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Kosterman R, Mason WA, Haggerty KP, Hawkins JD, Spoth R, Redmond C.  2011.  Positive childhood experiences and positive adult functioning: Prosocial continuity and the role of adolescent substance use.. J Adolesc Health. 49(2):180-6.
Kosterman R, Bailey JA, Guttmannova K, Jones TM, Eisenberg N, Hill KG, Hawkins JD.  2016.  Marijuana legalization and parents’ attitudes, use, and parenting in Washington State. Journal of Adolescent Health. 59:450-456.
Kosterman R, Hawkins JD, Hill KG, Bailey JA, Catalano RF, Abbott RD.  2019.  Effects of social development intervention in childhood on adult life at ages 30 to 39. Prevention Science. 20:986-995.
Kosterman R, Epstein M, Bailey JA, Furlong M, Hawkins JD.  2021.  The role of electronic cigarette use for quitting or reducing combustible cigarette use in the 30s: Longitudinal changes and moderated relationships. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 227:108940.
Kosterman R, Epstein M, Bailey JA, Oesterle S, Furlong M, Hawkins JD.  2021.  Adult social environments and the use of combustible and electronic cigarettes: Opportunities for reducing smoking in the 30s. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 23:518-526.
Kosterman R, Epstein M, Bailey JA, Hawkins JD.  2022.  Is e-cigarette use associated with better health and functioning among smokers approaching midlife? Drug & Alcohol Dependence. 234:109395.