.. Int Public Health J. 8(2):241-256.
2016. Strive to enhance supervised family time visits for children in foster care: Outcomes from a pilot study with randomization. Children and Youth Services Review. 160:107531.
2024. Study results from the Clinical Trials Network's first 10 years: where do they lead? J Subst Abuse Treat. 38 Suppl 1:S14-30.
2010. Substance-specific risk factors among young adults: Potential prevention targets across cannabis-permissive environments. Substance Use and Misuse. 57(13):1923-1930.
2022. Supporting LGBTQ+ foster teens: Development of a relationship-focused, self-guided curriculum for foster families. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 17:239-251.
2020. Supporting strategic investment in social programs: A cost analysis of the Family Check-Up. Prevention Science. 21:256-267.
2020. Sustainability of the Communities That Care prevention system by coalitions participating in the Community Youth Development Study.. J Adolesc Health. 51(3):259-64.
2012. Systematic literature review of foster and adoptive caregiver factors for increasing placement stability and permanency. Journal of Public Child Welfare. 15:487-527.
2021. Ten take home lessons from the first 10 years of the CTN and 10 recommendations for the future.. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 37(5):275-82.
2011. Testing cross-generational effects of the Raising Healthy Children intervention on young adult offspring of intervention participants. Prevention Science. 24(7):1376-1385.
2023. A test-replicate approach to candidate gene research on addiction and externalizing disorders: A collaboration across five longitudinal studies. Behavior Genetics. 46:608-626.
2016. A test-replicate approach to candidate gene research on addiction and externalizing disorders: A collaboration across five longitudinal studies. Behavior Genetics. 46:608-626.
2016. Time-varying effects of family smoking and family management on adolescent daily smoking: The moderating roles of behavioral disinhibition and anxiety. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 204:107572.
2019. Tobacco use patterns from adolescence to young adulthood among Latinx youth from rural communities. Journal of Adolescent Health. 74(3):761-768.
2023. Tobacco use patterns from adolescence to young adulthood among Latinx youth from rural communities. Journal of Adolescent Health. 74(3):761-768.
2023. Trajectories of handgun carrying in rural communities from early adolescence to young adulthood. JAMA Network Open. 5:e225127.