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State-of-the-art in substance use prevention and early intervention: Applications to pediatric primary care settings. Prevention Science. 23:204-211.
2022. Substance-specific risk factors among young adults: Potential prevention targets across cannabis-permissive environments. Substance Use and Misuse. 57(13):1923-1930.
2022. Trajectories of handgun carrying in rural communities from early adolescence to young adulthood. JAMA Network Open. 5:e225127.
2022. The usual, racialized, suspects: The consequence of police contacts with Black and White youth on adult arrest. Social Problems. 69:299-315.
2022. Young adult development indicators for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people: A cross-national longitudinal study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(24):17087.
2022. Young adult development indicators for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people: A cross-national longitudinal study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(24):17087.
2022. Bullying and physical violence and their association with handgun carrying among youth growing up in rural areas. Preventive Medicine. 167:107416.
2023. Community-based child trafficking prevention in Ghana: A rights-based approach. Journal of Human Trafficking. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/23322705.2023.2259785
2023. Community-based child trafficking prevention in Ghana: A rights-based approach. Journal of Human Trafficking. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/23322705.2023.2259785
2023. Cost effectiveness of school and home interventions for students with disruptive behavior problems. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. 31(4):272-284.
2023. Cost-effectiveness analysis of First Step Next for preschoolers with social-emotional needs. Research on Social Work Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/10497315231208400
2023. Economic evaluation design within the HEAL Prevention Cooperative. Prevention Science. 24(Suppl. 1):S50-S60.
2023. Effect of the Communities That Care prevention system on adolescent handgun carrying: A cluster-randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open. 6(4):e236699.
2023. Evaluation of a brief foster parent/ case worker training to support relationship building skills and acceptance of LGBTQ+ youth in care. Journal of Public Child Welfare. 17(1):213-237.
2023. Evaluation of a brief foster parent/ case worker training to support relationship building skills and acceptance of LGBTQ+ youth in care. Journal of Public Child Welfare. 17(1):213-237.
2023. Evaluation of a brief foster parent/ case worker training to support relationship building skills and acceptance of LGBTQ+ youth in care. Journal of Public Child Welfare. 17(1):213-237.
2023. Examining how regular users of marijuana communicate with their children about marijuana use: Lessons learned from Facebook and Instagram recruitment. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 32:3176-3186.
2023. Examining how regular users of marijuana communicate with their children about marijuana use: Lessons learned from Facebook and Instagram recruitment. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 32:3176-3186.
2023. Family, mental health, and placement outcomes of a low-cost preventive intervention for youth in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review. 150:106973.
2023. Fostering Higher Education: Preliminary Findings from a small randomized pilot study. Children and Youth Services Review. 150:106991.
2023. Fostering Higher Education: Preliminary Findings from a small randomized pilot study. Children and Youth Services Review. 150:106991.
2023. Income, ethnicity, and equality: Assessing racial disparities in foster care using a self-sufficiency range. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) Advisor. 35(3):32-49.
2023. Income, ethnicity, and equality: Assessing racial disparities in foster care using a self-sufficiency range. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) Advisor. 35(3):32-49.
2023. Lessons learned from integrating anti-oppression pedagogy in a graduate-level course in epidemiology. American Journal of Epidemiology. 192(8):1231-1237.
2023. "Letting Go and Staying Connected": Substance use outcomes from a developmentally targeted intervention for parents of college students. Prevention Science. 24(6):1174-1186.