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Young adult unemployment and later depression and anxiety: Does childhood neighborhood matter? Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 48:30-42.
2019. A trait-like propensity to experience internalizing symptoms is associated with problem alcohol involvement across adulthood, but not adolescence. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 34:756–771.
2020. Time-varying effects of family smoking and family management on adolescent daily smoking: The moderating roles of behavioral disinhibition and anxiety. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 204:107572.
2019. The role of self-regulation in academic and behavioral paths to a high school diploma. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology. 3:304-325.
2017. The role of electronic cigarette use for quitting or reducing combustible cigarette use in the 30s: Longitudinal changes and moderated relationships. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 227:108940.
2021. The relationship between outpatient mental health treatment and subsequent mental health symptoms and disorders in young adults.. Adm Policy Ment Health. 37(6):484-96.
2010. The relationship between marijuana and conventional cigarette smoking behavior from early adolescence to adulthood. Prevention Science. 18:428-438.
2017. Racial differences in mechanisms linking childhood socioeconomic status with growth in adult body mass index: The role of adolescent risk and educational attainment. Journal of Adolescent Health. 63:474-481.
2018. Positive childhood experiences and positive adult functioning: Prosocial continuity and the role of adolescent substance use.. J Adolesc Health. 49(2):180-6.
2011. Parents’ perceptions of adolescent exposure to marijuana following legalization in Washington State. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 11:21-38.
2020. Parenting practices in the context of legal marijuana: Voices from Seattle parents. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 28:587-598.
2019. Outcomes of childhood preventive intervention across 2 generations: A nonrandomized controlled trial. JAMA Pediatrics. 174:764-771.
2020. Optimizing assessment of risk and protection for diverse adolescent outcomes: Do risk and protective factors for delinquency and substance use also predict risky sexual behavior? Prevention Science. 20:788-799.
2019. The onset of STI diagnosis through age 30: results from the Seattle Social Development Project Intervention.. Prev Sci. 15 Suppl 1:S19-32.
2014. Neighborhood typologies associated with alcohol use among adults in their 30s: A finite mixture modeling approach. Journal of Urban Health. 94:542-548.
2017. Neighborhood structural factors and proximal risk for youth substance use. Prevention Science. 21:508-518.
2020. Neighborhood poverty increases risk for daily smoking from age 30 to 39. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 53:858-864.
2019. Neighborhood, family, and peer factors associated with early adolescent smoking and alcohol use. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 47:369-382.
2018. Neighborhood deprivation moderates shared and unique environmental influences on hazardous drinking: Findings from a cross-sectional co-twin study. Substance Use and Misuse. 55:1625-1632.
2020. Mechanisms linking high school graduation to health disparities in young adulthood: A longitudinal analysis of the role of health behaviors, psychosocial stressors, and health insurance. Public Health. 139:61-69.
2016. Marijuana legalization and youth marijuana, alcohol, and cigarette use and norms. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 59:309-316.
2020. Marijuana legalization and parents’ attitudes, use, and parenting in Washington State. Journal of Adolescent Health. 59:450-456.
2016. Longitudinal associations among depression, substance abuse, and crime: A test of competing hypotheses for driving mechanisms. Journal of Criminal Justice. 62:50-57.
2019. Impacts of changing marijuana policies on alcohol and other drug use in the United States. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 40:33-46.
2016. Identifying and predicting criminal career profiles from adolescence to age 39. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. 30:210-220.