Enter a name in the search box to locate School of Social Work faculty and staff members, or select the first letter of their last name to search alphabetically. Please refer to UW Directories for a complete listing of University faculty, staff and students.

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First Name Last Name Job Title Email Phone Location Office
Janina Alcantara Lecturer
Timothy Hung-Peng Lin PhD Student hungpl@uw.edu SSW 006
Sofie Aaron Washington State Community Behavioral Health Workforce Development Initiative Coordinator sofieaa@uw.edu SSW 225
Tasneem Abdullah Research Assistant, BMRG tabdull@uw.edu Off-Campus
Tess Abrahmson-Richards PhD Student teresaar@uw.edu SSW B018C
Jooree Ahn Software Engineer, CSSAT jooreea@uw.edu Off-Campus
Gino Aisenberg Associate Professor, Co-director, Latino Center for Health ginoa@uw.edu 206-616-9365 SSW 127B
Shirley Alcantara Budget/Fiscal Unit Supervisor shirleya@uw.edu 206-543-1119 SSW 220C
Ann Allen Clinical Instructor annall3@uw.edu 206-923-4851
Gunnar Almgren Professor Emeritus mukboy@uw.edu
Britt Alvy Lecturer
Bhikkhu Analayo Affiliate Instructor
Paloma Andazola-Reza Lecturer
Christian Hunter Anderson Research Study Coordinator 1 cander98@uw.edu Off-Campus
Vicki Anderson-Ellis Assistant Dean of Finance & Administration vaellis@uw.edu 206-685-1667 SSW 220D
Andrea Aranza Gonzalez Program Assistant, IWRI aagg2001@uw.edu Off-Campus
Carol Armstrong Development and Facilitation Specialist, Alliance carmst2@uw.edu 206-390-0848 Off-Campus
Charissa Q Armstrong Statewide Foundational Learning Coordinator, Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence misscpq@uw.edu 425-954-0249 Off-Campus
Deb Ausema Excellence in Facilitation Lead, Alliance dausema@uw.edu 206-388-9036 Off-Campus
Lisette Austin Communications Manager, Partners for our Children lisette@uw.edu 206-221-0687 P4C
Brittney Autry Lecturer, MSW, University of Illinois, Chicago , MS, Psychology, Howard University
Bryce Bahler Lecturer
Jennifer Bailey Lecturer jabailey@uw.edu 206-685-9115 SDRG
Mary Lou Balassone Associate Professor Emerita marylou@uw.edu 206- 543-9699 SSW
Lanz Christian Bañes Research Scientist 2, Day Research lcbanes@uw.edu SSW 225D