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Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Youth: A Consensus Statement of the International Work Group on Therapeutic Residential Care. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth. 33(2):89-106.
2016. Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Youth: A Consensus Statement of the International Work Group on Therapeutic Residential Care. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth. 33(2):89-106.
2016. Alabama Parenting Questionnaire-9: Longitudinal measurement invariance across parents and youth during the transition to high school. Assessment. 24:646-659.
2017. Assessment of risk and protection in Native American youth: Steps toward conducting culturally relevant, sustainable prevention in Indian Country. Journal of Community Psychology. 43:346-362.
2017. The association between regular marijuana use and adult mental health outcomes. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 179:109-116.
2017. Developmental pathways of youth gang membership: A structural test of the social development model. Journal of Crime and Justice. 40:275-296.
2017. An examination of alcohol use disorder symptoms and neighborhood disorganization from age 21 to 39. American Journal of Community Psychology. 60:267-278.
2017. Parental alcohol use, parenting, and child on-time development. Infant and Child Development. 26:e2013.
2017. A randomized controlled trial of a long-term professional mentoring program for children at risk: Outcomes across the first 5 years. Prevention Science. 18:899-910.
2017. A randomized controlled trial of a long-term professional mentoring program for children at risk: Outcomes across the first 5 years. Prevention Science. 18:899-910.
2017. The role of self-regulation in academic and behavioral paths to a high school diploma. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology. 3:304-325.
2017. State and national contexts in evaluating cannabis laws: A case study of Washington State. Journal of Drug Issues. 47:74-90.
2017. Long-term effects of the Communities That Care trial on substance use, antisocial behavior, and violence through age 21 years. American Journal of Public Health. 108:659-665.
2018. Neighborhood, family, and peer factors associated with early adolescent smoking and alcohol use. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 47:369-382.
2018. Racial differences in mechanisms linking childhood socioeconomic status with growth in adult body mass index: The role of adolescent risk and educational attainment. Journal of Adolescent Health. 63:474-481.
2018. Risk and protective factors for adolescent marijuana use. Contemporary health issues on marijuana. :219-235.
2018. Social cognitive mediators of the relationship between impulsivity traits and adolescent alcohol use: Identifying unique targets for prevention. Addictive Behaviors. 84:79-85.
2018. Standards of evidence for conducting and reporting economic evaluations in prevention science. Prevention Science. 19:366-390.
2018. Standards of evidence for conducting and reporting economic evaluations in prevention science. Prevention Science. 19:366-390.
2018. The interplay between marijuana-specific risk factors and marijuana use over the course of adolescence. Prevention Science. 20:235-245.
2019. Longitudinal associations among depression, substance abuse, and crime: A test of competing hypotheses for driving mechanisms. Journal of Criminal Justice. 62:50-57.
2019. Marijuana use among adolescents and emerging adults in the midst of policy change: Introduction to the special issue. Prevention Science. 20:179-184.
2019. Predicting school suspension risk from eighth through tenth grade using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Contemporary School Psychology. 23:270-289.
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