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Kim MJ, Catalano RF, Haggerty KP, Abbott RD.  2011.  Bullying at elementary school and problem behaviour in young adulthood: a study of bullying, violence and substance use from age 11 to age 21.. Crim Behav Ment Health. 21(2):136-44.
Kim BKE, Gilman AB, Kosterman R, Hill KG.  2019.  Longitudinal associations among depression, substance abuse, and crime: A test of competing hypotheses for driving mechanisms. Journal of Criminal Justice. 62:50-57.
Kim H-J, Fredriksen-Goldsen KI.  2013.  Nonresponse to a question on self-identified sexual orientation in a public health survey and its relationship to race and ethnicity.. Am J Public Health. 103(1):67-9.
Kim MJ, Mason W.A, Herrenkohl TI, Catalano RF, Toumbourou JW, Hemphill SA.  2017.  Influence of early onset of alcohol use on the development of adolescent alcohol problems: A longitudinal bi-national study. Prevention Science. 18:1-11.
Kiff CJ, Cortes R, Lengua L, Kosterman R, Hawkins JD, Mason WA.  2012.  Effects of timing of adversity on adolescent and young adult adjustment. J Res Adolesc. 22(2):284-300.
Kerr DCR, Reinke WM, J Eddy M.  2013.  Trajectories of depressive symptoms and externalizing behaviors across adolescence: associations with histories of suicide attempt and ideation in early adulthood.. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 43(1):50-66.
Kerr DCR, Tiberio SS, Bailey JA, Epstein M, .  2024.  Youth exposure to recreational cannabis legalization: Moderation of effects by sex and parental cannabis use during adolescence. Substance Use and Misuse. 59(6):947-952.
Kennedy A, Groom H, Evans V, Fasano N.  2010.  A qualitative analysis of immunization programs with sustained high coverage, 2000-2005.. J Public Health Manag Pract. 16(1):E9-17.
Kemp SP, Nurius PS.  2014.  Practical reason within and across disciplinary borders: A response to Longhofer and Floersch. Research on Social Work Practice. 24(5):1049731513509898.
Kemp SP, Nurius PS.  2015.  Preparing Emerging Doctoral Scholars for Transdisciplinary Research: A Developmental Approach.. J Teach Soc Work. 35(1-2):131-150.
Kelly AB, Munnings A, Zhou X, Rowland B, Laurens KR, Campbell M, Williams J, Bailey JA, Killingly C, Abimanyi-Ochom J et al..  2023.  Polydrug use in Australian 12-14 year olds from 2006 to 2017: An examination of drug use profiles, emotional control problems, and family relationship characteristics. Australian Journal of Psychology. 75(1):2174705.
Kelly AB, Mason WA, Chmelka MB, Herrenkohl TI, Kim MJ, Patton GC, Hemphill SA, Toumbourou JW, Catalano RF.  2016.  Depressed mood during early to middle adolescence: A bi-national longitudinal study of the unique impact of family conflict. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 45:1604-1613.
Kelly AB, O'Flaherty M, Toumbourou JW, Connor JP, Hemphill SA, Catalano RF.  2011.  Gender differences in the impact of families on alcohol use: a lagged longitudinal study of early adolescents.. Addiction. 106(8):1427-36.
Katon JG, Russo J, Gavin AR, Melville JL, Katon WJ.  2011.  Diabetes and depression in pregnancy: is there an association? J Womens Health (Larchmt). 20(7):983-9.
Katon WJ, Russo JE, Melville JL, Katon JG, Gavin AR.  2012.  Depression in pregnancy is associated with preexisting but not pregnancy-induced hypertension.. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 34(1):9-16.
Jung H, Herrenkohl TI, Skinner ML, Rousson AN.  2021.  Does educational success mitigate the effect of child maltreatment on later offending patterns? Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 36:NP1833–NP1855.
Jung H, Herrenkohl TI, Skinner ML, Lee JO, Klika JB, Rousson AN.  2019.  Gender differences in intimate partner violence: A predictive analysis of IPV by child abuse and domestic violence exposure during early childhood. Violence Against Women. 25:903-924.
Jung H, Herrenkohl TI, Lee JO, Hemphill SA, Heerde JA, Skinner ML.  2017.  Gendered pathways from child abuse to adult crime through internalizing and externalizing behaviors in childhood and adolescence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 32:2724-2750.
Jones TM, Eisenberg N, Kosterman R, Lee JO, Bailey JA, Haggerty KP.  2020.  Parents’ perceptions of adolescent exposure to marijuana following legalization in Washington State. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 11:21-38.
Jones JM, St Peter JR, Fernandes SJ, Herrenkohl TI, Kosterman R, Hawkins JD.  2011.  Ethnic and gender variation in religious involvement: Patterns of expression in young adulthood. Rev Relig Res. 53(2):207-225.
Jones TM, Epstein M, Hill KG, Bailey JA, Hawkins JD.  2019.  General and specific predictors of comorbid substance use and internalizing problems from adolescence to age 33. Prevention Science. 20:705-714.
Jones TM, Hill KG, Epstein M, Lee JO, Hawkins JD, Catalano RF.  2016.  Understanding the interplay of individual and social-developmental factors in the progression of substance use and mental health from childhood to adulthood. Development and Psychopathology special issue: Longitudinal Transactional Models of Development and Psychopathology. 28:721-741.
Jolliffe D, Farrington DP, Piquero AR, Loeber R, Hill KG.  2017.  Systematic review of early risk factors for life-course-persistent, adolescence-limited, and late-onset offenders in prospective longitudinal studies. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 33:15-23.
Johnson RM, Guttmannova K.  2019.  Marijuana use among adolescents and emerging adults in the midst of policy change: Introduction to the special issue. Prevention Science. 20:179-184.
Johnson RM, Fleming CB, Cambron C, Dean LT, Brighthaupt S-C, Guttmannova K.  2019.  Race/ethnicity differences in trends of marijuana, cigarette, and alcohol use among 8th, 10th, and 12th graders in Washington State, 2004-2016. Prevention Science. 20:194-204.