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How Do Alcohol and Relationship Type Affect Women's Risk Judgment of Partners with Differing Risk Histories? Psychol Women Q. 37(2):209-223.
2013. How has the economic downturn affected communities and implementation of science-based prevention in the randomized trial of Communities That Care? Am J Community Psychol. 51(3-4):370-84.
2013. Improving practice in community-based settings: a randomized trial of supervision - study protocol.. Implement Sci. 8:89.
2013. Indicated prevention for college student marijuana use: a randomized controlled trial.. J Consult Clin Psychol. 81(4):702-9.
2013. Nonresponse to a question on self-identified sexual orientation in a public health survey and its relationship to race and ethnicity.. Am J Public Health. 103(1):67-9.
2013. Patterns of alcohol use and expectancies predict sexual risk taking among non-problem drinking women.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 74(2):223-32.
2013. The physical and mental health of lesbian, gay male, and bisexual (LGB) older adults: the role of key health indicators and risk and protective factors.. Gerontologist. 53(4):664-75.
2013. Predicting steep escalations in alcohol use over the teenage years: Age-related variations in key social influences.. Addiction. 108(11):1924-32.
2013. Promising Parenting Programs for Reducing Adolescent Problem Behaviors.. J Child Serv. 8(4)
2013. Reaching soldiers with untreated substance use disorder: lessons learned in the development of a marketing campaign for the Warrior Check-Up study.. Subst Use Misuse. 48(10):908-21.
2013. Relationship processes and resilience in children with incarcerated parents.. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev. 78(3):vii-viii,1-129.
2013. A review of developmental research on resilience in maltreated children.. Trauma Violence Abuse. 14(3):222-34.
2013. Risk and protective factors associated with health-related quality of life among older gay and bisexual men living with HIV disease.. Gerontologist. 53(6):963-72.
2013. The role of gender in the association between child maltreatment and substance use behavior: a systematic review of longitudinal research from 1995 to 2011.. Subst Use Misuse. 48(8):645-60.
2013. School factors as moderators of the relationship between physical child abuse and pathways of antisocial behavior.. J Interpers Violence. 28(4):852-67.
2013. Social identity as a moderator of the association between perceived norms and marijuana use.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 74(3):479-83.
2013. Social workers and delivery of evidence-based psychosocial treatments for substance use disorders.. Soc Work Public Health. 28(3-4):279-301.
2013. Tests of the mitigating effects of caring and supportive relationships in the study of abusive disciplining over two generations.. J Adolesc Health. 53(4 Suppl):S18-24.
2013. Trajectories of depressive symptoms and externalizing behaviors across adolescence: associations with histories of suicide attempt and ideation in early adulthood.. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 43(1):50-66.
2013. .
2013. Brief motivational feedback and cognitive behavioral interventions for prevention of disordered gambling: a randomized clinical trial.. Addiction. 107(6):1148-58.
2012. Can patterns of alcohol use disorder in young adulthood help explain gender differences in depression? Compr Psychiatry. 53(8):1071-7.
2012. Characteristics of Incarcerated Fathers and Mothers: Implications for Preventive Interventions Targeting Children and Families.. Child Youth Serv Rev. 34(12):2409-2415.
2012. Child welfare caseworkers as service brokers for youth in foster care: findings from project focus.. Child Maltreat. 17(1):22-31.
2012. Childhood Sexual Abuse and Acute Alcohol Effects on Men's Sexual Aggression Intentions.. Psychol Violence. 2(2):179-193.