Enter a name in the search box to locate School of Social Work faculty and staff members, or select the first letter of their last name to search alphabetically. Please refer to UW Directories for a complete listing of University faculty, staff and students.

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First Name Last Name Job Title Email Phone Location Office
Eli Zucker Lecturer
Elizabeth Wells Research Professor Emeritus
Elizabeth Rubin Lecturer
Elliott McMurray Lecturer
Ely Hernandez Lecturer
Emiko Tajima Associate Professor , Executive Director, Partners for Our Children etajima@uw.edu 206-221-7874 SSW 244C
Emily Simpson-Keyes Program Outreach Specialist, Behavioral Health Workforce Development Initiative (WDI) emilysk@uw.edu SSW 225L
Emily Knickerbocker Development and Facilitation Specialist, Alliance ebocker@uw.edu Off-Campus
Emily Wesley Lecturer, Office of Field Education eykw@uw.edu 206-543-6260 112H
Emma Buckland Young Research Study Assistant, Day Research ebyoung@uw.edu Off-Campus
Emma Mallonée Training Manager, Forefront emallone@uw.edu SSW RC
Erica Runge Program Operations Specialist, Forefront erunge@uw.edu SSW RC
Erin Casey Affiliate Professor
Erin Chevrier Research Study Assistant, SDRG eec13@uw.edu SDRG
Erin Clawson Continuing Education Specialist 4, Alliance clawser@uw.edu SSW
Eslavath Rajkumar Affiliate Instructor
ET Paine Lecturer
Faiza Khalid Continuing Education Coordinator. SDRG khalidf3@uw.edu SDRG
Francis Cacalda Indian Child Welfare Development and Facilitation Specialist, Alliance cacalf@uw.edu 206-923-4912 Off-Campus
Frankie Fowler Fiscal Specialist frankieg@uw.edu 206-543-8821 SSW 225G
Gail Colfax Grants and Contracts Manager, Dean's Office gharrell@uw.edu 206-221-8659 SSW 220F
Galen Kerrick Lecturer
Geraldine Germain PhD Student ggermain@uw.edu SSW B018A
Gerilyn Myers Acting CWTAP Director, Assitant Teaching Professor, CWTAP Myersg6@uw.edu 206-616-8662 SSW 111H
Gery Shelafoe Continuing Education Specialist, SDRG gerys@uw.edu SDRG