Husky NightWalk – 206-685-9255 (WALK)

Uniformed security guards operate from 6:30 p.m. to 2 a.m., seven days week, 365 days a year (excluding holidays), providing a walking escort to community members within the campus locations and the residential area north of NE 45th St., and to the UW Tower location.  Guards can also assist, with proper identification, building and office lockouts, as well as jump start dead car batteries.

Husky NightWalk Service Area Map.

How to Use Husky NightWalk

  • Dial 206.685.WALK (206.685.9255) when you are ready for a safety escort.
  • Advise the dispatcher which building entrance the Husky NightWalk guard will find you waiting.
  • Stand safely inside the entrance, and watch for the Husky NightWalk guard as s/he will not enter the building to find you.
  • Have your UW student, staff or other photo identification ready.


NightRide is a U-PASS sponsored shuttle service for students, faculty, and staff. Passengers can board the NightRide from any one of six on-campus stops and be dropped off at any requested location within the two shuttle zones. Schedules are prominently displayed at all stops, and schedules are available at information kiosks around campus. NightRide schedules are also available online. Wheelchair-accessible shuttles service both zones. Call 206.685.3146 or visit for more information about this and other UW shuttle services.

Note that NightRide is not available during the summer.

Required Trainings:

All UW employees are required to attend health and safety trainings. These trainings are recorded internally by the SSW Health & Safety Manager and SSW HR. Once you complete these trainings please send verification to SSW HR, your supervisor and the Health & Safety Manager. Below is a listing of the most common trainings: 

Prevention of sexual harassment

All newly hired employees are required to attend a prevention of sexual harassment training session. These sessions help employees identify situations of perceived sexual harassment, resolve the situation, and understand applicable law. Register online for prevention of sexual harassment training.

Workplace Violence Prevention Training (SafeCampus)

This 90-minute training workshop, facilitated by SafeCampus, teaches employees how to recognize concerning behaviors, respond, and prevent violence in the workplace. To register for Violence Prevention and Response training, visit the SafeCampus website.

Reporting suspected child abuse

Employees will learn about their mandated reporting responsibilities by watching the 21-minute online training, Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect, developed by the Office for Youth Programs Development and Support.

Asbestos awareness

The Environmental Health and Safety office offers online asbestos awareness training, which takes about 30 minutes to complete. To successfully complete the training, employees must correctly answer a series of quiz questions.


Optional Trainings:

Below is a list of optional trainings. These trainings are not required for all employees but are highly encouraged. Please reach out to the SSW Safety Manager if you are interested in taking one of these trainings.

A full list of all UW trainings (required and optional) please view the General Training Matrix. 

Active Shooter Awareness Training

Back Injury Prevention Training

Evacuation Warden Training

Fire Extinguisher Training

First Aid & CPR Certification

If you are interested in a training that you do not see listed above please email or the SSW Safety Manager at

Inclement weather can cause transportation problems or hazardous conditions that can vary widely in our region. Severe weather may result in closures to school or child care facilities, even as the UW remains open for regular business.

If you are unable to come to work, notify your supervisor according to your department’s established procedures and enter your time off request into Workday. Supervisors can approve requests for employees to temporarily work from home, if doing so allows completion of work assignments.

When inclement weather occurs the UW Alert system will send a text or email to all UW students and employees who are registered for UW Alert. These UW Alerts will disseminate official information about campus operations/university delays or closures. For more information about UW Alerts please view our section below on UW Alerts or visit the Campus Safety & Emergency Resources page on UW Alerts.

For more information about UW’s policies on Inclement Weather please visit the UW’s Human Resources website.

For students, please contact your instructor for further directions on course work. 


Contact your supervisor or HR consultant.

Work-related incidents (and near misses) are tracked and investigated so that successful preventative measures can be implemented. The information contained in the reports is essential to maintain successful safety programs. Reporting is required to help the University meet its compliance responsibilities set by federal, state, and funding agencies.

Report any work-related injury or illness to your supervisor as soon as possible. After reporting the incident to your supervisor, submit a report of the incident within 24 hours to EH&S via the UW’s Online Accident Reporting System (OARS). Students and visitors are also encouraged to submit any incidents.

If you see a safety concern on campus that could lead to an accident or injury you can also report this to EH &S. Note, this reporting tool is for non-emergency incidents only. Please submit via the UW’s Report A Safety Concern form.

For questions about workers’ compensation please email SSW HR.

For more information on Accident and Injury reporting visit the EH &S website.

The University of Washington has developed UW Alert to disseminate official information via email, text messages, telephones, loudspeakers, website banners and other means to keep the campus community informed during emergencies and situations that might disrupt normal operations.

Staff and faculty can subscribe to receive UW Alert text messages and emails. UW Alert subscription is automatic for students. 

UW Alert delivers messages to subscribers using a third-party vendor. UW Alerts are also posted on all UW websites as a banner and on Facebook and Twitter pages.

In an effort to minimize health and safety issues on campus for faculty, staff, students and their guests, 10 health and safety committees (HSCs) have been created. Each of the organizational unit committees look at the accident / incident reports pertinent to their area for evaluation and resolution of any on-going issues. These organizational committees each send two representatives to the University-Wide Health and Safety Committee referred to as the “U-Wide.” Elections are held every two years. The School of Social Work belongs to Group 4 with the other Health Sciences units.

Current Health & Safety Group 4 SSW Representatives:

Bethany Robinson (Human Resources Manager)

Desi Schatz (Facilities & Office Services Manager)

Group 4 meets in the Health Sciences Building, in conference room T-269, on the fourth Tuesday of the month, 9:45-10:45AM.

The School of Social Work has an active health and safety committee responsible for updating safety plans, coordinating training and providing up-to-date safety information to faculty, staff and students. The committee also sponsors periodic training for CPR, First Aid and defibrillator use. Please contact the SSW safety manager to find our more about training opportunities and class schedules.


Units involved:

Facilities, Human Resources, Finance, Academic Affairs, Advancement, off campus research units, Faculty Council, Staff Council, SSWIT, UWPD, and Speech & Hearing Sciences

2018-19 Committee Members:

Angie Rambo (CWTAP)
Bethany Robinson (HR)
Bruce Betz (Communications)
Charles Lea (Faculty Council)
Cheryl Yates (Field Education)
Desi Schatz (Facilities)
Katie Lamar (Advancement)
Rachel Wrenn (Field Education)
Vicki Anderson-Ellis (Finance)
Melinda McRae (Tech) Ex-Officio

Community Members: 

Officer Kenneth Johns (UWPD)

Julianne Siebens (Speech & Hearing) 


Off Campus Reps: 

Nate Brown (CEDR) 

Nicole Sadow-Hasenberg (P4C) 

Danielle Woodward (SDRG) 

Code of Conduct 

Animal Policy 

The building is public to all; therefore, we ask for everyone’s participation in making sure your personal belongings are secured.  Please make sure to gather belongings as appropriate and for employees of the School, please make sure to close office doors as necessary to ensure the safety and security of your space and belongings.

In addition to this, don't forget to register bikes and electronics via the UWPD "Love Your Stuff Program"