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Alcoholic Intoxication
N Masters T, George WH, Davis KCue, Norris J, Heiman JR, Jacques-Tiura AJ, Gilmore AK, Nguyen HV, Kajumulo KF, Otto JM et al..  2014.  Women's unprotected sex intentions: roles of sexual victimization, intoxication, and partner perception.. J Sex Res. 51(5):586-98.
George WH, Davis KCue, N Masters T, Jacques-Tiura AJ, Heiman JR, Norris J, Gilmore AK, Nguyen HV, Kajumulo KF, Otto JM et al..  2014.  Sexual victimization, alcohol intoxication, sexual-emotional responding, and sexual risk in heavy episodic drinking women.. Arch Sex Behav. 43(4):645-58.
George WH, Davis KCue, N Masters T, Jacques-Tiura AJ, Heiman JR, Norris J, Gilmore AK, Nguyen HV, Kajumulo KF, Otto JM et al..  2014.  Sexual victimization, alcohol intoxication, sexual-emotional responding, and sexual risk in heavy episodic drinking women.. Arch Sex Behav. 43(4):645-58.
Gilmore AK, George WH, Nguyen HV, Heiman JR, Davis KCue, Norris J.  2013.  Influences of situational factors and alcohol expectancies on sexual desire and arousal among heavy-episodic drinking women: acute alcohol intoxication and condom availability.. Arch Sex Behav. 42(6):949-59.
Gilmore AK, George WH, Nguyen HV, Heiman JR, Davis KCue, Norris J.  2013.  Influences of situational factors and alcohol expectancies on sexual desire and arousal among heavy-episodic drinking women: acute alcohol intoxication and condom availability.. Arch Sex Behav. 42(6):949-59.
Davis KCue, Kiekel PA, Schraufnagel TJ, Norris J, George WH, Kajumulo KF.  2012.  Men's alcohol intoxication and condom use during sexual assault perpetration.. J Interpers Violence. 27(14):2790-806.
Purdie MParkhill, Norris J, Davis KCue, Zawacki T, Morrison DM, George WH, Kiekel PA.  2011.  The effects of acute alcohol intoxication, partner risk level, and general intention to have unprotected sex on women's sexual decision making with a new partner.. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 19(5):378-88.
Gilmore AK, Schacht RL, George WH, Otto JM, Davis KCue, Heiman JR, Norris J, Kajumulo KF.  2010.  Assessing women's sexual arousal in the context of sexual assault history and acute alcohol intoxication.. J Sex Med. 7(6):2112-9.
Gilmore AK, Schacht RL, George WH, Otto JM, Davis KCue, Heiman JR, Norris J, Kajumulo KF.  2010.  Assessing women's sexual arousal in the context of sexual assault history and acute alcohol intoxication.. J Sex Med. 7(6):2112-9.
Schacht RL, George WH, Davis KCue, Heiman JR, Norris J, Stoner SA, Kajumulo KF.  2010.  Sexual abuse history, alcohol intoxication, and women's sexual risk behavior.. Arch Sex Behav. 39(4):898-906.
Guttmannova K, Hill KG, Bailey JA, Lee JO, Hartigan LA, Hawkins JD, Catalano RF.  2012.  Examining explanatory mechanisms of the effects of early alcohol use on young adult alcohol dependence.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 73(3):379-90.
Lee JO, Hill KG, Guttmannova K, Bailey JA, Hartigan LA, Hawkins JD, Catalano RF.  2012.  The effects of general and alcohol-specific peer factors in adolescence on trajectories of alcohol abuse disorder symptoms from 21 to 33 years.. Drug Alcohol Depend. 121(3):213-9.
Donovan DM, Bigelow GE, Brigham GS, Carroll KM, Cohen AJ, Gardin JG, Hamilton JA, Huestis MA, Hughes JR, Lindblad R et al..  2012.  Primary outcome indices in illicit drug dependence treatment research: systematic approach to selection and measurement of drug use end-points in clinical trials.. Addiction. 107(4):694-708.
Purdie MParkhill, Norris J, Davis KCue, Zawacki T, Morrison DM, George WH, Kiekel PA.  2011.  The effects of acute alcohol intoxication, partner risk level, and general intention to have unprotected sex on women's sexual decision making with a new partner.. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 19(5):378-88.
Guttmannova K, Bailey JA, Hill KG, Lee JO, Hawkins JD, Woods ML, Catalano RF.  2011.  Sensitive periods for adolescent alcohol use initiation: Predicting the lifetime occurrence and chronicity of alcohol problems in adulthood.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 72(2):221-31.
Schraufnagel TJ, Davis KCue, George WH, Norris J.  2010.  Childhood sexual abuse in males and subsequent risky sexual behavior: a potential alcohol-use pathway.. Child Abuse Negl. 34(5):369-78.