Enter a name in the search box to locate School of Social Work faculty and staff members, or select the first letter of their last name to search alphabetically. Please refer to UW Directories for a complete listing of University faculty, staff and students.

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First Name Last Name Job Title Email Phone Location Office
Stan de Mello Associate Teaching Professor, Office of Field Education demellos@uw.edu 206-616-5983 SSW 112K
Stacy Edwards Executive Administrative Assistant, Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence stacye18@uw.edu 425-954-0215 SSW
Stacey De Fries Associate Teaching Professor, Office of Field Education sdefries@uw.edu 206-221-5017 SSW 112C
Sophia Merelas Research Coordinator, Partners for Our Children smerelas@uw.edu P4C
Sonia Duckworth Assistant Teaching Professor, Office of Field Education soniduc@uw.edu 206-616-6190 SSW 112L
Sola Plumacher Lecturer
Sofie Aaron Washington State Community Behavioral Health Workforce Development Initiative Coordinator sofieaa@uw.edu SSW 225
Sierra Wollenhall Research & Communications Coordinator slwollen@uw.edu 206-685-1434 SSW 225E
Shyla Rose Reed Admissions & Outreach Specialist rreed21@uw.edu 206-543-6752 SSW 023A
Shoshana Benjamin PhD Student shoshb@uw.edu SSW B018A
Shirley Chu-Torres Assistant Director – PhD Social Welfare Program sctorres@uw.edu 206-685-1680 SSW 238B
Shirley Alcantara Budget/Fiscal Unit Supervisor shirleya@uw.edu 206-543-1119 SSW 220C
Shira Hassan Lecturer
Sherling Roy Program Finance Manager, Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence sherld@uw.edu 206-221-0308 SSW RC 254A
Shelley Logan Operations Manager, SDRG slogan@uw.edu 206-543-6742 SDRG
Shelby Russell-Hays Development and Facilitation Specialist, Alliance shha@uw.edu 360-836-7157 Off-Campus
Shawnti Johnson Teaching Associate, CWTAP shawnti@uw.edu 206-897-1835 SSW 111 A
Sharon Colomb Development and Facilitation Specialist, Alliance scolomb1@uw.edu 509-557-8067 Off-Campus
Shareece Hayes Teaching Associate, CWTAP hayess1@uw.edu 206-543-6319 SSW 111A
Shannon Harper West Coast Poverty Research Director shannonh@uw.edu 206-685-7727 SSW 112
Shannon Sullivan Regional Supervisor, Alliance sullisl@uw.edu 509-531-2381 Off-Campus
Shana Burres Mentor Team Manager, Alliance srburres@uw.edu 360-884-9888 Off-Campus
Shaena Spoor Lecturer
Shadwanda Rainey Research Study Coordinator 1, SDRG srainey@uw.edu SDRG
Seratha Largie PhD Student srlargie@uw.edu SSW B018C