Enter a name in the search box to locate School of Social Work faculty and staff members, or select the first letter of their last name to search alphabetically. Please refer to UW Directories for a complete listing of University faculty, staff and students.

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First Name Last Name Job Title Email Phone Location Office
Gina Cumbo Lecturer SSW 120
Gino Aisenberg Associate Professor, Co-director, Latino Center for Health ginoa@uw.edu 206-616-9365 SSW 127B
Giselle Cárcamo Romero Lecturer SSW
Glen Gonzalez Teaching Associate, CWTAP gbg@uw.edu SSW 127
Glenna Wolf Research Coordinator, SDRG glennar@uw.edu SDRG
Grace Falken Research Consultant, CEDR gfalken@uw.edu Off-Campus
Gracie Volyn Development and Facilitation Specialist, Alliance gvolyn@uw.edu Off-Campus
Gregor Thomas Research Scientist/Engineer-Senior, CSSAT gregort@uw.edu Off-Campus
Griffin Street Lecturer, Office of Field Education hgs23@uw.edu 206-221-2115 SSW 136A
Gunnar Almgren Professor Emeritus mukboy@uw.edu
Hailey Hyunzee Jung Research Scientist III, The Goldsen Institute hzjung@uw.edu 206-685-8669 SSW 136E
Haim Burstein Administrator, SDRG haimb@uw.edu 206-221-9004 SDRG
Hana Jang Lecturer
Hanna Cho PhD Student hannac8@uw.edu SSW B018E
Hannah Scheuer PhD Student hscheuer@uw.edu SSW B070A3
Heather Perry Continuing Education Specialist 4, Alliance hperry2@uw.edu SSW
Hector Joel Sosa Computer Support Analyst 2, CWW hjsosa@uw.edu Off-Campus
Heidi Kennedy Development and Facilitation Specialist, Alliance hk0221@uw.edu 360-420-6552 Off-Campus
Hez Cooper Wollin Lecturer SSW
Holly Bond Regional Supervisor, Alliance hollyb7@uw.edu 206-484-6854 Off-Campus
Hyun-Jun Kim Assistant Research Professor hyunjkim@uw.edu 206-685-8714 136B
Isaac Sanders PhD Student Is9031@uw.edu SSW B018F
J. Mark Eddy
J.David Hawkins Professor Emeritus jdh@uw.edu 206-543-7655 SSW
Jaclynn Sagers Continuing Education Specialist 4, SDRG jasagers@uw.edu SDRG