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Levy RL, Langer SL, Walker LS, Romano JM, Christie DL, Youssef N, DuPen MM, Feld AD, Ballard SA, Welsh EM et al..  2010.  Cognitive-behavioral therapy for children with functional abdominal pain and their parents decreases pain and other symptoms.. Am J Gastroenterol. 105(4):946-56.
Levy RL.  2011.  Exploring the intergenerational transmission of illness behavior: from observations to experimental intervention.. Ann Behav Med. 41(2):174-82.
Levy RL, van Tilburg MAL.  2012.  Functional abdominal pain in childhood: background studies and recent research trends.. Pain Res Manag. 17(6):413-7.
Levy RL, Langer SL, Romano JM, Labus J, Walker LS, Murphy TB, van Tilburg MAL, Feld LD, Christie DL, Whitehead WE.  2014.  Cognitive mediators of treatment outcomes in pediatric functional abdominal pain.. Clin J Pain. 30(12):1033-43.
Lewis JP.  2011.  Successful aging through the eyes of Alaska Native elders. What it means to be an elder in Bristol Bay, AK.. Gerontologist. 51(4):540-9.
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Lewis J.  2013.  The future of successful aging in Alaska.. Int J Circumpolar Health. 72
Lewis JP.  2010.  Successful aging through the eyes of Alaska Natives: exploring generational differences among Alaska Natives.. J Cross Cult Gerontol. 25(4):385-96.
Lewis JP.  2013.  The importance of optimism in maintaining healthy aging in rural Alaska.. Qual Health Res. 23(11):1521-7.
Lewis JP.  2011.  Successful aging through the eyes of Alaska Native elders. What it means to be an elder in Bristol Bay, AK.. Gerontologist. 51(4):540-9.
Lewis JP.  2013.  The importance of optimism in maintaining healthy aging in rural Alaska.. Qual Health Res. 23(11):1521-7.
Lewis JP.  2010.  Successful aging through the eyes of Alaska Natives: exploring generational differences among Alaska Natives.. J Cross Cult Gerontol. 25(4):385-96.
Lindhorst T, Beadnell B.  2011.  The long arc of recovery: characterizing intimate partner violence and its psychosocial effects across 17 years.. Violence Against Women. 17(4):480-99.
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Logan-Greene P, Green S, Nurius PS, Longhi D.  2014.  Distinct contributions of adverse childhood experiences and resilience resources: a cohort analysis of adult physical and mental health.. Soc Work Health Care. 53(8):776-97.
Logan-Greene P, Green S, Nurius PS, Longhi D.  2014.  Distinct contributions of adverse childhood experiences and resilience resources: a cohort analysis of adult physical and mental health.. Soc Work Health Care. 53(8):776-97.
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