This collaboration with the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Dartington Social Research Unit in Devon, UK will ultimately create a collaboration to develop a comprehensive systems and community change model to promote the positive development of children and families in disadvantaged urban communities. System and community change will be accomplished through assessment of system, community, and youth issues that interfere with healthy development, using evidence-based practices to address these identified needs. This project is envisioned as a three phase collaborative effort to explore the potential for creating a systems change model using the Communities That Care, Common Language, and Annie E. Casey approaches to community and system change. In Phase One, SDRG staff will provide information and training on their respective approaches to systems and community change and develop a logic model for the Casey new integrated model. Future phases will include developing the model, demonstrating the model in selected urban sites, and testing the model after revisions based on the demonstration.
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Principal Investigator(s):