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Bailey JA, Samek DR, Keyes MA, Hill KG, Hicks BM, McGue M, Iacono WG, Epstein M, Catalano RF, Haggerty KP et al..  2014.  General and substance-specific predictors of young adult nicotine dependence, alcohol use disorder, and problem behavior: replication in two samples.. Drug Alcohol Depend. 138:161-8.
Toumbourou JW, Evans-Whipp TJ, Smith R, Hemphill SA, Herrenkohl TI, Catalano RF.  2014.  Adolescent predictors and environmental correlates of young adult alcohol use problems.. Addiction. 109(3):417-24.
Epstein M, Bailey JA, Manhart LE, Hill KG, Hawkins JD.  2014.  Sexual risk behavior in young adulthood: broadening the scope beyond early sexual initiation.. J Sex Res. 51(7):721-30.
Davis KCue, N Masters T, Eakins D, Danube CL, George WH, Norris J, Heiman JR.  2014.  Alcohol intoxication and condom use self-efficacy effects on women's condom use intentions.. Addict Behav. 39(1):153-8.
Meacham MC, Bailey JA, Hill KG, Epstein M, Hawkins JD.  2013.  Alcohol and tobacco use disorder comorbidity in young adults and the influence of romantic partner environments.. Drug Alcohol Depend. 132(1-2):149-57.
Epstein M, Bailey JA, Manhart LE, Hill KG, Hawkins JD, Haggerty KP, Catalano RF.  2014.  Understanding the link between early sexual initiation and later sexually transmitted infection: test and replication in two longitudinal studies.. J Adolesc Health. 54(4):435-441.e2.
Evans-Whipp TJ, Plenty SM, Toumbourou JW, Olsson C, Rowland B, Hemphill SA.  2013.  Adolescent exposure to drink driving as a predictor of young adults' drink driving.. Accid Anal Prev. 51:185-91.
Epstein M, Hill KG, Bailey JA, Hawkins JD.  2013.  The effect of general and drug-specific family environments on comorbid and drug-specific problem behavior: A longitudinal examination.. Dev Psychol. 49(6):1151-64.
Poehlmann J, J Eddy M, Dallaire DH, Zeman JL, Myers BJ, Mackintosh V, Kuznetsova MI, Lotze GM, Best AM, Ravindran N et al..  2013.  Relationship processes and resilience in children with incarcerated parents.. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev. 78(3):vii-viii,1-129.
Kerr DCR, Reinke WM, J Eddy M.  2013.  Trajectories of depressive symptoms and externalizing behaviors across adolescence: associations with histories of suicide attempt and ideation in early adulthood.. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 43(1):50-66.
Espelage DL, Low S, Polanin JR, Brown EC.  2013.  The impact of a middle school program to reduce aggression, victimization, and sexual violence.. J Adolesc Health. 53(2):180-6.
Evans-Whipp TJ, Plenty SM, Catalano RF, Herrenkohl TI, Toumbourou JW.  2013.  The impact of school alcohol policy on student drinking.. Health Educ Res. 28(4):651-62.
Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Emlet CA, Kim H-J, Muraco A, Erosheva EA, Goldsen J, Hoy-Ellis CP.  2013.  The physical and mental health of lesbian, gay male, and bisexual (LGB) older adults: the role of key health indicators and risk and protective factors.. Gerontologist. 53(4):664-75.
Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Emlet CA, Kim H-J, Muraco A, Erosheva EA, Goldsen J, Hoy-Ellis CP.  2013.  The physical and mental health of lesbian, gay male, and bisexual (LGB) older adults: the role of key health indicators and risk and protective factors.. Gerontologist. 53(4):664-75.
Evans-Campbell T, Walters KL, Pearson CR, Campbell CD.  2012.  Indian boarding school experience, substance use, and mental health among urban two-spirit American Indian/Alaska natives.. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 38(5):421-7.
Stricker NH, Dodge HH, N Dowling M, S Han D, Erosheva EA, Jagust WJ.  2012.  CSF biomarker associations with change in hippocampal volume and precuneus thickness: implications for the Alzheimer's pathological cascade.. Brain Imaging Behav. 6(4):599-609.
Walters KL, Beltran R, Evans-Campbell T, Simoni JM.  2011.  Keeping our hearts from touching the ground: HIV/AIDS in American Indian and Alaska Native women.. Womens Health Issues. 21(6 Suppl):S261-5.
Zatzick D, Rivara F, Jurkovich G, Russo J, Trusz SGeiss, Wang J, Wagner A, Stephens K, Dunn C, Uehara E et al..  2011.  Enhancing the population impact of collaborative care interventions: mixed method development and implementation of stepped care targeting posttraumatic stress disorder and related comorbidities after acute trauma.. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 33(2):123-34.
Syrjala KL, Artherholt SB, Kurland BF, Langer SL, Roth-Roemer S, Elrod JABroeckel, Dikmen S.  2011.  Prospective neurocognitive function over 5 years after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for cancer survivors compared with matched controls at 5 years.. J Clin Oncol. 29(17):2397-404.
Yatsuya H, Jeffery RW, Erickson DJ, Welsh EM, Flood AP, Jaeb MA, Laqua PS, Mitchell NR, Langer SL, Levy RL.  2011.  Sex-specific HDL cholesterol changes with weight loss and their association with anthropometric variables: the LIFE study.. Obesity (Silver Spring). 19(2):429-35.
Evans-Whipp TJ, Bond L, Ukoumunne OC, Toumbourou JW, Catalano RF.  2010.  The impact of school tobacco policies on student smoking in Washington State, United States and Victoria, Australia.. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 7(3):698-710.
Neighbors C, Walker DD, Mbilinyi LF, O'Rourke A, Edleson JL, Zegree J, Roffman RA.  2010.  Normative misperceptions of abuse among perpetrators of intimate partner violence.. Violence Against Women. 16(4):370-86.