Enter a name in the search box to locate School of Social Work faculty and staff members, or select the first letter of their last name to search alphabetically. Please refer to UW Directories for a complete listing of University faculty, staff and students.

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First Name Last Name Job Title Email Phone Location Office
Melissa Becker Research Consultant, Partners for Our Children mfbecker@uw.edu P4C
Melissa Martinson Associate Professor melmart@uw.edu 206-221-4043 SSW 101
Menosh Zalmai Lecturer
Micah Kurtz Regional Supervisor, Alliance mkurtz@uw.edu 206-651-0749 Off-Campus
Michael Light Lecturer
Michael S. Spencer Spencer Professor, Ballmer Endowed Dean in Social Work mspenc@uw.edu 206-221-7873 SSW 210C
Michelle Jaquish Lecturer
Michelle Flores Continuing Education Specialist, Forefront miflores@uw.edu SSW
Michelle Cutlip Coach, Alliance mlcutlip@uw.edu 509-290-0408 Off-Campus
Michelle Johnson-Jennings Professor; Director, Environmentally based Health & Land-based Healing, IWRI drmjj@uw.edu 206-616-8561 SSW 203
Michelle Birdsall Director of Human Resources (Interim) birdsall@uw.edu 206-221-6032 SSW 210D
Mikael Mulugeta Digital Media Manager, SSW Communications mmulug@uw.edu SSW 003
Mike Yates Development and Facilitation Specialist, Alliance myates1@uw.edu 360-489-8742 Off-Campus
Mike Bartz Computer Maintenance Technician 4, SSWTech mbartz@uw.edu 206-616-2177 SSW B052J
Miranda van Tilburg Affiliate Professor
Miriam Sosa Senior Computer Specialist, Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence msosa805@uw.edu 360-632-2603 Off-Campus 254A.11
Moo-Hyun Kim Lecturer
Moo-Hyun Kim Research Coordinator, Partners for Our Children mkim03@uw.edu P4C
Morgan Wells Assistant Teaching Professor, Office of Field Education; Clinical Instructor mgwells@uw.edu 206-616-2339 112L
Mugdha Galande Lecturer
Nagem Donawa Administrative Assistant 2, Deans Office ndonawa@uw.edu 206-685-1661 SSW 210
Nancy Reinhold Research Study Supervisor, SDRG ner4@uw.edu SDRG
Nancy Tran Program Support Supervisor I ntran08@uw.edu 206-616-7013 SSW 023E
Nancy R. Hooyman Professor and Dean Emerita hooy@uw.edu SSW
Natalie Turner PhD Student nturner2@uw.edu SSW B018D