Generally speaking, behaviors and actions are closely tied to one's knowledge, beliefs and values. Yet decisions are often based not on what we consciously know and believe but rather on hidden motivations driven by unconscious biases.
“Race, Bias & Dissonance: The Intersection with Leadership, Equity & Inclusion,” facilitated by Gregory Taylor, illustrates how racial biases were introduced and cultivated; examines how cognitive dissonance relates to misinformation; and explores racial stereotypes and inequity. You’ll be challenged to identify your own biases, laying the groundwork for transformational dialogue that stimulates awareness, racial healing, radical inclusion and equitable opportunities for all.
Help us support and sustain diversity and equity at the School and the UW by participating in this important discussion. Two additional Race & Equity workshops will be announced later this year.
This workshop will be offered on two different days:
Monday, Oct. 24, 8 – 10 a.m., Rm 305 (continental breakfast)
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 12 – 2 p.m., Rm 38 (lunch)
Please RSVP to Mary Kaiser at noting which day/time you are interested in attending. All students, faculty and staff are invited.