Wendy Seignemartin

Development Coach, Alliance

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Wendy started her career in social work at the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery, first as a house parent, and then as a family support specialist. This job ignited Wendy’s interest in working with children and their families, which has been her passion since.
In 2006, she started working for Children’s Administration (now DCYF) as a Child and Family Welfare Services worker. During her time at DCYF, Wendy worked primarily in CFWS but also had some time working in placement and in Family Assessment Response. In 2015, Wendy was promoted to CFWS supervisor, where she spent the last 7 years prior to moving to the Alliance.
Wendy has been an active member of the Spokane Parent Advocacy Network since 2016 and a part of planning Reunification Day events in the Spokane area since this time. Wendy strongly believes in the SPAN motto that “People Change, Families Reunite.”
Wendy has a Bachelor of Science degree in Development Psychology and earned her MSW through the CWTAP program in 2017.