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Twelve-month follow-up of cognitive behavioral therapy for children with functional abdominal pain.. JAMA Pediatr. 167(2):178-84.
2013. Disseminating contingency management: impacts of staff training and implementation at an opiate treatment program.. J Subst Abuse Treat. 46(4):429-38.
2014. A blueprint of pain curriculum across prelicensure health sciences programs: one NIH Pain Consortium Center of Excellence in Pain Education (CoEPE) experience.. J Pain. 14(12):1533-8.
2013. Prevalence, risk, and correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder across ethnic and racial minority groups in the United States.. Med Care. 51(12):1114-23.
2013. Risk and protective factors associated with health-related quality of life among older gay and bisexual men living with HIV disease.. Gerontologist. 53(6):963-72.
2013. A qualitative examination of men's condom use attitudes and resistance: "it's just part of the game".. Arch Sex Behav. 43(3):631-43.
2014. Research priorities for economic analyses of prevention: Current issues and future directions.. Prev Sci. 15(6):789-98.
2014. Educational inequalities in the co-occurrence of mental health and substance use problems, and its adult socio-economic consequences: a longitudinal study of young adults in a community sample.. Public Health. 127(8):745-53.
2013. The impact of a middle school program to reduce aggression, victimization, and sexual violence.. J Adolesc Health. 53(2):180-6.
2013. The impact of school alcohol policy on student drinking.. Health Educ Res. 28(4):651-62.
2013. Indicated prevention for college student marijuana use: a randomized controlled trial.. J Consult Clin Psychol. 81(4):702-9.
2013. Influences of situational factors and alcohol expectancies on sexual desire and arousal among heavy-episodic drinking women: acute alcohol intoxication and condom availability.. Arch Sex Behav. 42(6):949-59.
2013. The physical and mental health of lesbian, gay male, and bisexual (LGB) older adults: the role of key health indicators and risk and protective factors.. Gerontologist. 53(4):664-75.
2013. Weight status in adolescence is associated with later life functional limitations.. J Aging Health. 25(5):758-75.
2013. Achieving placement stability.. J Evid Based Soc Work. 10(3):235-53.
2013. Achieving timely adoption.. J Evid Based Soc Work. 10(3):210-9.
2013. Doctors' attentiveness to the spirituality/religion of their patients in pediatric and oncology settings in the Northwest USA.. J Health Care Chaplain. 19(4):140-64.
2013. Extent and nature of child maltreatment-related fatalities: implications for policy and practice.. Child Welfare. 92(2):41-58.
2013. The future of successful aging in Alaska.. Int J Circumpolar Health. 72
2013. Improving practice in community-based settings: a randomized trial of supervision - study protocol.. Implement Sci. 8:89.
2013. Mild traumatic brain injury: implications for social work research and practice with civilian and military populations.. Soc Work Health Care. 52(5):498-518.
2013. Nonpharmacological pain management by ethnically diverse older adults with chronic pain: barriers and facilitators.. J Gerontol Soc Work. 56(6):487-508.
2013. Parent and peer predictors of violent behavior of Black and White teens.. Violence Vict. 28(1):145-60.
2013. Preparing social workers with person-centered and participant-directed services for the changing aging and disability network.. J Gerontol Soc Work. 56(7):573-9.
2013. Safety and risk assessment frameworks: overview and implications for child maltreatment fatalities.. Child Welfare. 92(2):143-60.