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Women's unprotected sex intentions: roles of sexual victimization, intoxication, and partner perception.. J Sex Res. 51(5):586-98.
2014. Sexual victimization, alcohol intoxication, sexual-emotional responding, and sexual risk in heavy episodic drinking women.. Arch Sex Behav. 43(4):645-58.
2014. Sexual victimization, alcohol intoxication, sexual-emotional responding, and sexual risk in heavy episodic drinking women.. Arch Sex Behav. 43(4):645-58.
2014. Influences of situational factors and alcohol expectancies on sexual desire and arousal among heavy-episodic drinking women: acute alcohol intoxication and condom availability.. Arch Sex Behav. 42(6):949-59.
2013. Influences of situational factors and alcohol expectancies on sexual desire and arousal among heavy-episodic drinking women: acute alcohol intoxication and condom availability.. Arch Sex Behav. 42(6):949-59.
2013. Men's alcohol intoxication and condom use during sexual assault perpetration.. J Interpers Violence. 27(14):2790-806.
2012. The effects of acute alcohol intoxication, partner risk level, and general intention to have unprotected sex on women's sexual decision making with a new partner.. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 19(5):378-88.
2011. Assessing women's sexual arousal in the context of sexual assault history and acute alcohol intoxication.. J Sex Med. 7(6):2112-9.
2010. Assessing women's sexual arousal in the context of sexual assault history and acute alcohol intoxication.. J Sex Med. 7(6):2112-9.
2010. Sexual abuse history, alcohol intoxication, and women's sexual risk behavior.. Arch Sex Behav. 39(4):898-906.
2010. Examining explanatory mechanisms of the effects of early alcohol use on young adult alcohol dependence.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 73(3):379-90.
2012. The effects of general and alcohol-specific peer factors in adolescence on trajectories of alcohol abuse disorder symptoms from 21 to 33 years.. Drug Alcohol Depend. 121(3):213-9.
2012. Primary outcome indices in illicit drug dependence treatment research: systematic approach to selection and measurement of drug use end-points in clinical trials.. Addiction. 107(4):694-708.
2012. The effects of acute alcohol intoxication, partner risk level, and general intention to have unprotected sex on women's sexual decision making with a new partner.. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 19(5):378-88.
2011. Sensitive periods for adolescent alcohol use initiation: Predicting the lifetime occurrence and chronicity of alcohol problems in adulthood.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 72(2):221-31.
2011. Childhood sexual abuse in males and subsequent risky sexual behavior: a potential alcohol-use pathway.. Child Abuse Negl. 34(5):369-78.
2010. Metal-induced isomerization yields an intracellular chelator that disrupts bacterial iron homeostasis.. Chem Biol. 21(1):136-45.
2014. Change in sexual activity 12 months after ART initiation among HIV-positive Mozambicans.. AIDS Behav. 15(4):778-87.
2011. Depression in pregnancy is associated with preexisting but not pregnancy-induced hypertension.. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 34(1):9-16.
2012. Influences of situational factors and alcohol expectancies on sexual desire and arousal among heavy-episodic drinking women: acute alcohol intoxication and condom availability.. Arch Sex Behav. 42(6):949-59.
2013. Influences of situational factors and alcohol expectancies on sexual desire and arousal among heavy-episodic drinking women: acute alcohol intoxication and condom availability.. Arch Sex Behav. 42(6):949-59.
2013. Women's sexual arousal: effects of high alcohol dosages and self-control instructions.. Horm Behav. 59(5):730-8.
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