Enter a name in the search box to locate School of Social Work faculty and staff members, or select the first letter of their last name to search alphabetically. Please refer to UW Directories for a complete listing of University faculty, staff and students.

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First Name Last Name Job Title Email Phone Location Office
Rachel Barrett Clinical Instructor rbarrett@uw.edu SSW
Veronica Barros Research Study Assistant, SDRG vbarros@uw.edu SDRG
Andrea Barry-Smith Lecturer, Office of Field Education abarrys1@uw.edu 206-543-8618 SSW 110
Vaughnetta J. Barton Assistant Director, Washington State Behavioral Health Workforce Development Initiative vjbarton@uw.edu 206-543-6053 SSW 225
Mike Bartz Computer Maintenance Technician 4, SSWTech mbartz@uw.edu 206-616-2177 SSW B052J
Brett Bass Program Coordinator -Safer Homes, Suicide Aware bassb@uw.edu 206-221-7611 SSW RC Research Commons
Larisa Baturevych CWTAP Program Manager larisab@uw.edu 206-616-7508 SSW 111B
Dalene Anne Beaulieu Director of Training and Family Programs, SDRG daleneb@uw.edu SDRG
Melissa Becker Research Consultant, Partners for Our Children mfbecker@uw.edu P4C
Mark Bello Program Operations Specialist, Office of Field Education markb92@uw.edu 206-221-6171 SSW 110
Thea Benally Program Coordinator theaben@uw.edu 206-616-1411 SSW RC Research Commons 254B
Anna Bender Lecturer
Shoshana Benjamin PhD Student shoshb@uw.edu SSW B018A
Don Berg Human Resources Manager bergd@uw.edu 206-221-2419 SSW 210D
Clara Berridge Associate Professor, Katherine Hall Chambers Scholar clarawb@uw.edu 206-685-2180 SSW 211H
Michelle Birdsall Director of Human Resources (Interim) birdsall@uw.edu 206-221-6032 SSW 210D
Lorrie Blake Budget/Fiscal Analyst Lead, SDRG lb27@uw.edu SDRG
Robin Blomster Senior Communications Manager, Alliance rmblom@uw.edu 206-419-5864 SSW RC 254A / Alliance
Marie Bolstad Administrator, CSSAT marier2@uw.edu Off-Campus
Holly Bond Regional Supervisor, Alliance hollyb7@uw.edu 206-484-6854 Off-Campus
Jax Braun Research Coordinator, SDRG jacqub2@uw.edu SDRG
Nesley Bravo Lecturer
Kathy Brennan Program Manager/ P4C kdb14@uw.edu 206-221-3130
Leslie Briner Lecturer leslieb2@uw.edu 206-685-7682 SSW 127H
John Briney Research Consultant, SDRG jsbriney@uw.edu 206-543-6708 SDRG