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Herrenkohl TI, Klika JB, Brown EC, Herrenkohl RC, Leeb RT.  2013.  Tests of the mitigating effects of caring and supportive relationships in the study of abusive disciplining over two generations.. J Adolesc Health. 53(4 Suppl):S18-24.
Kerr DCR, Reinke WM, J Eddy M.  2013.  Trajectories of depressive symptoms and externalizing behaviors across adolescence: associations with histories of suicide attempt and ideation in early adulthood.. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 43(1):50-66.
Steketee M, Oesterle S, Jonkman H, Hawkins JD, Haggerty KP, Aussems C.  2013.  Transforming prevention systems in the United States and the Netherlands using Communities That Care. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. Special Issue on: Compassionate Criminology: The Legacy of Josine Junger-Tas. 19(2):99-116.
Levy RL, Langer SL, Walker LS, Romano JM, Christie DL, Youssef N, DuPen MM, Ballard SA, Labus J, Welsh E et al..  2013.  Twelve-month follow-up of cognitive behavioral therapy for children with functional abdominal pain.. JAMA Pediatr. 167(2):178-84.
Fleming CB, Marchesini G, Elgin J, Haggerty KP, Woodward D, Abbott RD, Catalano RF.  2013.  Use of Web and Phone Survey Modes to Gather Data From Adults About Their Young Adult Children: An Evaluation Based on a Randomized Design.. Field methods. 25(4):388-404.
Brody GH, Beach SRH, Hill KG, Howe GW, Prado G, Fullerton SM.  2013.  Using genetically informed, randomized prevention trials to test etiological hypotheses about child and adolescent drug use and psychopathology.. Am J Public Health. 103 Suppl 1:S19-24.
White TA, Erosheva EA.  2013.  Using group-based latent class transition models to analyze chronic disability data from the National Long-Term Care Survey 1984-2004.. Stat Med. 32(20):3569-89.
Shapiro VB, Hawkins JD, Oesterle S, Monahan KC, Brown EC, Arthur MW.  2013.  Variation in the effect of Communities That Care on community adoption of a scientific approach to prevention. J Soc Social Work Res. 4(3)
Tabb KM, Gavin AR, Guo Y, Huang H, Debiec K, Katon W.  2013.  Views and experiences of suicidal ideation during pregnancy and the postpartum: findings from interviews with maternal care clinic patients.. Women Health. 53(5):519-35.
Vasunilashorn S, Martinson ML.  2013.  Weight status in adolescence is associated with later life functional limitations.. J Aging Health. 25(5):758-75.
Herrenkohl TI.  2013.  Who dies? Disparities in mortality risk among juvenile offenders. J Adolesc Health. 52(6):668-9.
Nurius PS, Logan-Greene P, Green S.  2012.  Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) within a social disadvantage framework: distinguishing unique, cumulative, and moderated contributions to adult mental health.. J Prev Interv Community. 40(4):278-90.
Williams EC, McFarland LV, Nelson KM.  2012.  Alcohol consumption among urban, suburban, and rural Veterans Affairs outpatients.. J Rural Health. 28(2):202-10.
Manhart LE.  2012.  Another STI associated with HIV-1 acquisition: now what? AIDS. 26(5):635-7.
Gong F, Xu J, Takeuchi DT.  2012.  Beyond conventional socioeconomic status: examining subjective and objective social status with self-reported health among Asian immigrants.. J Behav Med. 35(4):407-19.
Larimer ME, Neighbors C, Lostutter TW, Whiteside U, Cronce JM, Kaysen D, Walker DD.  2012.  Brief motivational feedback and cognitive behavioral interventions for prevention of disordered gambling: a randomized clinical trial.. Addiction. 107(6):1148-58.
Lee JO, Kosterman R, McCarty CA, Hill KG, Hawkins JD.  2012.  Can patterns of alcohol use disorder in young adulthood help explain gender differences in depression? Compr Psychiatry. 53(8):1071-7.
Kjellstrand J, Cearley J, J Eddy M, Foney D, Martinez CR.  2012.  Characteristics of Incarcerated Fathers and Mothers: Implications for Preventive Interventions Targeting Children and Families.. Child Youth Serv Rev. 34(12):2409-2415.
Whittaker JK.  2012.  Child Protection Systems: International Trends and Orientations.. Social Service Review.
Dorsey S, Kerns SEU, Trupin EW, Conover KL, Berliner L.  2012.  Child welfare caseworkers as service brokers for youth in foster care: findings from project focus.. Child Maltreat. 17(1):22-31.
Davis KCue, Schraufnagel TJ, Jacques-Tiura AJ, Norris J, George WH, Kiekel PA.  2012.  Childhood Sexual Abuse and Acute Alcohol Effects on Men's Sexual Aggression Intentions.. Psychol Violence. 2(2):179-193.
Hooven C, Nurius PS, Logan-Greene P, Thompson EA.  2012.  Childhood Violence Exposure: Cumulative and Specific Effects on Adult Mental Health.. J Fam Violence. 27(6):511-522.
Egan EA, Van Horn Ml, Monahan KC, Arthur MW, Hawkins JD.  2012.  Community-level effects of individual and peer risk and protective factors on adolescent substance use. Journal of Community Psychology. 39(4):478-498.
Jobe JB, Adams AK, Henderson JA, Karanja N, Lee ET, Walters KL.  2012.  Community-responsive interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk in American Indians.. J Prim Prev. 33(4):153-9.
King KM, Nguyen HV, Kosterman R, Bailey JA, Hawkins JD.  2012.  Co-occurrence of sexual risk behaviors and substance use across emerging adulthood: evidence for state- and trait-level associations.. Addiction. 107(7):1288-96.