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Conceptualization of firearm-related terms among rural adolescents: Definitions matter. Youth and Society. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/0044118X241263968
2024. Concurrent and prospective associations between substance-specific parenting practices and child cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use. Journal of Adolescent Health. 62:681-687.
2018. Context matters: real-world and utilization-focused evaluation strategies to support change and improvement in child welfare.. Child Welfare. 90(2):29-47.
2011. CSF biomarker associations with change in hippocampal volume and precuneus thickness: implications for the Alzheimer's pathological cascade.. Brain Imaging Behav. 6(4):599-609.
2012. Does adolescent alcohol harm minimization policy exposure reduce adult alcohol problems? A cross-national comparison Journal of Adolescent Health. 66:713-718.
2020. Does parents' age at first birth moderate intergenerational continuity in early-onset cannabis use? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 82:470-475.
2021. Is e-cigarette use associated with better health and functioning among smokers approaching midlife? Drug & Alcohol Dependence. 234:109395.
2022. E-cigarette use is associated with subsequent cigarette use among young adult nonsmokers, over and above a range of antecedent risk factors: A propensity score analysis. Addiction. 116:1224-1231.
2021. The effect of general and drug-specific family environments on comorbid and drug-specific problem behavior: A longitudinal examination.. Dev Psychol. 49(6):1151-64.
2013. Effect of the Communities That Care prevention system on adolescent handgun carrying: A cluster-randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open. 6(4):e236699.
2023. Effectiveness of Facebook groups to boost participation in a parenting intervention. Prevention Science. 20:894-903.
2019. Effects of cannabis legalization on adolescent cannabis use across 3 studies. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 64(3):361-367.
2023. Enhancing the population impact of collaborative care interventions: mixed method development and implementation of stepped care targeting posttraumatic stress disorder and related comorbidities after acute trauma.. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 33(2):123-34.
2011. Evaluating the effect of retail marijuana legalization on parent marijuana use frequency and norms in U.S. states with retail marijuana legalization. Addictive Behaviors. 111:106564.
2020. Evaluating the impact of intimate partner violence on the perpetrator: the Perceived Consequences of Domestic Violence Questionnaire.. J Interpers Violence. 25(9):1684-98.
2010. Evidence-based juvenile justice programs and practices: A critical review. Criminology and Public Policy. 19:1305-1328.
2020. Examining how regular users of marijuana communicate with their children about marijuana use: Lessons learned from Facebook and Instagram recruitment. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 32:3176-3186.
2023. .
General and specific predictors of comorbid substance use and internalizing problems from adolescence to age 33. Prevention Science. 20:705-714.
2019. .
2014. HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention Messaging: Targeting Root Causes of Sexual Risk Behavior.. Sex Transm Dis. 43(2):71-7.
2016. The impact of a middle school program to reduce aggression, victimization, and sexual violence.. J Adolesc Health. 53(2):180-6.
2013. The impact of school alcohol policy on student drinking.. Health Educ Res. 28(4):651-62.
2013. The impact of school tobacco policies on student smoking in Washington State, United States and Victoria, Australia.. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 7(3):698-710.
2010. In search of connection: The foster youth and caregiver relationship.. Child Youth Serv Rev. 42:110-117.