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Catalano RF, Hawkins JD, Kosterman R, Bailey JA, Oesterle S, Cambron C, Farrington DP.  2021.  Applying the social development model in middle childhood to promote healthy development: Effects from primary school through the 30s and across generations. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology. 7:66-86.
Henry KL, Agbeke DV, Tiberio SS, Kerr DCR, Capaldi DM, Bailey JA, Epstein M.  2021.  Does parents' age at first birth moderate intergenerational continuity in early-onset cannabis use? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 82:470-475.
Epstein M, Bailey JA, Kosterman R, Rhew IC, Furlong M, Oesterle S, McCabe SE.  2021.  E-cigarette use is associated with subsequent cigarette use among young adult nonsmokers, over and above a range of antecedent risk factors: A propensity score analysis. Addiction. 116:1224-1231.
Heerde JA, Bailey JA, Kelly AB, McMorris BJ, Patton GC, Toumbourou JW.  2021.  Life-course predictors of homelessness from adolescence into adulthood: A population-based cohort study. Journal of Adolescence. 91:15-24.
Kuklinski MR, Oesterle S, Briney JS, Hawkins JD.  2021.  Long-term impacts and benefit-cost analysis of the Communities That Care prevention system at age 23, 12 years after baseline. Prevention Science. 22:452-463.
Toumbourou JW, Heerde J, Kelly A, Bailey J.  2021.  Marijuana use. Handbook of evidence-based prevention of behavioral disorders in integrated care: A stepped care approach. :251-265.
Kosterman R, Epstein M, Bailey JA, Furlong M, Hawkins JD.  2021.  The role of electronic cigarette use for quitting or reducing combustible cigarette use in the 30s: Longitudinal changes and moderated relationships. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 227:108940.
Kuklinski MR, Oxford ML, Spieker SJ, Lohr MJ, Fleming CB.  2020.  Benefit-cost analysis of Promoting First Relationships®: Implications of victim benefits assumptions for return on investment. Child Abuse & Neglect. 106:104515.
Carlini B, Barbosa-Leiker C, Cuttler C, Dilley J, Firth C, Haggerty K, Kilmer J, McDonnell M, Stella N, Walker D et al..  2020.  Cannabis Concentration and Health Risks. A report for the Washington State Prevention Research Subcommittee.
Catalano RF, Kellog E.  2020.  Commentary: Fostering healthy mental, emotional, and behavioral development in children and youth: A national agenda. Journal of Adolescent Health. 66:265-267.
Epstein M, Bailey JA, Kosterman R, Furlong M, Hill KG.  2020.  Evaluating the effect of retail marijuana legalization on parent marijuana use frequency and norms in U.S. states with retail marijuana legalization. Addictive Behaviors. 111:106564.
Lyons VH, Benson LR, Griffin E, Floyd AS, Kiche SW, Haggerty KP, Whiteside L, Conover S, Herman DB, Rivara FP et al..  2020.  Fidelity assessment of a social work-led intervention among patients with firearm injuries. Research on Social Work Practice. 30:678-687.
Kim BKE, Gilman AB, Tan KP, Kosterman R, Bailey JA, Catalano RF, Hawkins JD.  2020.  Identifying and predicting criminal career profiles from adolescence to age 39. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. 30:210-220.
Kim BKE, Gilman AB, Tan KP, Kosterman R, Bailey JA, Catalano RF, Hawkins JD.  2020.  Identifying and predicting criminal career profiles from adolescence to age 39. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. 30:210-220.
Tiberio SS, Kerr DCR, Bailey JA, Henry KL, Capaldi DM.  2020.  Intergenerational associations in onset of cannabis use during adolescence: A data synthesis approach. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 34:877-899.
Bailey JA, Epstein M, Roscoe JN, Oesterle S, Kosterman R, Hill KG.  2020.  Marijuana legalization and youth marijuana, alcohol, and cigarette use and norms. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 59:309-316.
Rhew IC, Fleming CB, Tsang S, Horn E, Kosterman R, Duncan GE.  2020.  Neighborhood deprivation moderates shared and unique environmental influences on hazardous drinking: Findings from a cross-sectional co-twin study. Substance Use and Misuse. 55:1625-1632.
Cambron C, Kosterman R, Rhew IC, Catalano RF, Guttmannova K, Hawkins JD.  2020.  Neighborhood structural factors and proximal risk for youth substance use. Prevention Science. 21:508-518.
Hill KG, Bailey JA, Steeger CM, Hawkins JD, Catalano RF, Kosterman R, Epstein M, Abbott RD.  2020.  Outcomes of childhood preventive intervention across 2 generations: A nonrandomized controlled trial. JAMA Pediatrics. 174:764-771.
Jones TM, Eisenberg N, Kosterman R, Lee JO, Bailey JA, Haggerty KP.  2020.  Parents’ perceptions of adolescent exposure to marijuana following legalization in Washington State. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 11:21-38.
Scheier LM, Catalano RF, Winters KC.  2020.  Prevention of substance use and substance use disorders. Clinical manual of youth addictive disorders, 2nd Ed.. :25-50.
Salazar AM, Haggerty KP, Barkan SE, Peterson R, Furlong ME, Kim E, Cole JJ, Colito JM.  2020.  Supporting LGBTQ+ foster teens: Development of a relationship-focused, self-guided curriculum for foster families. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 17:239-251.
Kuklinski MR, D. Crowley M, Dishion TJ, Wilson MN, Pelham, III WE, Shaw DS.  2020.  Supporting strategic investment in social programs: A cost analysis of the Family Check-Up. Prevention Science. 21:256-267.
King KM, Feil MC, Halvorson MA, Kosterman R, Bailey JA, Hawkins JD.  2020.  A trait-like propensity to experience internalizing symptoms is associated with problem alcohol involvement across adulthood, but not adolescence. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 34:756–771.
King KM, Feil MC, Halvorson MA, Kosterman R, Bailey JA, Hawkins JD.  2020.  A trait-like propensity to experience internalizing symptoms is associated with problem alcohol involvement across adulthood, but not adolescence. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 34:756–771.