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Rao D, Desmond M, Andrasik M, Rasberry T, Lambert N, Cohn SE, Simoni J.  2012.  Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of the unity workshop: an internalized stigma reduction intervention for African American women living with HIV.. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 26(10):614-20.
Rao D, Chen WT, Pearson CR, Simoni JM, Fredriksen-Goldsen K, Nelson K, Zhao H, Zhang F.  2012.  Social support mediates the relationship between HIV stigma and depression/quality of life among people living with HIV in Beijing, China.. Int J STD AIDS. 23(7):481-4.
Rao D, Desmond M, Andrasik M, Rasberry T, Lambert N, Cohn SE, Simoni J.  2012.  Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of the unity workshop: an internalized stigma reduction intervention for African American women living with HIV.. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 26(10):614-20.
Rao D, Desmond M, Andrasik M, Rasberry T, Lambert N, Cohn SE, Simoni J.  2012.  Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of the unity workshop: an internalized stigma reduction intervention for African American women living with HIV.. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 26(10):614-20.
Rhew IC, Hawkins JD, Oesterle S.  2011.  Drug use and risk among youth in different rural contexts.. Health & Place. 17(3):775-83.
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Sandoval JA, Lucero J, Oetzel J, Avila M, Belone L, Mau M, Pearson C, Tafoya G, Duran B, Rios LIglesias et al..  2012.  Process and outcome constructs for evaluating community-based participatory research projects: a matrix of existing measures.. Health Educ Res. 27(4):680-90.
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Sheldon-Sherman J, Wilson D, Smith S.  2013.  Extent and nature of child maltreatment-related fatalities: implications for policy and practice.. Child Welfare. 92(2):41-58.
Sherwood NE, Levy RL, Langer SL, Senso MM, A Crain L, Hayes MG, Anderson JD, Seburg EM, Jeffery RW.  2013.  Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids: a randomized trial of a pediatric primary care-based obesity prevention intervention for at-risk 5-10 year olds.. Contemp Clin Trials. 36(1):228-43.
Simoni JM, Chen W-T, Huh D, Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Pearson C, Zhao H, Shiu C-S, Wang X, Zhang F.  2011.  A preliminary randomized controlled trial of a nurse-delivered medication adherence intervention among HIV-positive outpatients initiating antiretroviral therapy in Beijing, China.. AIDS Behav. 15(5):919-29.
Skinner ML, Haggerty KP, Fleming CB, Catalano RF, Gainey RR.  2011.  Opiate-addicted parents in methadone treatment: long-term recovery, health, and family relationships.. J Addict Dis. 30(1):17-26.
Skinner ML, Haggerty KP, Fleming CB, Catalano RF, Gainey RR.  2011.  Opiate-addicted parents in methadone treatment: long-term recovery, health, and family relationships.. J Addict Dis. 30(1):17-26.
Skinner ML, Haggerty KP, Fleming CB, Catalano RF, Gainey RR.  2011.  Opiate-addicted parents in methadone treatment: long-term recovery, health, and family relationships.. J Addict Dis. 30(1):17-26.
Skinner ML, Fleming CB, Haggerty KP, Catalano RF.  2014.  Sex risk behavior among adolescent and young adult children of opiate addicts: outcomes from the focus on families prevention trial and an examination of childhood and concurrent predictors of sex risk behavior.. Prev Sci. 15 Suppl 1:S70-7.
Skinner ML, MacKenzie EP, Haggerty KP, Hill KG, Roberson KC.  2011.  Observed parenting behavior with teens: measurement invariance and predictive validity across race.. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 17(3):252-60.
Skinner ML, Shirtcliff EA, Haggerty KP, Coe CL, Catalano RF.  2011.  Allostasis model facilitates understanding race differences in the diurnal cortisol rhythm.. Dev Psychopathol. 23(4):1167-86.
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Stappenbeck CA, Norris J, Kiekel PA, Morrison DM, George WH, Davis KCue, Zawacki T, Jacques-Tiura AJ, Abdallah DAlisa.  2013.  Patterns of alcohol use and expectancies predict sexual risk taking among non-problem drinking women.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 74(2):223-32.
Stone AL, Becker LG, Huber AM, Catalano RF.  2012.  Review of risk and protective factors of substance use and problem use in emerging adulthood.. Addict Behav. 37(7):747-75.
Stone AL, Becker LG, Huber AM, Catalano RF.  2012.  Review of risk and protective factors of substance use and problem use in emerging adulthood.. Addict Behav. 37(7):747-75.
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