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General and substance-specific predictors of young adult nicotine dependence, alcohol use disorder, and problem behavior: replication in two samples.. Drug Alcohol Depend. 138:161-8.
2014. Long-term consequences of adolescent gang membership for adult functioning.. Am J Public Health. 104(5):938-45.
2014. Adolescent predictors and environmental correlates of young adult alcohol use problems.. Addiction. 109(3):417-24.
2014. Situational determinants of use and treatment outcomes in marijuana dependent adults.. Addict Behav. 39(3):546-52.
2014. Youth problem behaviors 8 years after implementing the Communities That Care prevention system: A community-randomized trial.. JAMA Pediatr. 168(2):122-9.
2014. Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids: a randomized trial of a pediatric primary care-based obesity prevention intervention for at-risk 5-10 year olds.. Contemp Clin Trials. 36(1):228-43.
2013. Child physical and sexual abuse and cigarette smoking in adolescence and adulthood.. J Adolesc Health. 53(4):533-8.
2013. The immigrant paradox among Asian American women: are disparities in the burden of depression and anxiety paradoxical or explicable? J Consult Clin Psychol. 81(5):901-11.
2013. Using genetically informed, randomized prevention trials to test etiological hypotheses about child and adolescent drug use and psychopathology.. Am J Public Health. 103 Suppl 1:S19-24.
2013. Understanding the link between early sexual initiation and later sexually transmitted infection: test and replication in two longitudinal studies.. J Adolesc Health. 54(4):435-441.e2.
2014. Predicting steep escalations in alcohol use over the teenage years: Age-related variations in key social influences.. Addiction. 108(11):1924-32.
2013. Social identity as a moderator of the association between perceived norms and marijuana use.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 74(3):479-83.
2013. Physical and mental health of transgender older adults: an at-risk and underserved population.. Gerontologist. 54(3):488-500.
2014. Adolescent exposure to drink driving as a predictor of young adults' drink driving.. Accid Anal Prev. 51:185-91.
2013. School factors as moderators of the relationship between physical child abuse and pathways of antisocial behavior.. J Interpers Violence. 28(4):852-67.
2013. Prevalence and community variation in harmful levels of family conflict witnessed by children: implications for prevention.. Prev Sci. 15(5):757-66.
2014. Variation in the sustained effects of the Communities That Care prevention system on adolescent smoking, delinquency, and violence.. Prev Sci. 15(2):138-45.
2014. Sex risk behavior among adolescent and young adult children of opiate addicts: outcomes from the focus on families prevention trial and an examination of childhood and concurrent predictors of sex risk behavior.. Prev Sci. 15 Suppl 1:S70-7.
2014. The application of meta-analysis within a matched-pair randomized control trial: An illustration testing the effects of Communities That Care on delinquent behavior.. Prev Sci. 14(1):1-12.
2013. A cautionary tale: risk reduction strategies among urban American Indian/Alaska Native men who have sex with men.. AIDS Educ Prev. 25(1):25-37.
2013. Trajectories of depressive symptoms and externalizing behaviors across adolescence: associations with histories of suicide attempt and ideation in early adulthood.. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 43(1):50-66.
2013. Prevalence, risk, and correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder across ethnic and racial minority groups in the United States.. Med Care. 51(12):1114-23.
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