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Identifying trajectories of adolescents' depressive phenomena: an examination of early risk factors.. J Youth Adolesc. 39(6):579-93.
2010. Relationships between level and change in family, school, and peer factors during two periods of adolescence and problem behavior at age 19.. J Youth Adolesc. 39(6):670-82.
2010. Romantic relationship status changes and substance use among 18- to 20-year-olds.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 71(6):847-56.
2010. Allostasis model facilitates understanding race differences in the diurnal cortisol rhythm.. Dev Psychopathol. 23(4):1167-86.
2011. Associations between changing developmental contexts and risky sexual behavior in the two years following high school.. Arch Sex Behav. 40(5):951-60.
2011. Bullying at elementary school and problem behaviour in young adulthood: a study of bullying, violence and substance use from age 11 to age 21.. Crim Behav Ment Health. 21(2):136-44.
2011. An examination of the validity of retrospective measures of suicide attempts in youth.. J Adolesc Health. 49(5):532-7.
2011. HPV vaccination among a community sample of young adult women.. Vaccine. 29(32):5238-44.
2011. Is nonmedical prescription opiate use a unique form of illicit drug use? Addict Behav. 36(1-2):79-86.
2011. Observed parenting behavior with teens: measurement invariance and predictive validity across race.. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 17(3):252-60.
2011. Opiate-addicted parents in methadone treatment: long-term recovery, health, and family relationships.. J Addict Dis. 30(1):17-26.
2011. Positive childhood experiences and positive adult functioning: Prosocial continuity and the role of adolescent substance use.. J Adolesc Health. 49(2):180-6.
2011. A cross-national comparison of risk and protective factors for adolescent drug use and delinquency in the United States and the Netherlands. J Drug Issues. 42(4):337-357.
2012. Educational Paths and Substance Use from Adolescence into Early Adulthood.. J Drug Issues. 42(2)
2012. Family intervention to prevent depression and substance use among adolescents of depressed parents. J Child Fam Stud. 21(6):891-905.
2012. Promoting relationship building and connection: Adapting an evidence-based parenting program for families involved in the child welfare system. Child Youth Serv Rev. 34(9)
2012. Racial Disparity in Police Contacts.. Race Justice. 2(3)
2012. Romantic relationship characteristics and alcohol use: longitudinal associations with dual method contraception use.. J Adolesc Health. 50(5):450-5.
2012. Implementing Self-collection of Biological Specimens With a Diverse Sample.. Field methods. 25(1)
2013. Parent and peer predictors of violent behavior of Black and White teens.. Violence Vict. 28(1):145-60.
2013. Promising Parenting Programs for Reducing Adolescent Problem Behaviors.. J Child Serv. 8(4)
2013. Science-based prevention through Communities That Care: A model of social work practice for public health.. Soc Work Public Health. 28(3-4):349-65.
2013. Transforming prevention systems in the United States and the Netherlands using Communities That Care. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. Special Issue on: Compassionate Criminology: The Legacy of Josine Junger-Tas. 19(2):99-116.
2013. .
2013. Adapting an evidence based parenting program for child welfare involved teens and their caregivers.. Child Youth Serv Rev. 41:53-61.