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Steeger CM, Bailey JA, Epstein M, Hill KG.  2019.  The link between parental smoking and youth externalizing behaviors: Effects of smoking, psychosocial factors, and family characteristics. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 33:243-253.
Kim BKE, Gilman AB, Kosterman R, Hill KG.  2019.  Longitudinal associations among depression, substance abuse, and crime: A test of competing hypotheses for driving mechanisms. Journal of Criminal Justice. 62:50-57.
Heerde JA, Bailey JA, Toumbourou JW, Catalano RF.  2019.  Longitudinal associations between the adolescent family environment and young adult substance use in Australia and the United States. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 10:821
Johnson RM, Guttmannova K.  2019.  Marijuana use among adolescents and emerging adults in the midst of policy change: Introduction to the special issue. Prevention Science. 20:179-184.
Farrington DP, Hawkins JD.  2019.  The need for long-term follow-ups of delinquency prevention experiments. JAMA Network Open. 2:e190780.
Cambron C, Kosterman R, Hawkins JD.  2019.  Neighborhood poverty increases risk for daily smoking from age 30 to 39. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 53:858-864.
Fleming CM, Eisenberg N, Catalano RF, Kosterman R, Cambron C, Hawkins JD, Hobbs T, Berman I, Fleming T, Watrous J.  2019.  Optimizing assessment of risk and protection for diverse adolescent outcomes: Do risk and protective factors for delinquency and substance use also predict risky sexual behavior? Prevention Science. 20:788-799.
Prendergast LE, Toumbourou JW, McMorris BJ, Catalano RF.  2019.  Outcomes of early adolescent sexual behavior in Australia: Longitudinal findings in young adulthood. Journal of Adolescent Health. 64:516-522.
Eisenberg N, Jones TM, Kosterman R, Bailey JA, Lee JO, Haggerty KP.  2019.  Parenting practices in the context of legal marijuana: Voices from Seattle parents. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 28:587-598.
Catalano RF, Skinner ML, Alvarado G, Kapungu C, Reavley N, Patton GC, Jessee C, Plaut D, Moss C, Bennett K et al..  2019.  Positive youth development programs in low- and middle-income countries: A conceptual framework and systematic review of efficacy. Journal of Adolescent Health. 65:15-31.
Gross TJ, Duncan J, Kim SY, Mason W.A, Haggerty KP.  2019.  Predicting school suspension risk from eighth through tenth grade using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Contemporary School Psychology. 23:270-289.
Tajima E, McCowan KJ, Lindhorst T, Haggerty KP, Rivara JB, Schack S, Ramey A, T. Jackson R.  2019.  Promoting SBIRT training for social work students across field settings. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. 19:108-123.
Johnson RM, Fleming CB, Cambron C, Dean LT, Brighthaupt S-C, Guttmannova K.  2019.  Race/ethnicity differences in trends of marijuana, cigarette, and alcohol use among 8th, 10th, and 12th graders in Washington State, 2004-2016. Prevention Science. 20:194-204.
Heerde JA, Curtis A, Bailey JA, Smith R, Hemphill SA, Toumbourou JW.  2019.  Reciprocal associations between early adolescent antisocial behavior and depressive symptoms: A longitudinal study in Victoria, Australia and Washington State, United States. Journal of Criminal Justice. 62:74-86.
Cambron C, Catalano RF, Hawkins JD.  2019.  The social development model. The Oxford handbook of developmental and life-course criminology. :224-247.
Steeger CM, Epstein M, Hill KG, Kristman-Valente AN, Bailey JA, Lee JO, Kosterman R.  2019.  Time-varying effects of family smoking and family management on adolescent daily smoking: The moderating roles of behavioral disinhibition and anxiety. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 204:107572.
Counts NZ, Hawkins JD, Fishbein DH.  2019.  The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force's opportunity to pursue a new strategy for behavioral health. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 56:315-317.
Guttmannova K, Jones AA, Johnson JK, Oesterle S, Johnson RM, Martins SS.  2019.  Using existing data to advance knowledge about adolescent and emerging adult marijuana use in the context of changes in marijuana policies. Prevention Science. 20:291-299.
Lee JO, Jones TM, Yoon Y, Hackman DA, Yoo JP, Kosterman R.  2019.  Young adult unemployment and later depression and anxiety: Does childhood neighborhood matter? Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 48:30-42.
Epstein M, Furlong M, Kosterman R, Bailey JA, King KM, Vasilenko SA, Steeger CM, Hill KG.  2018.  Adolescent age of sexual initiation and subsequent adult health outcomes. American Journal of Public Health. 108:822-828.
Lee JO, Jones TM, Kosterman R, Cambron C, Rhew I, Herrenkohl TI, Hill KG.  2018.  Childhood neighborhood context and adult substance use problems: The role of socio-economic status at the age of 30 years. Public Health. 165:58-66.
Bailey JA, Epstein M, Steeger CM, Hill KG.  2018.  Concurrent and prospective associations between substance-specific parenting practices and child cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use. Journal of Adolescent Health. 62:681-687.
Salazar AM, Jones KR, Amemiya J, Cherry A, Brown EC, Catalano RF, Monahan KC.  2018.  Defining and achieving permanency among older youth in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review. 87:9-16.
Salazar AM, McCowan KJ, Cole JJ, Skinner ML, Noell BR, Colito JM, Haggerty KP, Barkan SE.  2018.  Developing relationship-building tools for foster families caring for teens who are LGBTQ2S. Child Welfare. 96:75-97.
Sousa C, Mason W.A, Herrenkohl TI, Prince D, Herrenkohl RC, Russo MJ.  2018.  Direct and indirect effects of child abuse and environmental stress: A lifecourse perspective on adversity and depressive symptoms. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 88:180-188.