Welcome to our PhD alumni page with career updates and information of our distinguished graduates. In most cases, there are links to more extensive profiles. To view individual profiles, please select the alumni's name.
Martha J Aby
Compliance Special Initiatives Supervisor
Washington State Health Care Authority
Richard Anderson
Dissertation: Premature Termination of Day Treatment: A Comparative Study of the Outcome of Chronic Mental Patients Who Drop Out (1983). Supervisory Chair: Rino Patti.
David F. Arguello
Dissertation: A Comparative Study of Minority and Nonminority Executives in New Mexico Human Service Organizations (1988). Supervisory Chair: Rino Patti.
Tyler M. Arguello
Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director, California State University, Sacramento, CA
Dissertation: Contagious Communication: The Mediatization, Spatialization, and Commercialization of "HIV" (2008). Supervisory Chair: Anthony H. Ishisaka.
Cecilia Ayón
Professor of Public Policy, UC Riverside, Riverside, CA
Dissertation: Integrating the Lived Experiences of Mexican Families in the Delivery of Public Child Welfare Services (2008). Supervisory Chair: Eugene Aisenberg.
Karen Bancroft
Robin Elizabeth Bates
Dissertation: Prevalence and Correlates of Mental Disorder Among Incarcerated Women (1994). Supervisory Chair: Edwina Uehara.
Howard Ian Bath
Dissertation: Intensive Family Preservation Services with Maltreated Children: An Investigation of Sub-type Differences (1992). Supervisory Chair: James Whittaker.
Lynn Carol Behar
Dissertation: Getting Through It Alone: A Descriptive Study Of The Experiences Of Single Mothers With Breast Cancer And Adolescent Children (1999). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Michelle Bell
Associate Professor Emerita, University of Washington School of Public Health, Seattle, WA
Dissertation: Exploring the Use of Information by Legislative and Administrative Decision-Makers in the State of Washington (1984). Supervisory Chair: Richard Elmore.
Ramona Beltran
Associate Professor, University of Denver School of Social Work, Denver, CO
Dissertation: Bark Made Rope, Roots Made Baskets (2010). Supervisory Chair: Karina Walters.
Raymond L. Bending
Professor/Chair of Social Work (Retired), Heritage College, Topenish, WA
Dissertation: An Evaluation of an Indian Child Welfare Training Program for Tribal and State Providers (1992). Supervisory Chair: Judy Kopp.
Odessa Gonzalez Benson
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan School of Social Work, Ann Arbor, MI
Dissertation: Refugee Driven and Policy-Driven Resettlement: Examining Resettlement Geographies and Service Provision of Refugee Community Organizations (2017). Supervisory Chair: Marcia Meyers.
Sharon Berlin
Professor, Emerita, School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Dissertation: An Investigation of the Effects of Cognitive-Behavior Modification Treatment on Problems of Inappropriate Self-Criticism Among Women (1978). Supervisory Chair: Scott Briar.
Mick Beyers
Assistant Teaching Professor, School of Social Work (SSW) & Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions, Arizona State University School of Social Work, Tucson, AZ
Dissertation: Ideology made flesh: A study of revolutionary praxis among Irish Republican Army volunteers (2007). Supervisory Chair: Susan Kemp.
Rupaleem Bhuyan
Associate Professor, & PhD Program Director, University of Toronto School of Social Work, Toronto, Canada.
Dissertation: Disciplining Through the Promise of "Freedom": The Production of the Battered Immigrant Woman in Public Policy and Domestic Violence Advocacy (2006). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Asia Sarah Bishop
Assistant Professor, University of Washington Tacoma, School of Social Work and Criminal Justice, Tacoma, WA.
Dissertation: Understanding the Service Needs of Gang-Involved Youth: Social Identity and Ecological Influences on Health Decision-Making (2021). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.
Shannon Blajeski
Assistant Professor, Portland State University, School of Social Work, Portland, OR.
Dissertation: On the Cusp: First-Episode Psychosis (FEP) and Employment (2019). Supervisory Chair: Gunnar Almgren.
Betty Blythe
Professor Emerita, Boston College School of Social Work, Boston, MA.
Dissertation: An Examination of Practice Evaluation Among Social Workers (1983). Supervisory Chair: Scott Briar.
Robin Bonifas
Associate Professor/Associate Director for Curriculum & Instruction, Arizona State University School of Social Work, Tempe, AZ.
Dissertation: Multi-Level Factors Related to Deficiencies in Psychosocial Care in Washington State Skilled Nursing Facilities (2007). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Sharon Borja
Assistant Professor, University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, Houston, TX.
Dissertation: Longitudinal Implications of Intergenerational Adversity on the Parental Capacities of Latina and African-American Mothers and Their Children's Wellbeing (2017). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.
Tracy Nicole Brazg
Affiliate Instructor, University of Washington School of Nursing & Health Studies.
Dissertation: The (Inter)Professional Identity of Hospital Social Workers: Integration and Operationalization of Profession-Specific Knowledge, Skills, and Values with Boundary-Spanning Competencies (2018). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.
Brenda Jean Bryson
Professor, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Dissertation: The Experiences of African American Women in Feminist Domestic Violence Organizations (1998). Supervisory Chair: Sue Sohng.
Tracey Burke
Professor, University of Alaska, School of Social Work, Juneau, AK.
Dissertation: Social Services in Rural Alaska: An Ethnography of Service provision in a Yup'ik Eskimo Village (2003). Supervisory Chair: Susan Kemp.
David Lawson Burton
Dissertation: Cognitive Factors in Sexually Aggressive Children (1996). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Sandra Sue Butler
Professor and Director, University of Maine Social Work Program, Orono, ME.
Dissertation: Perspectives on the Lives and Service Needs of Homeless Middle-aged Women (1991). Supervisory Chair: Naomi Gottlieb.
Christopher Cambron
Assistant Professor & PhD Researcher, University of Utah College of Social Work, Salt Lake City, UT.
Dissertation: An Examination of Neighborhood Contexts and Substance Use Across the Life Course (2017). Supervisory Chair: Richard Catalano.
Shauna Carlisle
Associate Professor and Director, Master of Arts in Policy Studies, University of Washington, Bothell, WA.
Dissertation: From Healthy to Unhealthy: Disaggregating the Relationship Between Perceived Discrimination, Chronic Stress, and Chronic Health Conditions (2010). Supervisory Chair: David Takeuchi.
Erin Casey
Professor and MSW Program Chair & Graduate Program Coordinator, University of Washington, Tacoma, WA.
Dissertation: Sexual Assault Perpetration among Adolescent and Adult Males: Ecological Approaches to Conceptualizing the Etiology and Prevention of Rape (2006). Supervisory Chair: David Takeuchi.
Mythu Chiem
Owner, Lakewood Yoga, Lakewood, WA.
Dissertation: Immigration, Aging and Life Satisfaction Among Older Vietnamese Refugees: A Resilience Perspective (2007). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Yu-Ling Chang
Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare, Berkely CA.
Dissertation: State Social Net Programs and the Great Recession: The First Line of Defense and the Last Resort for the Economically Disadvantaged (2016). Supervisory Chair: Marcia Meyers.
Yoonsun Choi
Professor/Chair PhD Program, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Dissertation: Risk and Protective Factors of Problem Behaviors Among Ethnic Minority Adolescents (2001). Supervisory Chair: Tracy Harachi.
Youngjun Choi
Director of Population, Pro-natal, Sexual & Reproductive Health Division at the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea & CSDE Research Affiliate
Dissertation: It Does Matter for Us, Too: Implications of Digital Divide among Older Americans (2021). Supervisory Chair: Karen Fredriksen Goldsen
Ick-Joong Chung
Professor, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea.
Dissertation: Developmental Trajectories of Offending among Poor and Non-poor Children (2000). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Diane Civic
Senior Medical Policy Analyst Sr., Office of Medical Policy and Technology Assessment, Anthem, Inc., Indianapolis, IN.
Dissertation: The Association Between Characteristics of Dating Relationships and Condom Use Among Heterosexual Young Adults (1997). Supervisory Chair: Mary Gillmore.
Marie-Celeste Condon
Infant and Early Childhood Clinician at Stroum Jewish Community Center, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Participatory Action Research in a Prison Nursery (2011). Supervisory Chair: Jean Kruzich.
Anna Constantino-Pettit
Postdoctoral Research Associate at Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
Dissertation: Childhood Adversity Among Adolescent Mothers and its Intergenerational Consequences. Supervisory Chair: David Takeuchi.
Jon Robert Conte
Professor Emeritus, University of Washington. Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: An Experimental Examination of Differential Reactivity of Human Subjects to Observation by Video Camera and Human Observation (1979). Supervisory Chair: Trova Hutchins.
Carol Jane Crimi
Dissertation: The Use of Interpersonal Skills Training to Enhance Social Support Among Parents Who Are Mentally Retarded and At Risk For Child Maltreatment: A Feasibility Study (1995). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Meg Cristofalo
Assistant Professor, Social Work Program, Seattle University, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Weaving Strengths and Vulnerabilities: Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Core Safety Net Settings (2014). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Grote.
Thomas Crofoot
Professor Emeritus, Eastern Washington University School of Social Work and Human Services., Cheney, WA.
Dissertation: Effects of Alcohol on Women's Ability to Perceive and Respond to Sexual Aggression (1996). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.
Henry Joel Crumé
Dissertation: The Benefits of Trauma-Informed Social and Emotional Learning Curricula Among Court-Involved Students Living in Congregate Settings (2022). Supervisory Chair: Angelique Day.
Jill Crowell
Dissertation: Implementing a State-Wide Management Information System in Mental Health Centers: An Evaluation Study of Organizational Change (1982). Supervisory Chair: Michael Austin.
Gaynel Ruth Davis
Dissertation: Developmental Patterns of Stress and Coping: Middle Age and Older Adulthood (1985). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Thomas D. Davis
Professor, School of Social Work, California State University San Bernardino, San Bernardino, CA.
Dissertation: Predicting Clinical Practice Guideline Utilization Among Chemical Dependency Professionals (2001). Supervisory Chair: Jean Kruzich.
Amelia Seraphia Derr
Director, Bachelor of Social Work Program, Associate Professor, Director, Seattle University, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Mental Health Service Utilization among Immigrants in the United States (2014). Supervisory Chair: Taryn Lindhorst.
Kathryn Ann DeLois
Retired, School of Social Work, University of New England, Portland, ME.
Dissertation: How Women Come to Identify as Lesbian: A Grounded Theory (1993). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Nancy S. Dickinson
Clinical Professor, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD.
Dissertation: Contributions to the Employment of AFDC Recipients: An Experimental Comparison of Work Experience and Job Search Assistance Strategies (1986). Supervisory Chair: Ronald Dear.
Lynne S. Dodson
Workforce Development Coordinator, United Food & Commercial Workers Union, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Implementation Analysis of the Washington State Family Independence Program (FIP) and the Family Support Act (FSA) Transitional Child and Medical Benefits (1995). Supervisory Chair: Richard Weatherley.
Danae Dotolo
Associate Teaching Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: It's Always in the Back of Your Mind: LGBTQ Partners' Experiences of Discrimination in Healthcare for Serious Illnesses (2017). Supervisory Chair: Taryn Lindhorst.
Andrea Marie Doyle
Assistant Professor, West Virginia University Department of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Morgantown, WV.
Dissertation: Rhythms of Clinical Process. M (2008). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne D. Gilchrist.
Howard Doueck
Professor Emeritus, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY.
Dissertation: Maltreated Youth in Dysfunctional Families: A Descriptive Study (1986). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Aileen Duldulao
Research Scientist and Senior Epidemiologist, Multnomah County Health Department, Community Epidemiology Services, Portland, OR
Dissertation: Investigating the Social Context of Immigration-Related Factors in Asian American Health.(2010). Supervisory Chair: David Takeuchi.
Paul (Quang Chi) Duong Tran
Professor, College of Health, Human Services and Nursing, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Dissertation: Family Functioning and its Influences on Vietnamese Adolescents' Social Functioning and Psychological Well-Being (1992). Supervisory Chair: Cheryl Richey.
Jessica Elm
Fellow, Center for American Indian Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
Dissertation: Childhood Stressors and Behavioral Health Among American Indians with Type 2 Diabetes: An Expanded Assessment of Adverse Childhood Experiences Using Latent Class Analysis (2018). Supervisory Chair: Karina Walters.
Diana English
Dissertation: An Historical Analysis of Punishment Policy: 1600-1865 (1985). Supervisory Chair: William Berleman.
Joseph F. Famiglietti
Clinical Social Work, Private Practice, Magellan Behavioral Health Care Network, Montpelier, VT.
Dissertation: A Review of Evaluation of Family-Strengthening Programs and an Analysis of the Evaluations' Utilization (1981). Supervisory Chair: Richard Weatherley.
Martha Lynne Farris
Counseling Practice, Anchorage, AK.
Dissertation: Untold Stories: An Interpretive Study of Older Women Sexually Abused as Children (1996). Supervisory Chair: Edwina Uehara.
Miguel Joseph Ferguson
Founder of OfCourse!, Austin, TX.
Dissertation: An Examination Of Welfare Use Among Young Teen Mothers (1999). Supervisory Chair: Richard Weatherley.
Angela Fernandez
Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin–Madison, School of Nursing, Madison, WI.
Dissertation: Wherever I Go, I Have It Inside of Me: Indigenous Cultural Dance as a Transformative Place of Health and Prevention for Members of an Urban Danza Mexica Community (2019). Supervisory Chairs: Tessa Evans-Campbell and Karina Walters
Karen Fieland
Clinical Social Worker, Private Practice, Burien, WA.
Dissertation: Spirituality and Health among Native Americans Living with HIV (2008). Supervisory Chair: Karina Walters.
David N. Finke
Dissertation: Organizational Factors Affecting Teacher Collegiality (1984). Supervisory Chair: David Hawkins.
Christopher Fleming
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oregon Prevention Science Institute, Eugene, OR. Dissertation: Assessing the Impact of Community-Based Universal Prevention on Adolescent Gang Association: An Examination of the Effects of Communities That Care (2018). Supervisory Chair: Sabrina Oesterle.
Maryah Fram
Associate Professor, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. Dissertation: Discussions of social capital: Social Work, Social Structure, and the Contextualization of Inequality (2003). Supervisory Chair: Susan Kemp.
Jeannette Searle Franks
Dissertation: Long-Term Care: A Case-controlled Study of Individuals in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living in Washington State (1996). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Mark W. Fraser
Professor Emeritus, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
Dissertation: The Social Support Network of Street Drug Abusers (1981). Supervisory Chair: Scott Briar.
Barbara Joy Friesen
Emerita Professor, Graduate School of Social Work, Portland State University, Portland, OR. Dissertation: Leadership, Worker Satisfaction and Role Clarity in Mental Health Organization (1983). Supervisory Chair: Rino Patti.
Xiang Gao
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Peking (Beijing) University, Beijing. Dissertation: Afterschool Child Care Subsidies and Maternal Employment among the Low-Income Families (2009). Supervisory Chair: Marcia Meyers.
Antonio (Tony) Garcia
Associate Professor, Buckhorn Professor of Social Work, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Dissertation: Maltreated, Placed, and Under-Served Foster Youth: Predictors of Developmental Outcomes among Racially Diverse Foster Care Alumni (2010). Supervisory Chair: Eugene Aisenberg.
Michelle Garner
Associate Professor, University of Washington, Tacoma, WA.
Dissertation: Federal Charitable Choice and Faith-Based Initiatives: Do Faith-Based Organizations Pose a Barrier to Services? (2007). Supervisory Chair: Rona Levy.
Jan Elizabeth Gaylord-Vanslyke
Researcher, Coletta Reid and Associates, Santa Fe, NM. Dissertation: Typologies of sexual risk taking: Profiling high-risk individuals on sexual, relational, and individual variables (2000). Supervisory Chair: Diane Morrison.
Edna Jo (Fredi) Giesler
MSW Program Director/Assistant Professor of Social Work, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID.
Dissertation: Early Head Start: Home Visiting and Parenting Group Program Uptake - An Implementation Study (2002). Supervisory Chair: Susan Kemp.
Lewayne D. Gilchrist
Professor Emerita, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA. Dissertation: Coping with Contraception: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach to Prevention of Unwanted Teenage Pregnancy (1981). Supervisory Chair: Steven Schinke.
Amanda Gilman
Senior Research Associate, Washington State Center for Court Research, Olympia, WA.
Dissertation: Incarceration and the Life Course: Predictors, Correlates, and Consequences of Juvenile Incarceration (2014). Supervisory Chair: Karl G. Hill.
Linnea Flynn GlenMaye
Associate Professor and Associate Provost, School of Social Work Director, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS.
Dissertation: Non-reporting of Rape: Grounded Theory Study (1995). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Kari M Gloppen
Researcher, Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul, MN. Dissertation: Patterns of Adolescent and Youth Adult Sexual Behavior: Predictors and Consequences (2016). Supervisory Chair: Richard Catalano.
Meripa Taiai Godinet
Professor, University of Hawaii Department of Social Work, Honolulu, HI.
Dissertation: Exploring a Theoretical Model of Delinquency with Samoan Adolescents (1998). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Jeffrey Alan Gold
Private Practice, Seattle, WA. Dissertation: Parent-Adolescent Communication Training in Groups: Evaluating a Problem-Solving Model (1980). Supervisory Chair: Cheryl Richey.
Seana Marie Golder
Professor, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Kent School of Social Work, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.
Dissertation: Modeling Women's Substance Use and Lawbreaking Behavior (2001). Supervisory Chair: Mary Gillmore.
Judith G. Gonyea
Professor, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Boston University School of Social Work, Boston, MA.
Dissertation: The Family and Dependency: Factors Associated with Institutional Planning for Elderly Relatives (1983). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Odessa Gonzalez Benson
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan School of Social Work, Ann Arbor, MI. Dissertation: Refugee-driven and Policy-driven Resettlement: Examining Socio-economic Integration Through Placement Patterns and Community-based Organizations (2017). Supervisory Chair: Marcia Meyers.
Stella Gran-O'Donnell
Associate Director, Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI), Okemos, MI
Dissertation: Listening to and Examining Filipino Youths' Experiences of Place(s) in Hawaii (2016). Supervisory Chair: Karina Walters.
Sara Green
Dissertation: Examining the Role of Place Based Interventions in Supporting Military Family Health: A Mixed Methods Study of Family-Centered Therapeutic Landscapes (2013). Supervisory Chair: Paula S. Nurius.
Chong-suk Han
Professor, Middlebury College, Department of Sociology/Anthropology, Middlebury, VT.
Dissertation: Geisha of a Different Kind: Negotiating Gay Asian Male Identities (2007). Supervisory Chair: Edwina Uehara.
Tracy Harachi
Associate Professor Emerita, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Empowering Communities for the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Abuse (1991). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Scott Harding
Associate Professor, University of Connecticut, West Hartford, CT.
Dissertation: Urban Redevelopment, Housing Loss, and Class Segregation: A Case Study of Gentrification in Seattle (2000). Supervisory Chair: Gunnar Almgren.
Vern Harner
Assistant Professor, University of Washington Tacoma, School of Social Work and Criminal Justice, Tacoma, WA.
Dissertation: Examining Trans Qualities of Life and Knowledge (2022). Supervisory Committee Chair: Val Kalei Kanuha.
Erin Nicole Harrop
Assistant Professor, University of Denver School of Social Work, Denver, CO.
Dissertation: “You Don’t Look Anorexic:” A Mixed Methods Study of Weight Stigma and Healthcare Experiences in a Diverse Sample of Patients with Atypical Anorexia (2020). Supervisory Chair: Taryn Lindhorst.
Reiko Hayashi
Professor Emerita, University of Utah College of Social Work, Salt Lake City, UT.
Dissertation: Explaining Women's Wages: An Analysis of the Washington Family Income Study (Fis) Data (1994). Supervisory Chair: Richard Weatherley.
Todd Ian Herrenkohl
Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Dissertation: An Examination of Neighborhood Context and Risk for Youth Violence. (1998). Supervisory Chair: David Hawkins.
Martha Herriott
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Private Practice, Anchorage, AK.
Dissertation: Use of On-Site Health and Social Services by Elderly Residents of Public Housing (1982). Supervisory Chair: Alice Kethley.
Darrel Higa
Social Scientist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.
Dissertation: Gay Men’s Brief Sexual Connections: Settings, Processes, Meanings, and Ethics (2008). Supervisory Chair: Anthony H. Ishisaka.
Marie D. Hoff
Emerita Executive Director, Catholic Charities of Idaho, Boise, ID.
Dissertation: Response to the Catholic Bishops' Letter on Economic Justice: Implications for Social Welfare (1987). Supervisory Chair: Katherine Briar.
Lynn Carol Holley
Associate Professor, Arizona State University School of Social Work, Phoenix, AZ.
Dissertation: Ethnic Agencies In Communities of Color: A Study of Missions, Services, Structures, and Capacity-Building Needs. (1998). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Seunghye Hong
Associate Professor, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work,University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI.
Dissertation: Neighborhood contexts, mental health, and immigration (2009). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Michael T. Horn
Chief, Management Accountability & Performance Statistics Office, Economic Services Administration, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Olympia, WA. Dissertation: Investigating the Construct Validity of a Life-Skills Assessment Instrument (2001). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Matthew Owen Howard
Dissertation: Chemical Aversion Treatment of Alcohol Dependence: Magnitude of Conditioning and Its Relations to Treatment Outcome (1990). Supervisory Chair: Roger Roffman.
Charles P. Hoy-Ellis
Research Scientist, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA
Dissertation: Proximal minority stressor, chronic health conditions, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults psychological well-being: Do sexual orientation and gender identity play differential roles? (2015) Supervisory Chair: Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen.
Ruth J. Huber
Professor Emerita, Director of Doctoral Program, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.
Dissertation: Gender Differences in Early Bereavement (1989). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Kimberly Dree Hudson
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Social Service, Fordham University, New York, NY.
Dissertation: Community borderlands: Exploring liminal experiences of belonging and wellbeing (2012). Supervisory Chair: Teresa A Evans-Campbell.
Matt Ignacio
Assistant Professor, Arizona State University School of Social Work, Phoenix, AZ.
Dissertation: An Examination of Novel Harm Reduction Interventions for Indigenous and Other Youth of Color (2020). Supervisory Chair: Michael Spencer.
Linda Ishem
Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Department of Urban Studies, University of Washington, Tacoma, WA.
Dissertation: Toward equitable development: Theorizing the tensions that arise in redeveloping urban neighborhoods (2008). Supervisory Chair: Sharon Sutton.
Andre Ivanoff
Professor, University of Columbia, New York City, NY.
Dissertation: Inpatient Treatment for Suicide Attempters (1984). Supervisory Chair: Scott Briar.
Lovie Jackson Foster
Prevention Specialist, Allegheny County, Children, Youth and Families Prevention & Community Services, Pittsburg, PA
Dissertation: Investigating Mental Health, Comorbidity, and Intergenerational Caregiving Disruption among Alumni of Foster Care (2008). Supervisory Chair: David Takeuchi.
Sarah Jen
Assistant Professor, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. Dissertation: Discourses of Bisexuality among Older Women (2018). Supervisory Chair: Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen.
Jeffrey M. Jenson
Winn Professor Emeritus, University of Denver, Denver, CO.
Dissertation: Effects of a Skills Training Intervention with Juvenile Delinquents (1988). Supervisory Chair: David Hawkins.
Katie Johnston-Goodstar
Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, University of Minnesota School of Social Work, Minneapolis, MN.
Dissertation: Critical Indigenous Pedagogy of Place: Locating and Engaging Justice with Indigenous Youth (2009). Supervisory Chair: Karina Walters.
Ian M. Johnson
Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee College of Social Work, Knoxville, TN.
Dissertation: Uncertain Destinations: Characterizing the Role of Place in the Later-Life Experiences of Palliative Care Patients Experiencing Homelessness (2022). Supervisory Chair: Taryn Lindhorst.
Teresa Catherine Jones
Retired Counselor, Olympic College, Washington, Bremerton, WA.
Dissertation: Adoption Decision-Making in the African-American Community (1996). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Tiffany Jones
Assistant Professor, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Dissertation: Understanding Race Differences in Academic Outcomes, School Climate and Social Emotional Learning to Promote Racial Equity and Policy Reform (2018). Supervisory Chair: Todd Herrenkohl.
Lucy Jordan
Associate Professor, University of Hong Kong, China.
Dissertation: The Structure of Opportunity: Child Care Subsides and Employment-Family Balance (2006). Supervisory Chair: Marcia Meyers.
Hye-Kyung Kang
Chair, Department of Social Work, Director, Master of Social Work, Associate Professor, Seattle University, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Immigrant Cultural Citizenship: Construction of a Multi-ethnic Asian Pacific American Community (2006). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Jiyoung Kang
Faculty, Chungnam National University, Department of Social Welfare, Daejeon, South Korea. Dissertation: Social Policy Contexts, Family Well-being and Gender Equality From a Comparative Perspective. (2017). Supervisory Chair: Marcia Meyers.
Valli Kanuha
Teaching Professor, MSW Program Director, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Stigma, Identity, and Passing: How Lesbians and Gay Men of Color Construct and Manage Stigmatized Identity In Social Interaction (1997). Supervisory Chair: Edwina Uehara.
Lynn D. Keenan
Dissertation: Identifying Risk Factors for Homelessness Among People Living with HIV Disease (1996). Supervisory Chair: Cheryl Richey.
Thomas Everett Keller
Duncan and Cindy Campbell Professor for Children, Youth, and Families, Portland State University, Portland, OR. Dissertation: Investigating the Development of Early Childhood Problem Behaviors: A Person-Oriented Analysis of Attachment in the Context of Multiple Risks (2000). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Kim Choo Khoo
Founder, The Sunbird Child Development Centre, Singapore.
Dissertation: Effect of Training in Problem-Solving on the Social Adjustment of Young Children in Singapore (1983). Supervisory Chair: James DeLong.
Peris Kibera
Family Medicine Resident, Cleveland Clinic, Akron, OH.
Dissertation: Understanding Pregnant HIV Positive Women's Non-Use of Maternity Services at a Community Health Center in Nairobi, Kenya (2010). Supervisory Chair: Diane Morrison.
J. Bart Kilka
Chief Research Officer, Prevent Child Abuse America, Chicago, IL.
Dissertation: Multi-type maltreatment and adult health risk behavior: A latent variable modeling approach (2014). Supervisory Chair: Todd Herrenkohl.
Bo Kyung Elizabeth Kim
Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Dissertation: Understanding Strengths: Developmental Changes and Effects of Protective Factors in a Community Prevention Trial (2014). Supervisory Chair: J. David Hawkins
Hyun-Jun Kim
Assistant Research Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Subjectivation, historicity, and liminal space: Korean American immigrants and their discourses of positionalities (2009). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Chan-Woo Kim
Researcher, Korean Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHSA), Seoul, South Korea.
Dissertation: Community-Based Care Management: Aligning Services to the Risks for Community-Dwelling Chronically-Ill Elders (2003). Supervisory Chair: David Cherin.
Min Jung Kim
Assistant Professor, Kangnam University, School of Social Welfare, Seoul, South Korea.
Dissertation: Youth Violence Prevention: Social Development Model Approaches to Predicting and Preventing the Progression of Childhood Aggression into Youth Violence (2009).
Supervisory Chair: Richard F. Catalano.
Sunah Kim
Dissertation: The Effects of Parent Bonding, School Bonding, and Belief on the Structure of Problem Behaviors in Elementary School-Age Children (2000). Supervisory Chair: Tracy Harachi.
Wooksoo Kim
Associate Professor, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Dissertation: Ethnic Variations in Mental Health Symptoms and Functioning among Asian Americans (2002). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Barbara Iwanaga King
Dissertation: The Process of Achieving Independence for Women on Welfare (1992). Supervisory Chair: Naomi Gottlieb.
Maura Ann Kirkham
Retired, University of Wisconsin. Private Consulting Practice, Madison, WI.
Dissertation: Life Skills Training with Mothers of Handicapped Children: A Two-Year Follow Up Study (1988). Supervisory Chair: James Whittaker.
Eiji Kitajima
Tokai University, Tokai, Japan.
Dissertation: A Study of Client Dropout at a Community Mental Health Center (1990). Supervisory Chair: Richard Weatherley.
Kristin Elizabeth Knighton
Dissertation: Maternal Caregiving for Young Children: Implications for Social Policy (1993). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Elizabeth J. Kramer
Professor Emerita, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Dissertation: Stress and Coping of Spousal Caregivers to Older Adults with Dementia: An Interpersonal Framework (1992). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Alison Kristman-Valente
Clinical Research Scientist, Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Gender differences in the link between trauma and smoking in two generations (2014). Supervisory Chair: Karl Hill.
Jean Marie Kruzich
Associate Professor Emerita, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Community Adjustment of the Chronically Mentally Ill (1982). Supervisory Chair: Michael Austin.
Inhoe Ku
Professor, Department of Social Welfare, College of Social Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.
Dissertation: Consequences of Maternal Welfare Receipt for Children: The Case of Educational Attainment in Young Adulthood (2000). Supervisory Chair: Robert Plotnick.
David LaFazia
Lecturer, University of Washington, School of Social Work, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Adult Children and Parents in Assisted Living: The Effect of an Intervention on Adult Child Visiting and Perceptions of Care (2008). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Jean B. Lanz
Compliance Analyst, retired, Human Subjects Division, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Exploring the Psychological, Behavioral and Social Effects of Early Forced Sexual Intercourse on Pregnant Adolescents (1991). Supervisory Chair: Naomi Gottlieb.
Caroline Lanza
Assistant Teaching Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: "Truth Plus Publicity": Paul U. Kellogg, Hybrid Practice and Progressive Era Visual Research Methods, 1907-1917 (2016). Supervisory Chair: Susan P. Kemp.
Jessica Lapham
Dissertation: The Influence of Labor and Employment Conditions on Worker’s Health in the United States (2023). Supervisory Chair: Melissa Martinson.
Alice Larson
Dissertation: A Guidebook to Gathering Data on Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers (1981). Supervisory Chair: William Berleman.
Nancy Carol Larson
Dissertation: Parenting Stress Among Low-Income Young Mothers in the Transition to Adulthood (1997). Supervisory Chair: Susan Kemp.
Thomas R. Lawson
Professor Emeritus of Social Work, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.
Dissertation: United States Army Social work Officers: Their Plans for Retirement and Professional Identification (1982). Supervisory Chair: William Berleman.
JoAnn Lee
Associate Professor, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.
Dissertation: The Role of Institutions in the Transition to Adulthood and Their Impact on Pathways to Adulthood and Adult Criminal Outcomes (2012). Supervisory Chair: Emiko Tajima.
Jung-Eun Lee
Associate Professor, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Dissertation: Not destined for poverty: the role of educational aspirations and expectations in intergenerational processes of poverty (2009). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Serge C. Lee
Professor of Social Work, California State University, Sacramento, Sacramento, CA.
Dissertation: Stress, Social Support Systems and Psychosocial Well-Being of Among Refugee Adults (1993) Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Nicole Suzanne Le Prohn
Director of Practice Research, Casey Family Program, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Relative Foster Parents: Role Perceptions, Motivation and Agency Satisfaction (1993). Supervisory Chair: Peter Pecora.
Patricia Logan-Greene
Associate Professor, SUNY Buffalo School of Social Work, Buffalo, NY.
Dissertation: Heterogeneity among youth at risk for violence: Implications of a stress and coping framework for prevention (2011). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.
Susan M. Love
Professor of Social Work, California State Northridge, Northridge, CA.
Dissertation: Marital and Life Adjustment of Vietnam Combat Veterans: A Treatment Outcome Study (1987). Supervisory Chair: David Hawkins.
Madeline L. Lovell
Associate Professor Emerita, Department of Social Work, Seattle University, Seattle WA.
Dissertation: An Evaluation of a Parent Training and Social Support Group for Mothers at Risk to Maltreat their Children (1986). Supervisory Chair: David Hawkins.
Christine Theresa Lowery
Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
Dissertation: Life Histories: Addiction and Recovery of Six Native American Women (1994). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Carl Maas
Director, Center for Child and Family Studies, College of Social Work, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
Dissertation: The Role of Social Developmental Predictors and Pathways in the Inter-generational Transmission of Violence (2010). Supervisory Chair: Todd Herrenkohl.
Rebecca Macy
Professor and Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
Dissertation: Coping with Repeated Sexual Aggression: Profiles of Risk, Protection, and Resilience (2002). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.
Angela Malorni
Assistant Professor, Rutgers University School of Social Work, New Brunswick, NJ.
Dissertation: Exploring the Ambivalent Relationship Between Social Media and Youth Sociopolitical Development: A YPAR project with youth organizers (2022). Supervisory Chair: Michael Spencer.
Gillian Marshall
Dissertation: Predictors Associated with Late-Life Depressive Symptoms among Older Black Americans (2011). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Susanne Marten
President of the Board, Supportive Housing Association, Tacoma, WA.
Dissertation: Implementation Analysis of a Child Care Voucher Program (1987). Supervisory Chair: Walter Williams.
N. Tatiana Masters
Senior Methodologist, ETR.
Dissertation: Women's Sexual Agency: Implications for HIV Prevention (2009). Supervisory Chair: Diane Morrison.
Kristin J. McCowan
Assistant Research Professor, University of Missouri, Columbia, School of Social Work, Columbia, MO.
Dissertation: The Practice of Intergroup Dialogue Across Educational Settings (2020). Supervisory Chair: Michael Spencer.
Morna E. McEachern
Program Manager, Pacific Northwest National Resource Center on Canada, Pacific Northwest Canadian Studies Consortium.
Dissertation: Is knowledge power? A comparative textual, historical and practical study of "sex ed"’ policy and "teen pregnancy" in Canada and the U.S.A. (2010). Supervisory Chair: Susan Kemp.
Paule Ma McNicoll
Associate Professor Emerita, Chair of MSW Program, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Dissertation: The Social and Economic Precursors of Child Maltreatment: A Study of the Exosystem (1989). Supervisory Chair: Robert Plotnick.
David Thomas Menefee
Director of Data and Evaluation, Retired, Colorado Dept. of Human Services, Behavioral Health, Denver, CO.
Dissertation: Toward a Functional Model of Problem Solving in Social Service Work Groups (1990). Supervisory Chair: Hy Resnick.
Gita Mehrotra
Associate Professor, Portland State University, Portland, OR.
Dissertation: Diasporic Intersectionalities: Exploring South Asian women's narratives of race, ethnicity, and gender through a community-based performance project (2012). Supervisory Chair: Karina Walters.
Joseph Mienko
Chief Scientist, CSSAT, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: School Mobility for Children in Out-of-Home Placement: Incidence, Educational Outcomes, and Tools for Mitigation (2016). Supervisory Chair: Jean Kruzich.
Janet Louise Miller
Dissertation: The Influence of Home-School Linkage on Adaptive Functioning in Fifth Grade Students (1989). Supervisory Chair: James Whittaker.
Christina E. Miyawaki
Associate Professor, University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, Houston, TX.
Dissertation: Association of Familial Responsibility, Ethnicity, and Accullturation of Asian Family Caregivers of Older Adults. Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Paula Toki Morelli
Associate Professor, University of Hawaii Department of Social Work, Honolulu, HI.
Dissertation: Trauma and Healing: The Construction of Meaning Among Survivors of the Cambodian Holocaust (1996). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Leslie Moulton-Asplund
Private Practice, Spirit Ridge Counseling, Camano Island, WA.
Dissertation: The Importance of Stressful Life Circumstances, Maternal Psychological Characteristics, and Social Support in Predicting Adolescent Mothers' Contacts with Child Protective Services (1993). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Sarah Mountz
Assistant Professor, School of Social Welfare, University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, NY.
Dissertation: Overrepresented, Underserved: The Experiences of LGBTQ Youth in Girls Detention Facilities in New York State (2012). Supervisory Chair: Karina Walters.
Carrie Moylan
Associate Professor, Michigan State University School of Social Work, East Lansing, MI.
Dissertation: Sexual Assault Response Teams: Exploring the discursive negotiation of power, conflict, and legitimacy in coordinated service delivery models (2012). Supervisory Chair: Taryn Lindhorst.
Debbie Nahom Innes
Private Practice, Hamilton, Scotland.
Dissertation: The Process of Change in Helping Relationships (2003). Supervisory Chair: Elizabeth Wells.
Regine Ilga Neiders
Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Rehabilitation Centers, Redmond, WA.
Dissertation: An Analysis of Indicators in Predicting Return to Work for Chronic Back Pain Sufferers (1990). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.
Susan Neely-Barnes
Professor and Chair of Social Work, University of Memphis School of Social Work, Memphis, TN.
Dissertation: Consumer choice in developmental disability services: Assessing the impact on quality of life indicators (2005). Supervisory Chair: Maureen Marcenko.
Anne E. Nicoll
Dissertation: The Development of a Practice Tool to Facilitate Practitioner Decision-Making with Abused Women (1989). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.
Nicole Nicotera
Professor, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver, Denver, CO.
Dissertation: Children and Their Neighborhoods: A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding the Construct Neighborhood (2003). Supervisory Chair: Gunnar Almgren.
Kimberly Ann Nollan
Director of Research, Young Life, Tacoma, WA.
Dissertation: Self-sufficiency Skills Among Youth in Long-term Foster Care (1996). Supervisory Chair: Peter Pecora.
Ann Duecy Norman
Retired Lecturer, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Factors Related to the Development of Breast Cancer Screening Programs for Low Income Older Women (1989). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Nancy Maryanna Nystrom
Private Practice, Edgewater Counseling Services, Bremerton, WA.
Dissertation: Oppression by Mental Health Providers: A Report by Gay Men and Lesbians About Their Treatment (1997). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Julie Anne O'Donnell
Professor, Director of Research, Child Welfare Training Centre, California State University, Long Beach, Long Beach, CA.
Dissertation: A Longitudinal Study of Protective Factors for Children At-Risk Due to Early Aggressive Behavior (1992). Supervisory Chair: David Hawkins.
Jeffrey J. Olson
Dissertation: Professionalization and Social Justice in Social Work: Discourses in Conflict (2001). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Debora Marie Ortega
Professor, Director, University of Denver Latino Center for Community Engagement and Scholarship, University of Denver, Denver, CO.
Dissertation: Maternal Depression and Parenting Efficacy: Risk, Resiliency, and Cultural Factors (1999). Supervisory Chair: Cheryl Richey.
Monica Lynn Oxford
Research Professor, Family and Child Nursing, Executive Director, Barnard Center for Infant Mental Health and Development, Director, Parent-Child Relationship Programs, Vice Chair of Research, University of Washington School of Nursing, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Gender Differences in Delinquency: An Examination of Social Control and Routine Activities (2000). Supervisory Chair: Mary Gillmore.
Yeong-Ran Choi Park
Assistant Professor, Kangnam University, South Korea.
Dissertation: An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationships Among the Stressors, Social Support Networks and Well-being of the Korean-American Elderly (1995). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Yoosun Park
Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice, Philadelphia, PA.
Dissertation: Inferiority, degeneracy, and dependency: problematizing the immigrant in social work discourse, 1875-1952 (2003). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Misha (Michael) Peck
Q Counseling, Private Practice, Phoenix, AZ
Dissertation: The Temporal Relation of Subjective Well-being to Health Status in Older Adults (2002). Supervisory Chair: Rosemary Ryan.
Peter John Pecora
Professor, University of Washington and Senior Director of Research Services at Casey Family Programs, Seattle, WA; Manager of Research Services at Casey Family Program, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Improving the Quality of Child Welfare Services: Needs Assessment for Staff Training in Alaska and Oregon (1982). Supervisory Chair: James Whittaker.
Dana Prince
Associate Professor, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western, Cleveland, OH.
Dissertation: Development and Impact of Future Self-Concept among African American and Latino Young Men. (2014). Chair: Paula Nurius.
Roxanne S. Peterson
Dissertation: Changing Interorganizational Relations Between Community Mental Health Programs and State Hospitals: Analysis of Implementation of Policies (1987). Supervisory Chair: Rino Patti.
Katherine Querna
Assistant Professor, St. Cloud State University, Department of Social Work, St. Cloud, MN.
Dissertation: “Whoever I Find Myself To Be”: Past, Present, and Future Selves of Bisexual Emerging Adult Men and Trans Masculine Individuals (2018). Supervisory Chair: Kalei Kanuha.
Janice C. Rabkin
Private Practice, Senturia and Rabkin Consulting, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Understanding the Adult Daughter and Mother Relationship in Later Life: The Adult Daughter's Perceptions (1990). Supervisory Chair: Naomi Gottlieb.
Nancy Kay Raiha
Senior Research Manager, DSHS Research and Data Analysis, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Dual-Career Couples in the U.S. Army: A Descriptive Study (1986). Supervisory Chair: Cheryl Richey.
Jessica Ramirez
Assistant Professor of Social Work and Chicanx and Latinx Studies
Dissertation: Utilizing Healing Frameworks to Address and Challenge Racism and White Supremacy In and Out of Educational Settings (2023). Supervisory Chair: Michael Spencer.
Nina Sharp Ramsey
Dissertation: Caregiver Coping with Dementia: Relationships among Patient Characteristics, Caregiver Coping Styles, and Consequences of Caregiving (1990). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Joann Ray
Dissertation: The Twelfth Shopper: A Description and Gender Comparison of Shoplifting in Spokane, Washington (1983). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Rebecca Rebbe
Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Social Work, Chapel Hill, NC.
Dissertation: A Populations-Based Study of Child Maltreatment-Related Hospitalizations and Child Protection Responses. (2019). Supervisory Chair: Melissa Martinson.
Cynthia Riche
Chief Information Officer and Associate Vice Chancellor, North Seattle College, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: A Comparative Study of Well-Being and Potential Mediating Variables in Adults With and Without Alcoholic Parents (1990). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.
Rachel Robinson
Associate Professor, Alabama A&M University Department of Social Work, Huntsville, AL.
Dissertation: Living knowledge: Transformation of embodied health care research. (2007). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Anita Louise Rocha
Data Manager, King County Housing Authority, Seattle, WA.
A Secondhand Anti-Poverty Regime (2022). Supervisory Chair: Jennifer Romich.
Jessica Rodriguez-JenKins
Assistant Professor, Portland State University School of Social Work, Portland, OR.
Dissertation: Supporting Latino Families Vulnerable to Child Welfare Involvement. (2017). Supervisory Chair: Maureen Marcenko.
Maria Rodriguez
Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo School of Social Work, Buffalo NY.
Dissertation: Foreclosure Counseling with Hispanic households: Policy assumptions in a changing demographic landscape (2016). Supervisory Chairs: Lynne Manzo and Jennifer Romich.
Marianne Rolland
Founder, White Raven Center , Anchorage, AK.
Dissertation: Asking Our Elders (1994). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Theresa Ronquillo
Associate Director; Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Specialist, Amherst College Center for Teaching & Learning, Amherst, MA.
Dissertation: Normalizing knowledge and practices: Interrogating the representation of the ethnic other in human behavior and the social environment (HBSE) textbooks (2009). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Ashley Rousson
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Wayne State University School of Social Work and Affiliate Researcher, Partners for Our Children, University of Washington School of Social Work
Dissertation: How they look at it is not how I lived it”: How Research, Policy, and Practice Regarding Family Court Child Custody Decision-making Erase Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence (2023). Supervisory Chair: Emiko Tajima
Terry Dean Royer
Executive Director, Retired, Butler County Mental Health Board, Fairfield OH.
Dissertation: Parents of Preterm Infants: A Comparative Field Study of Parental Attitudes (1983). Supervisory Chair: Cheryl Richey.
Scott E. Rutledge
Dean of the College of Health and Professor of Social Work, Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
Dissertation: Contextualizing Serostatus Disclosure by HIV Positive Gay Men to Their Sexual Partners (2002). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Jeanne Ann-Marie Ryan
Dissertation: Predicting Positive Youth Development Outcomes Using the Social Development Model (2000). Supervisory Chair: Mary Gillmore.
Rosemary Ryan
Research Associate Professor, Retired. University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Dissertation: Clients or Service Providers: How Case Managers View the Relatives of Frail Elders (1987). Supervisory Chair: Katherine Briar.
Janice Sabin
Research Associate Professor, University of Washington School of Medicine, Department of Medical Education Biomedical Informatics, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Health Care Provider Implicit and Explicit Racial Bias and Medical Care (2006). Supervisory Chair: David Takeuchi.
Ebasa Sarka
Project/Program Manager, King County, DCHS/Developmental Disabilities and Early Childhood Supports Division, Department of Community and Human Services, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Effects of Childhood Adversities on Positive Adult Functioning across Racial Groups, and Examination of School Bonding as a Moderator (2013). Supervisory Chair: Tracy Harachi.
David Lee Schantz
Dean Emeritus, University of Regina School of Social Work, Saskatoon, Canada.
Dissertation: A State Mental Health Division Office of Consumer Affairs Program Evaluation: Stakeholder Views, Efficacy and Desired Directions (1996). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Robert Schilling
Professor Emeritus, University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Social Welfare, Los Angeles, CA.
Dissertation: Enhancing the Personal Coping, Social Support, and Community Involvement of Mothers of Handicapped Children (1986). Supervisory Chair: Steven Schinke.
Michael Delbert Schock
Professor Emeritus, Department of Social Work, Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN.
Dissertation: Adolescents, Condoms, and Self-Efficacy: A Social Cognitive Study of Condom Use Among Adolescents in Juvenile Detention (1994). Supervisory Chair: Diane Morrison.
Elaine Schroeder
Family Counseling Services, Juneau, AK.
Dissertation: Adolescent Women at Risk: Group Therapy for Improving Self-Esteem (1983). Supervisory Chair: Naomi Gottlieb.
Katie Schultz
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan School of Social Work, Ann Arbor, MI.
Dissertation: Native Women, Intimate Partner Violence, and Drug Use and Consequences: Prevalence and Associations Among Tribal College and University Students (2016). Supervisory Chairs: Tessa Evans-Campbell and Karina Walters.
Jennifer Self
Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Queering Queer Space (2010). Supervisory Chair: Susan Kemp.
Jeanette I. Semke
Dissertation: Continuity of Care for Chronically Mentally Ill Individuals with Substance Abuse Problems (1991). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Valerie Shapiro
Associate Professor, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Dissertation: Community coalitions: Resolving the gap between research and practice for the prevention of youth mental, emotional, and behavioral problems (2012). Supervisory Chair: J David Hawkins.
Nancy Shore
Professor, University of New England, Biddeford, ME.
Dissertation: Human Subjects Regulations and the Ethical Review Process: Conventional Social Science and Community-Based Researchers' Perceptions and Recommendations for Change (2004). Supervisory Chair: Elizabeth Wells.
Richard Small
Dissertation: Cognitive Problem Solving and Social Training for Pre-Adolescents in Residential Treatment (1979). Supervisory Chair: Steven Schinke.
Brian Smith
Research Scientist, Committee for Children, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: The Effects of Community Level Adoption of a Risk- and Protection-Focused Prevention Framework on School-Based Prevention Activities (2005). Supervisory Chair: David Hawkins.
Thomas Smith
Professor Emeritus, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
Dissertation: Drug Education with Adolescent Marijuana Abusers (1982). Supervisory Chair: Steven Schinke.
William Howard Snow
Professor and Chair, Department of Counseling, Palo Alto University, CA
Dissertation: Preparing for Junior High School: An Evaluation of Skills Training (1982). Supervisory Chair: Steven Schinke.
David J. Soma
Retired, Pierce County Social Services, Aging and Long Term Care, Tacoma, WA.
Dissertation: An Analysis of Child Maltreatment in the U.S. Army 1983-1985 (1987). Supervisory Chair: William Berleman.
Chiho Song
Data Scientist, Partners for Our Children, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Period Changes in Intergenerational Income Mobility between Welfare State Contexts in South Korea and the United States. (2019). Supervisory Chair: Gunnar Almgren.
Cindy Sousa
Associate Professor, Bryn Mawr College, Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research, Bryn Mawr, PA.
Dissertation: Political violence, trauma, and resilience (2012). Supervisory Chair: Todd Herrenkohl.
Michael Sadaharu Spencer
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Presidential Term Professor; Director, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander & Oceanic Affairs, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Behavior Problems in Children of Adolescent Mothers: Exploring the Roll of Attachment as a Protective Factor (1996). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Susan Jean Steiner
Professor, California State University, Chico, Chico, CA.
Dissertation: AFDC Recipients and Family Caregiving Responsibilities (1993). Supervisory Chair: Naomi Gottlieb.
Gail Ann Stevens
Dissertation: MSW Practice Interests: A Study of Three Cohorts (1992). Supervisory Chair: Cheryl Richey.
Kay Stevenson
Dissertation: Parental Utilization and Perceptions of Helpful Social Networks following a Sudden Infant Death (1992). Supervisory Chair: Cheryl Richey.
Barbara Janoah Stillwater
Dissertation: Discipline Strategies of Mothers at Risk for Child Abuse (1991). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.
Heather Storer
Associate Professor at the Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.
Dissertation: It’s Not You; It’s Me:” The Representation of Teen Dating Violence in Young Adult Literature and its Implications for Prevention (2015). Supervisory Chair: Taryn Lindhorst.
Hazal Ercin Swearinger
Assistant Professor, Cankiri Karatekin University, Social Work, Cankiri, Turkey.
Dissertation: The Availability and Generosity of Medicaid Home & Community Based Services for Economically Vulnerable Older Adults: State Differences and Their Relationship to End of Life Outcomes (2021). Supervisory Chair: Taryn Lindhorst.
Karen Tabb Dina
Associate Professor, University of Illinois School of Social Work, Urbana-Champaign, IL
Dissertation: A Life Course Perspective on the Social Determinants of Multiracial Health (2012). Supervisory Chair: David Takeuchi.
Kathleen Doris Tangenberg
Dean of the School of Psychology, Family, and Community; Professor of Social Welfare, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Marginalized Epistemologies: Bodily and Spiritual Knowing Among HIV-Positive Mothers (1998). Supervisory Chair: Susan Kemp.
Aster Solomon Tecle
Assistant Professor, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
Dissertation: Where is “home?” Interpreting Horn of Africa youth discourse and the politics of “displaced youth” (2012). Supervisory Chair: Susan Kemp.
Ciwang Teyra (Mei-Yi Lee)
Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University Department of Social Work. Dissertation: Culture and History Matter: Historical Trauma and Cultural Protective Factors on Alcohol Use Among Truku Tribal People. (2017). Supervisory Chair: Tessa Evans-Campbell.
Elizabeth M. Tracy
Grace Longwell Coyle Professor Emerita, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
Dissertation: Social Support Resources of At-Risk Families: Implementation of Social Support Assessments in an Intensive Family Preservation Program (1988). Supervisory Chair: James Whittaker.
Alma M. O. Trinidad
Associate Professor, Portland State University, Portland, OR.
Dissertation: Examining the Process of Critical Youth Participation in Promoting Health and Wellness: A Case Study of a Rural Community Program for Asian Pacific Islander Young Adults (2010). Supervisory Chair: David Takeuchi.
Dari Richardson Tritt
Dissertation: Air Force Interventions for Wife Abuse: Exploring the Use of Client Classifications (1992). Supervisory Chair: Cheryl Richey.
Jessica Ullrich
Assistant Professor, University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, AK.
Dissertation: Indigenous Connectedness as a Framework for Relational Healing within Alaska Native Child Welfare (2020). Supervisory Chair: Maureen Marcenko.
Raymond Paul Unks
Dissertation: Relative Influences of Social, Physical and Psychological Factors on Morale and Life Satisfaction of Elderly Wives of Stroke Patients: A Descriptive Study (1983). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Miriam Valdovinos
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver, Denver, CO.
Dissertation: Cultivating Care: Understanding Intimate Partner Violence Experiences of Undocumented Latinas (2016). Supervisory Chair: Tessa Evans-Campbell.
Meredith Van Ry
Retired, Seattle King County Public Health, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Homeless Families with Children in the 1980s: A Study of Causes, Effects and Recommendations (1990). Supervisory Chair: Katherine Briar.
Maryanne Vandervel
Dissertation: Participative and Influence Based Decision Making, Performance, and Effectiveness: An Analysis in Human Service Organizations (1979). Supervisory Chair: Rino Patti.
William Vesneski
Associate Teaching Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Courts, child welfare, and criteria for terminating parental rights (2012). Supervisory Chair: Susan Kemp.
Michele Jeanne Vinet Hake
Private Practice, Austin, TX.
Dissertation: The Work and Family Contexts of Employed Single Mothers: An Exploratory Model (1988). Supervisory Chair: Katherine Briar.
Elizabeth H. Von Cleve
Dissertation: The Effects of Teacher and Parent Training on Early Risk Factors for Delinquency (1987). Supervisory Chair: David Hawkins.
Stephanie Wahab
Professor, Portland State University, Portland, OR.
Dissertation: Let's Talk About Sex Work: Feminisms, Social Work and the Sex Industry (1997). Supervisory Chair: Sue Sohng.
Eric Waithaka
Assistant Professor, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.
Dissertation: An Examination of Family Capital Resources (2014). Supervisory Chair: Gunnar Almgren.
Thomas O. Walton
Research Scientist/Project Director, IPRG, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Statutory inclusion: An evaluation of mental health among lesbian, gay, and bisexual military personnel following the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (2021). Supervisory Chair: Denise Walker.
Jo-Ellen Watson
Coordinator, King County Mental Health, Chemical Abuse, and Dependency Services, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: The Church Community’s Impact on Help Seeking of Battered Christian Women (2002). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.
Ellen E. Whipple
Associate Professor Emerita, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Dissertation: The Role of Parental Stress in Physically Abusive Families (1989). Supervisory Chair: Cheryl Richey.
Claire Willey-Sthapit
Assistant Professor, University of Kansas School of Social Welfare, Lawrence, KS.
Dissertation: Between International Policy and Local Practice: Negotiating Meaning and Strategies to Address Domestic Violence in Nepal (2021). Supervisory Chair: Taryn Lindhorst.
James Herbert Williams
Arizona Centennial Professor of Social Welfare Services, School of Social Work, Arizona State University School of Social Work, Phoenix, AZ.
Dissertation: Understanding Substance Use, Delinquency Involvement, and Juvenile Justice System Involvement Among African American and European American Adolescents (1994). Supervisory Chair: David Hawkins.
Mark Williams
Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences, Fitchburg State University, Fitchburg, VA.
Dissertation: Same-Sex Partnerships and the Health of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Older Adults (2012). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.
Rachel Miller Wrenn
Assistant Teaching Professor, Assistant Dean for Field Education, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Level of Social Support and Participation in Health-Promoting Behaviors During Pregnancy (1987). Supervisory Chair: William Berleman.
Yuzuru Yokoyama
Professor, Hokusei Gakuen University, Hokkaido, Japan.
Dissertation: Social Adjustment Issues among Japanese Wives of Businessmen and Visiting Scholars in the Seattle Area (1989). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.
Diane Sue Young
Professor Emerita, School of Social Work & Criminal Justice, University of Washington, Tacoma, WA.
Dissertation: Health Care Seeking and Service Use Among Incarcerated Women (1997). Supervisory Chair: Jean Kruzich.
Spencer J. Zeiger
Professor and Associate Dean, Emeritus, Dalton State College School of Health Professions, Dalton, GA.
Dissertation: Factors Influencing Paternal Involvement at Home (1989). Supervisory Chair: Richard Weatherley
Yuanjin Zhou
Assistant Professor, University of Texas Austin, School of Social Work, Austin, TX.
Dissertation: Developing and validating a behavioral framework for dementia care partners’ fall risk management (2021). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.